Okay so this is my first Inuyasha fanfic. This first chapter is actually a chapter from another story that I am writing only the names are changed. I did this because of a short writer's block. After this chapter, however, the chapters will be completely different. Btw, my other stories are Twilight fanfics so if your interested feel free to read them. Thanks a lot, and I hope you like it!

Okay now the real story begins…

Ch. 2

Panting and out of breath, I awoke to the screeching siren of my alarm clock. My heart raced and breath puffed in short gasps. Sweat created a shimmering coat on my skin. The thoughts galloping through my head made my ears ring with the sound of a freight train. Hesitantly, I lifted a trembling hand to my heart, willing it to slow down. The dream – or was it a dream? – That repeated itself like a CD on repeat was making me frantic.

Flashback – Dream Sequence

Head turned side to side. Eyes searched for something…anything to explain the bizarre area that surrounded me. Sadly, no recollection of the scenery came to mind. From what my vision allowed me to see, I could make out a small pond to my right, a garden to my left, a huge yellow-green field to the back of me, and an enormous building in front of me.

Indecisive to whether I should proceed left me confused and near hysterics. "Please wake up. Please wake up," I begged my subconscious, knowing it would do no good. Taking deep breaths, I trudged up the cobble-stoned pathway to the front door of the building. As the path ended and gave away to reveal wooden steps, I paused, once again unsure, doubting myself.

Half of me, the rational half, told me that there was nothing to be afraid of. I was dreaming! These images were figments of my imagination. But then, why did everything seem so real?

The tall, wooden structure that towered in front of me seemed alive. Like one the inside, secrets were buried; hidden deep within. Answers that I would soon have the questions for.

To each side of the staircase was a statue. Two glaring dragons, inanimate, stood guard over this towering chamber of secrets. Although unmoving, the carvings instilled fear into the very core of my being; subconscious or not.

Unable to resist the itching temptation, I placed a timid foot onto the first step. Breath hitching, I froze, waiting for the explosion – the fire from the dragons – anything. Nothing came.

With another reassuring breath, I ascended slowly up the stairs. My lapse of courage vanished as the entrance became clear. The entrance had no door, but just a cut rectangle opening. Glancing inside from where I stood, I could only see darkness. From what I could make out, though, the room was fairly large.

An uneasy feeling nestled into the pit of my stomach. Should I enter? Should I run now? Thinking there was nothing to lose, I slithered through the entrance. Once inside the darkness, I became impaired. Darkness blinded my eyes and filled the rest of my senses with terror. My mind began to shift into high awareness. My ears tried to pick up the slightest of sounds. Nothing. Only the sound of my unsteady breathing echoed throughout the room.

Soon enough, my eyes began to adjust to the black abyss. The feet of my body stayed rooted to the ground, refusing to move by my command; paralyzed.

That is when I felt the moisture. I could not fathom where it was coming from. Soft, crystalline droplets plopped onto my hands only to slide from my fingertips to the floor. The incessant dripping accelerated my heart rate. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and in that moment, my body shifted.

With my face to the entrance and back to the room, my fear vanished. A soft gust of wind caressed my face like a lovers touch; a cool wisp of silk on my flushed skin. It calmed me down some what, and I was able to assess my situation.

Then I realized that the wind should not have chilled my face so much. Gently, frightened again, I lifted my right hand to my face. With the very tips of my fingers, I brushed my right cheek, feeling the blemished skin, soft and moist under my touch.

Blinking, I removed the appendages from my face to stare inquisitively at my hand. There, lying innocent, were tears. For a moment I stared in stupefied wonder. Then it hit me; I was the one crying, creating the moisture. My tears created the soft drip I kept hearing. This was not normal, I decided. How could I cry in my dream and it seem so real?

I turned back to face the room, scanning the room for answers. My feet carried me to what I assumed was the center of the room. Several times I twirled in circles, trying to decipher something recognizable.

All of a sudden, something seemed to click. The room became illuminated in light, temporarily blinding me. I whipped around so fast that I stumbled and fell to the floor. With my face kissing the floor, I grumbled incoherent things.

Hesitantly, afraid, I raised myself to my hands and knees. Blinking rapidly, I tried to restart my heart and eyes. I slowly lifted my head. It got about five inches from the floor, and I froze.

Two small, sandaled feet met my vision. The feet were covered by white socks. Raising my gaze revealed legs covered by loose pants, a faded lavender color. Stitches and patches lined the fabric.

Terrified, I continued to lift my body. When I finally came to a position to where I was sitting on my knees, I gasped as the figure of a woman became clear. She was a tall woman, statuesque, beautiful. Dark violet hair fell to her knees, framing her gorgeous face. The woman was wearing some kind of outfit. For some reason it looked strangely familiar. It was a priestess garb from the Japanese culture. Weird.

