Hey guys!
I told you the next chapter would be out very very soon! hehehe
Sadly though, this is the final chapter! I hope you like it though, I worked hard on it!
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After wheeling himself across the corridor and descending down in the elevator, Sasuke crossed the foyer to come infront of the front door where there were two doctors from Konoha Hospital.
Sasuke became anxious at this. What were they going to say? That there was no hope for him? That Sakura could no longer take care of him?
Sakura stood smiling the widest, happiest smile Sasuke had ever seen beside the doctors. "Good news, Sasuke!" She exclaimed, not being able to contain her excitement.
Sasuke looked confused, and then looked up at the two doctors. "What is it?" He asked curiously.
"We can heal you!" One of them said. "We have an antidote that will heal your lower verterbrae so you'll be able to walk again!!"
Sasuke's jaw dropped. "S-Seriously?"
"Hai. We have it here with us, so you can take it right now!"
Sakura was unable to contain her excitement.
"Oh, Sasuke, I'm so happy for you!!" She burst out, and bent down and gave him a huge hug, almost knocking the breath out of him. Sasuke looked taken back at first, but then chuckled slightly and wrapped his arms back around Sakura.
One of the doctors laughed. "Aww, you have a very affectionate girlfriend there!"
Sasuke turned the color of a tomato. "Oh, she's not..."
"Sa! Shall we continue?" He interrupted before Sasuke could say anything and proceeded towards the kitchen, a heavily blushing Sakura following behind him.
Trying to brush the quick, embarrassing moment off, Sasuke wheeled himself forward after everyone else into the kitchen, where one of thr doctors was preparing the syringe. It was much larger this time, a faintly blue liquid inside it. The doctor flicked the needle with his finger to check if it worked, and Sasuke winced at the size of it.
"Don't worry, it's all very quick." The doctor said to reassure him after seeing his reaction.
"Now, although this antidote has a very high chance of healing you, there is one teensy little catch."
"N-Nande?" Sasuke now looked worried.
"Well, it's an antidote that is fuelled by endorphins. Endorphins are the hormones in your body that make you happy."
"Sumari," The other doctor picked up, "It will not work unless you are atleast moderately happy. If you're not happy, then I'm afraid it will do nothing. It's almost as if it will only heal you if there is a good enough reason for you to be healed. Why heal and unhappy person, right?"
"You're telling me this now?" Sasuke said, looking annoyed.
"I'm sorry Sasuke, it was all we could do! It took months to prepare this! This is the closest we could get to healing you."
Sasuke sighed and stuck out his arm. "Alright just do it, before I change my mind..."
Swiping his arm with a little antiseptic solution before he did so, the doctor stuck in the syringe and injected the antidote. This time Sasuke cried out in pain as he did so, almost rearing back and stopping the injection. After a few more seconds, the needle was pulled out and Sasuke grabbed his arm and massaged it.
"Uugghhhh, ITAI! IT BURNS!" He yelled out, squinting his eyes up in pain.
"Oh yeah, we forgot to mention it's a highly acidic antidote and may burn a little..." One of the doctors said sheepishly, avoiding his eyes.
Sakura looked worried. She reached forward and gave his hand a squeeze, trying to comfort him, even if just a little. "Oh, Sasuke are you Ok?" She asked looking at him anxiously.
At that moment, Itachi scoffed, turned on his heel and left the room, having not said a word the entire time.
"What's his problem?" One of the doctors asked.
"Well, don't worry about that." The other piped up. "The important thing is, Sasuke, can you move your legs?"
Sasuke looked down at his lap and tried, hard. You could see the concentration in his face, but nothing happened.
After a few seconds, he stopped trying. "Uggh, Iie. I can't..."
"Well, you must not be very happy right now then. Perhaps a fight with your nii-san is messing it up?" He suggested eyeing the door were Itachi had left the room.
Sasuke sighed and put his hand up to his head.
This was all like a nightmare. A huge horrible nightmare that he couldn't escape. All he wanted was a simple straight answer. Would he be able to walk again, yes or no? Not maybe.
Meanwhile, Itachi stormed through the mansion and up the stairs. He didn't know where he was going yet. He just needed to get away.
He couldn't believe this. First this morning, when they were both staring at eachother like that, then Sakura hugs him, and then they're holding hands? What the hell?
How could Sakura be so affectionate towards a pathetic cripple in a wheelchair? Sakura was supposed to be his! Every girl he had tried to seduce had willingly gone along with him, not caring that they didnt know him, only caring that they were finally going to get some action with the most famous man in Konoha. Sakura was the only girl who had rejected him so far. And he wasn't having any of it.
He imagined the two of them, sitting together on the couch, kissing, Sakura in Sasuke's arms. His fists clenched at the thought of it. Well, that was never going to happen. He would under no circumstances EVER let that happen.
Mark my words, Sasuke... He thought, That little cherry blossom is mine, all mine...
Later on that day, after the doctors had gone, as it was just about to get dark, Sasuke switched off the television in his room that he had been watching. Sakura was a few feet away on the floor, organising her suitcase and tidying up her things. She looked up from the sudden silence.
