Explanation Page

To all readers, if you were confused with the symbolism, I hope that this page helps you out.


The strange darkness; When Seimei "died", he left Ritsuka in the "dark", right? And earlier, Soubi's parents were killed in a car accident, so he was pretty much all alone. I thought the metaphor suited them both well.

Ritsuka; Throughout the whole story, Soubi kinda refers to him as his "hope". Ritsuka symbolized the small hidden fragment of hope Soubi had to get him out of his situation. The thing about not letting him go, he was scared that he'll lose "hope", savvy?

The weird cage: Young soubi was stuck in the cage of solitude until he found a friend; hope. Or Ritsuka otherwise.

The jagged path: Soubi's rough childhood with Ritsu.

The letting go; Soubi lost his virginity, and lost his hope. But after a while, he decided to try and hang on.

The field: This symbolizes Soubi meeting Seimei. He's not sure whether he's out yet so the atmosphere is neutral.

The Freaking out: Soubi was all good when Seimei was happily slicing into his neck, yeah? Well, the freaking out was when he thought Ritsuka was Seimei and it was all of his suppresed emotion when that happened.

Concrete cell: Soubi's time with Seimei. Cold and lonely.

Crack: The crack represented very faint hope.

Shadow: Ritsu. Duh.

Light at end of path: Seimei

Ritsuka leaving: Soubi abandoning most of his hope.

Maniacal laughter: Seimei.


That good enough?