Her eyes were the most breathtaking of all. Bright amethyst orbs that held passion, love, knowledge, and…power? The rest of her face was just as beautiful. A small nose that complimented her small lips and high cheek bones.

She had an hour-glass figure that any woman would kill to have; full breasts, thin waist, wide hips, long legs, and long arms.

Last but not least, the woman had a sword attached to her waist. Confused, afraid, and frustrated, I flung myself backwards, creating distance between the stranger and I. Jumping to my feet, I eyed the woman carefully.

"Do not fear me child, for I mean you no harm," the lady spoke. Her voice – a crisp autumn leaf covered in milky dew- flowed from her lips.

Still hesitant, I kept my distance. "W-who are you? Why are you here" – my voice became angry – "Why am I here?!"

She lifted her hands, gesturing me to be silent; I quieted. "As I have said, fear not, for you are in no danger. My name is Nyata. I have come to you to speak of important matters. I must tell you before it is too late."

This woman, Nyata, made no sense. "What are you talking about? This is just a dream! You're not real! All of this – whatever this is – is just a dream!" I screamed.

Her face went under metamorphosis. "Higurashi Kagome, you will listen to what your trainer has to say to you!"

"Trainer? Wait! How do you know my name?" I was scared. This…woman was really, really strange.

Nyata's faced softened into a peaceful, understanding pose. "I know everything about you Kagome. You past, present, and future. If you will allow me to do so, I will explain everything."

Future? How the hell did she know my future? Skeptically, I nodded, agreeing to an explanation. Maybe now I'll get some answers.

"Good. Now Kagome, I must warn you. The information I am about to tell you may seem like a bunch of made up lies. However, everything I tell you is one hundred percent true, understand? Some things may be hard to grasp or believe, but you must trust me alright?"

"Alright." And for some reason I did trust her. Her eyes practically screamed honesty. Nyata snapped her fingers and magically, a couch appeared. I gaped at the piece of furniture. Shocked, I turned my wide eyes to Nyata. "H-how did you…I mean…the snap and…What!?"

She just laughed and ushered me to sit. Once we were both comfortably seated, Nyata jumped into her explanation. It began with a question: "How much do you know about the Gods and Goddesses Kagome?"

"Huh?" I blanked.

She shook her head. "Never mind. Let's just start from the beginning." I nodded. "Well first and foremost, Kagome, you should know that there are other mythical, evil, and holy beings that reside in this vast universe," a knowing smirk appeared on her lips, "Demon crushes aren't the only creatures that walk the Earth."

"But how do you know that?" I begged her. I was so confused. How did she know about demons?

She raised a hand in a defensive gesture. "All will be answered in time, my dear."

My eyes narrowed. "Well then can I ask one more question?" Nyata smiled and nodded. "What in the world are you wearing? You look like you just escaped an angry mob…no offense."

She laughed long and hard. For several seconds I waited in diminishing patience for her to answer. Noticing my frustrated posture, she calmed down immediately. Her emotional control was so awe-inspiring. Nyata was able to completely alter her emotions; something I had not been graced with. .

Returning to the situation at hand, I listened as she spoke. "My clothing should not concern you child. But, be that as it may, if my appearance disturbs you, I shall change. Would a change of attire soothe your nerves Kagome?"

Her words; the way she spoke. It was as if she had stepped out of an old movie. She was so…formal. I didn't know how to respond. I felt that if I opened my mouth and used my voice at that moment, I would sound like a complete idiot.

My hesitance was obvious. Another inherited trait from two very expressive parents. What I was feeling always portrayed itself on my face no matter how hard I tried to hide it. The main reason why I was a bad liar. I still couldn't believe how superficial I was being.

"Kagome? Kagome, dear, are you alright?" Kagome's voice penetrated my thoughts.

My eyes fluttered as I returned from my daze. "Huh? Oh, yes I'm fine. Sorry."

The woman's intent gaze unnerved me a bit, but then she smiled and stood up. Her amethyst irises closed slowly, and the rise of her chest signified a deep breath.

I watched in silent mesmerization as a soft lavender hue of light emanated from every spot on her body. It started at her sandal-clad feet and slowly ascended. As the bizarre scene continued to unfold, my eyes began to open wider and wider. My mind was thoughtless; the only thing holding my attention was the slowly changing woman in front of me.

Finally, the light completely engulfed her body so she was just a lavender colored orb. I could no longer make out her figure. The anticipation of what was going to happen had my right leg bouncing rapidly up and down.

The total length of time this event took place was about two minutes, but it seemed so much longer. Sooner than I expected, the light began to fade. I gasped audibly as for the first time I understood what happened.