"I'm going to go out for a while..." Sasuke said after a while.
Sakura gave him a sad look. She could understand that Sasuke needed is space after he had recieved no results from the antidote that day.
"I just need some fresh air is all..." He said, and proceeded to wheel himself out the room.
"Sasuke!" Sakura called out from where she was sitting on the floor, just as Sasuke was in the doorway. Sasuke turned around to look at her.
"Gomen nasai...about what happened today...hontoni..." She gave him a small smile.
Sasuke smiled back "Arigato..."
With that, Sasuke wheeled himself out, down the elevator and through the foyer.
Itachi was sitting reading a magazine on the couch. "And where are you going?" He asked, not looking up from the magazine.
"Out for a walk." Sasuke said bitterly.
"A walk?"
"Uggh, I'm just going out, okay?!" Sasuke said, glaring over at his brother.
Itachi snickered to himself as he heard the door slam and Sasuke left the mansion.
Then all of a sudden, a lightbulb clicked on in his head. This was his chance, while Sasuke was out. His chance to finally prove to Sasuke that Sakura belonged to HIM and noone else...
Back upstairs, Sakura was still organising her suitcase. In the bottom of her bag, she felt a hard object. Frowning, she picked it up from underneath the pile of clothes. It was a picture of her and her mother, taken when Sakura was around 3 years old. Sakura was sitting on her mother's lap, beaming up at her mother, wearing a cute yellow sundress. Her mother had her arms wrapped around Sakura and was smiling into the camera.
Without knowing it, a few tears splashed down onto the surface of the picture frame. Sakura touched the picture of her mother with a few fingers, her face screwing up into an expression of pure sorrow. Unable to control herself any longer, she dropped the picture and fell forward onto her futon, sobbing into her pillow. She still hadn't gotten over her mother's death, and it hurt her so badly to think of it. She knew her mother had told her not to cry but she couldn't help herself.
She continued crying into her pillow for a few minutes longer until she heard a small knock on the door. Sitting up almost immediately, she saw the door open, and Itachi standing in the doorway, looking at her sadly.
Sakura's hair was all messed up from the pillow, her eyes slightly puffy from crying. Her face was weat from her tears, and he nose was slightly red, giving her a very cute, tousled look.
"I-Itachi!" She said, startled by his sudden presence. "Gomen nasai...It's been an emotional couple of days..."
"Oh Sakura, Im so sorry about your Okaa-san..." Itachi said sympathetically, taking out a tissue from his pocket and handing it to her. "My Okaa-san is also dead..I understand completely how you feel." he said, kneeling down next to her.
Sakura blew her nose on the tissue, and picked up the picture again. "I know she was old, and sometimes annoying...But she was my best friend...I mean what are you supposed to do without your Okaa-san?" Another stream of tears flowed down her face.
Itachi looked at the picture. "This is a lovely picture..." He admired, trying his hardest to be the softest pussy ever.
"Arigato..." Sakura said, followed by a small hiccup.
Itachi smiled. This is it... he thought. Keep it up...
"Listen," He said slowly. "I hate to see you all sad like this...I was just going to go down and watch a movie with some popcorn and maybe a drink before I went to bed. Would you like to join me? It may cheer you up."
Sakura sniffed heavily and looked up at him carefully. He did look genuinely concerned. After his little antics in the hospital, Sakura had been fairly cautious of him. But it seemed that Itachi really had turned over a new leaf.
She smiled. "That would be nice.." She said, taking Itachi's hand as he helped her up from the floor, and the two walked down the stairs to the home theatre that they had.
Sitting down on the immense plush couch in the theatre room, Sakura gaped at her surroundings. The Uchiha brothers both had their own theatre, complete with a huge screen and two rows of plush velvet couches and even a chandelier dangling from the cieling.
"What would you like to drink, Sakura?" Itachi called from the kitchen.
"Oh! Umm, just maybe a coke or a soft drink, please!" Sakura called back.
Itachi smirked. On the counter, he poured the can of coke into a glass. Then, he reached into his pocket and took out a small canister filled with pills. The side of the canister read : "WARNING: MAY CAUSE SLEEPINESS, DIZZINESS, AND/OR DISORIENTATION."
Itachi unscrewed the cap, and took out two of the pills. Putting them in a stone bowl, he grinded them up into a powder with a pestle, making sure the powder was as fine as possible. He then poured the powdered pills into Sakura's drink and mixed it thoroughly with a chopstick. Picking up the popcorn and Sakura's drugged coke, he walked back into the darkened theatre.
"Here you go..." He said, handing her the coke.
"Arigato!" Sakura said, taking the glass in her hands and looking at the screen flashing into life as Itachi switched on the movie.
"So, which movie are we seeing?" she asked politely.
"Shutter" Itachi told her. "It's just come out, and it's supposed to be really good."
"Oh yeah, I know this movie! I've heard it's amazing." Sakura said. Itachi smiled almost evilly at her in the dark as he watched her take a sip of her drink.
This is it... Itachi thought in his mind, Sasuke will never be together with Sakura after this...Especially if he walks in on us...Heck, he'll never be with anyone in that wheelchair of his!
