Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.

Zip It

"Hey Tim, how bout a pair of hands here?" Tami said, walking down the hall toward the bathroom. She was getting ready for the Panthers' state victory banquet. Eric had gone early to check on preparations at Garrity Motors, dropping Julie at Tyra's on the way. Shelly had Gracie in the yard, catching the last rays of sun.

Tim was working on his tie's knot in the bathroom mirror. "Sure Mrs. T, what do you need?" he asked, as she came in and faced the bathroom mirror, squeezing between Tim and the sink. "Zip me up, sweetie. And then I need you to help me with this choker." Her scarlet cocktail dress gapped at her back as she held her hair up.

Tim caught his breath, measuring the situation. Riggins had always admired Tami's honeyed beauty from afar, but no Dillon boy in his right mind would ever admit that shared thought past whispers among friends (smokin' hot) away from the locker room, lest the coach catch wind. Which would mean sure death after prolonged torture. But she was completely at ease.

"Sure. Uh… let's see," he muttered as his eyes slid down her back, glimpsing her beige lace bra and panties before focusing on the long zipper. His blunt fingers fumbled to grab the tiny zipper tab while tugging on the surrounding silk to brace it. As he pulled it closed, the dress snugged firmly around her curves, his fingers by necessity tracing the line of her spine.

Focus, Riggs. He moved some loose strands of her copper hair so they wouldn't catch in the zipper. Brushing the nape of her neck, he noticed her skin goosebump slightly. "A'right, all zipped up," he murmured in his baritone. "Next?"

"This clasp – I can never do it myself." She handed him a pearl choker that was just long enough to circle her neck.

The clasp was stiff and it took some dexterity to open. He looped the strand over her head, and had to move closer to her so he could work the clasp's halves precisely into place.

"Whoops…" He missed and the choker swung down into the front of her dress, hanging from his left hand. Good one, spaz. "Sorry. Try again," he said, briskly extricating it with a tug. So he could see, he moved closer yet to the intricate task, close enough so his breath feathered her neck. While he hoped the second try worked, part of him was savoring their proximity.

Tami was watching closely in the mirror, her eyes flicking between assessing her outfit and Tim. She had seen his effect on the women in her family and at school, how they gaped at him and fawned over him, but she'd never quite understood why, or maybe her sense of propriety as an authority figure never let her.

Now she began to see. Rather than Eric's ramrod posture, hands on hips, Tim's well-muscled back made him curve around her, almost as if to shelter her or sense her better. His quiet, dusky voice drew her closer to listen, rather than barking out orders or platitudes. He was incredibly masculine while being gentle.

The distraction of Tami's neck and shoulders was making his task even harder. She's just the right size. He would focus on the clasp only to have his gaze drop down to the skin of her back, forcing him to start over again. And she smelled clean and subtly sweet, to make matters worse.

He finally fastened the clasp, but not before stifling the serious urge to brush his mouth across her neck. He cleared his throat and cast a glance in the mirror to admire his work. Tami arranged the choker so it sat above her collarbones, twisting slightly to both sides to check. Their gazes met briefly, both sizing up what a striking pair they made, the mirror framing Tim framing Tami.

Riggins felt a blush creep over his face. "Hey, would you mind helping me out with my tie? I think I forgot how," he said to break the moment. Control yourself, dude.

Tami turned in her spot to face him. Tim backed up a little to give her space, but the bathroom was small. "Sure. Um, let's see… Need to start over again."

She undid the striped silk length, smoothing out the ends on his chest as she checked his eyes. Were they always such a deep hazel? And so thoughtful? Tim had reflexively placed his right hand on her hip, to steady the space between. Tami either humored him or didn't notice as she began to make a windsor knot, like she'd done for Eric dozens of times. She slipped the knot into place, tightening it under his adam's apple.

"Thanks. I look okay?" he purred, and she could feel his vocal chords vibrating through his shirt.

She had to be honest. He was devastating, all cleaned up, hair combed, dressed like a prep student. And in his week spent at the Taylor house, he had been on his best behavior, helping out when he could and adding a little levity.

"You look gorgeous, Tim," and as he smiled sheepishly she instinctively took his other hand and looped it around her back, drawing him into her. He froze for a second. This feels so good, but it can't be right…

They hugged for several long, nervous breaths before Shelly's voice pierced the silence. "Tam? Do you have a bottle ready for Gracie?" She stuck her head in the door just as Tim pushed Tami away. "What are you two doing," Shelly asked suspiciously. "I was just fixing Tim's tie. It was a mess." Shelly looked dismayed. Tami was way closer to Tim than she'd ever managed to get, despite her best efforts.

Tim drew a deep breath and squeezed by both of them. "'Scuse me. I'll go start the truck, Mrs. T. Don't want to be late or coach'll have our heads," he said with a laugh as he threw her a wink. He was pretty sure she winked back.