What once used to be a beautiful woman dressed in rags was a woman clothed in the finest of silks. Very intricate in all the pieces of fabric that billowed behind her in a breeze that seemed to only surround her. The dress was long, flowing, and dark indigo. The sleeves were long but had slits running from her two lady-like wrists all the way to her elbows. There was one slit going up her right leg giving was to reveal a well toned appendage covered in soft, creamy skin.

The knowledge that Nyata was not human was beginning to seem like the only rational explanation for the odd powers she seemed to posses. Unable to form coherent thoughts, I muttered audibly, "Damn woman has to show off."

Apparently, I was louder than I thought because Nyata began to giggles again. "I assure you, Kagome, that this 'damn woman' as you so stated, is not flaunting her abilities in the slightest. Where I reside, this act is common place. This is but simple magic."

I blushed at my own rudeness. "I'm sorry Nyata. You only shocked me is all, but what are you exactly? I can tell by your physical appearance and bizarre abilities to perform magic, if that's what it is, that you can't be human," I asked her, intent on receiving my answers now.

"You are correct in you assumptions, my dear, for what you speak is true. I am not of human nature. My kind originates from a place I will not attempt to explain to you for it is far too much information at this time. But, rest assured, you will have received knowledge of all worlds when our time together ends, and we must bid adieu. But, enough of that nonsense for now! Back to the point!" Nyata paused to allow me time to prepare myself for whatever catastrophic news I was about to be told.

Nyata was now seated back on the couch beside me. My body was angled towards her so I could look her in the eye. My tension from when I first arrived in the place vanished now. But, as Nyata began to reveal her true nature, the tension returned.

Gently, she grasped on of my hands in her own. I was so used to the frigid roughness of Inuyasha's yanks and grabs that I had forgotten what real gentleness should feel like, besides the touches of Sango, Miroku, and Shippo of course. Even if this woman wasn't human, she sure did feel like one.

I waited as the beauty before me gave me a fevered look that clearly said: You're going to think I'm insane, but it's all true!

"Kagome, my dear, I am a servant of God. My job is to watch over the servants who are training for the same position as I am currently in. Our kind has served God for many millennia now. I also serve as a maid for my Lord's castle. I have been trained in the arts of combat, magic, and knowledge. My Lady has raised me since I was but an infant, and so I am indebted to her. I return my love by giving my advice when needed, working hard to please my Lord and Lady, and doing what is required of me. I know my debt shall never be repaid. I owe milady my life and would gladly give it to protect her and those close to her heart. If ever given the opportunity to leave, I would decline. I am happy serving the rulers of this Universe. The realm of Heaven is the only place I could truly find happiness. My dear Kagome, do you understand?"

I was stunned, unable to speak. I slowly repeated every word she had just spoken in my head. Towards the end of her revelation, she had revealed another big secret. My eyes shot open in realization.

Nyata, who was awaiting this reaction, smiled knowingly. "I see, little one, that the realization has hit you…metaphorically speaking."

I nodded hesitantly. "Let me try and see if I have this right. So, you're a servant of God as you put it, a trainer, and indebted to you Lady. And, apparently, there is such thing as Heaven considering you said that you live there. Am I correct?" I finished.

"Hai (Yes), my dear, you are correct. But, child, I have a question: Why is it that you find that Heaven is not real? Clearly you are not Atheist."

The uncomfortable feeling was back. "It's not so much as I don't believe there is a Heaven. As a matter of fact, if there wasn't a Heaven, then I wouldn't have been blessed with my friends in the Feudal Era. I guess I'm just being cautious or reading too much into things that I can't begin to comprehend myself."

"I understand, dear. You are confused and have yet to been told my purpose of being in you presence. I believe it is time I tell you of the reason I am here," Nyata sympathized.

I froze. "Y…you mean there's more?"

She nodded. "Remember when I first arrived I told you I had important matters to discuss with you?"

"Yes I remember."

"Good. For the next few minutes I shall reveal something to you, my dear, that you will not believe at first, but will learn to accept it," she informed me. "Are you prepared Higurashi Kagome?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, but I have one more question."

"Ask it," she all but demanded. I could tell she had become serious for there was a changer in her posture and speech.

"Will this news affect my friends and me?"

"Yes, but in a good way. You have absolutely nothing to fear as of yet."

I was, for now, reassured. Nyata looked directly into my eyes and asked, "Do you want the biggest news first?"

I nodded. Might as well get it over with. A nervous look flashed in her amethyst eyes, and I knew she was preparing for my reaction.

"You're not human either Kagome," she said, slowly.

Well there you have it. It has been revealed; Kagome isn't human.

PLEASE READ: I hope that my using the terms God and Heaven, and Hell do not offend anyone with a different religion than my own. I promise to all my readers that none of my writing is biased to any religion. Feel free to substitute your own religion into the story if it doesn't fit. This story is mostly like mythology though, so hopefully there will be no concerns.