A/N – Every good thing has got to come to an end.

Screaming In The Darkness – Chapter 13

There's nothing I can say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain the tears they cry
Still you never said goodbye and now I know how far you'd go
I know I let you down but its not like that now
This time I'll never let you go

A week had gone by quickly and life had gone back to somewhat normal.

Jack and Lucille didn't hang around much anymore, having to return to work. Same happened with Gabriella's mom.

Except for one.

Gabriella spent days with her boyfriend, making sure everything was alright and he wasn't bored or anything.

But after a week it was time to leave the hospital and go home.

The rest of the Boltons were there as well. It was the fact that Troy hadn't left the building for a week now and someone had leaked the word to press. So now there was like hundreds of paparazzies outside.

But thankfully they were at the front doors. Troy was going to use the backdoor where doctors and nurses came to work.

I will be all that you want and get my self together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day and make every thing OK

Troy was walking down the hallway with his right hand around Gabriella. Lucille and Jack were coming after them, holding their bags.

They got near the front door, hoping for the best.

Troy took a deep breath as Gabriella pushed the door open.

They walked quickly to the car, afraid someone would recognize them.

They got it and Jack drove away.

The Boltons were talking by the front door when the paparazzies showed up.

Lucille and Jack left them and Troy and Gabriella got into her apartment and locked the door.

They went into the living room and went to sit on the couch, curling against each other.

After a while Gabriella looked up and found Troy staring at her.

''What?'' Gabriella asked.

''It's just...'' Troy started, trying to find the right words, ''for how long have we been dating?''

''A few years...'' Gabriella answered. ''Depends on who you're asking.''

''You,'' Troy said. ''But don't you think it's time to take another step forward?''

''A big step?'' Gabriella asked, wondering where this was going.

''A big step,'' Troy said. ''I'm already spending half my time in your house so why don't we just move in together?''

A smile rose on Gabriella's face.

''You know,'' Troy continued, ''ever since this whole thing happened I've been thinking that I want to live with you. I don't want to be alone in that big apartment. I wanna have someone to come home to.''

''And you will have,'' Gabrilla said, kissing him. ''You will have.''

After a while they departed and gazed into each others eyes.

''Now, how about we cook you something better than the crap you had at the hospital?'' Gabriella asked, getting up and heading for the kitchen.

''Sounds like heaven,'' Troy smiled, following his girlfriend.

I thought that I had every thing I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe 'cause you're here with me
And if I let you down I'll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go

You think your life is picture perfect by the look of it.

Everyday there's some war going on in some far away place but it doesn't really affect you.

Every day you see the flowers blossom in the park and you think they are beautiful.

Everyday you see the clouds in the clear blue sky and you think they are there for a reason.

Everyday you see your loved ones and you can't thank God enough for sending them to you.

Everyday there's some bad guy after innocent people.


A/N2 – That's it. Thanks to everyone who has read or reviewed. (: If someone has any ideas for fics and then I'm happy to welcome them. I just drained my lack of imagination with this one. Go check out my profile if you want to read this one as Zanessa.