Sakura covered her eyes in the scary parts in the beginning, shrinking back further into the couch. "Oh my god, that's horrible..." She commented on the gory parts, almost as if shielding herself from the screen.
"It's okay," Itachi soothed. "Nothing can hurt you here..."
Except me...
Sakura suddenly frowned slightly and put one hand up to her head. "This is weird..." She said slowly "I'm starting to feel almost a little, dizzy..."
"Oh no, what a shame...Myabe it's where you got hit in the head earlier today..." Itachi said. "Have some more of your drink. The cool refreshing coke may wake you up a little bit!"
"Yeah, I guess so..." Sakura said, shaking her head a little and gulping down the rest of her coke, finishing it completely.
Not long now...Itachi thought to himself.
About three qaurters of the way into the movie, Sakura had her head resting in the palm of her hand. Her eyes almost shutting, then Sakura fighting the urge to fall asleep and snapping them back open again.
"I'm so sorry Itachi, I don't know what's come over me..." She said, attempting to sit up in her chair a little.
"That's absolutely fine, Sakura! You can sleep if you need to."
Five minutes later, Sakura unable to fight against the pill any longer was asleep, her breath growing heavier, her eyes now fully shut. Slowly, Itachi came over to her side of the couch, the movie still playing in the background, and poked her gently in the side. Sakura did not stir from her sleep.
Right - this is it...
Carefully, Itachi lifted her up slightly and laid her down gently on the couch. He climbed ontop of her, setting his knees either side of her waist, now hovering over her body. He took off his shirt, and threw it to a spot on the floor below him. Leaning down towards her he held one side of her face and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth.
It was then that Sakura woke up, even if just a little.
She opened her eyes as much as she could and saw the shirtless Itachi ontop of her, his face now hanging just half an inch above hers.
"I-Itaaachii..." She slurred, unable to speak properly. "W-What are...you doing...??"
Itachi put a finger against her lips. "Sssshh, ssh now, I'll take good care of you, I promise..."
Reaching down, Itachi brought Sakura's arms above her head, and pulled off Sasuke's shirt that she had still been wearing, tossing it to the side.
Sakura, now lying in just Sasuke's pants and her bra, knew she had to make this stop. Gathering up more strength, she pushed meekly at Itachi's hands. She was pushing as hard as she could, but right now she was as weak as a kitten and completely under the influence of the drug.
"Stop..." She said, her eyes half lidded, frowning up at Itachi. "Stop...it..."
Itachi ignored her and brought one hand up to caress her breast as he lowered his head to kiss his way down her chest and stomach.
Sakura pushed against the top of his head with both her hands gently, even though she was pushing as hard as she could. "Onegai...Stop.. Stop it..." She mumbled, now wriggling a little underneath him. Itachi simply ignored her, held both her hands down against the couch and continued, Sakura powerless to stop him.
Meanwhile, Sasuke turned the key in the lock and opened the door, wheeling himself in with a bit of difficulty. "I'm back!" He called out. He hadn't been anywhere special, only to go around the park and get some time to himself for a while.
Noone had replied. Frowning, he took the elevator up to his floor, and looked in his bedroom expecting to find Sakura in there. She wasn't.
He wheeled around the other rooms on the floor. "Sakura?! Itachi?!" He called out repeatedly. There was never an answer.
Oh no... he thought. He knew in the back of his mind what was happening, but he didn't want to believe it, not just yet. All he knew was that Sakura was in trouble. He had a sixth sense for those type of things. Suddenly he saw a maid carrying a couple of towels walking down the corridor. Hurriedly, he wheeled himself up to her.
"Please! Can you help me look for Sakura and Itachi? I think Sakura is in trouble. You know what Itachi is like, ne?"
The maid looked at him for a few seconds, thinking to herself and then nodded.
"If Itachi is doing something bad, I won't be able to stop him in the state that I'm in right now. Can you please help me look for them?"
"Of course, Sasuke-sama" The maid said. She was after all paid to do whatever he told her. The two hurried back towards the elevator and quickly pushed the button for the floor below.
Kuso...Sasuke thought, I should never have left the two of them alone..What was I thinking?!
Back in the theatre, tears had started coming to Sakura's eyes. "Please, Itachi...Please...I beg of you...!" She could barely move, but was using every ounce of strength in her body to retalliate as much as she could.
Sakura's pants had been stripped, and she was now lying in just her underwear, one of Itachi's hands down her panties. He ignored her again, pinning her arms down to stop her slight struggles, and came to nibble on her neck, almost a little too hard making Sakura whimper in pain, a small red patch growing on her neck.
Suddenly, the door burst open, Sasuke and the maid in the doorway. Sasuke gasped in horror at the sight that beheld his eyes. Sakura, lying in just her underwear crying, Itachi easily taking advantage of her ontop.
"Iie!" Itachi yelled back, "You see this Sasuke, she's all mine! She'll never fall for someone like you in a wheelchair!"
"S-Sasuke..." Sakura whimpered slightly, looking over at him from the couch, one of her hands reaching out to him feebly.
The maid ran forward in a rage. As his maid, she was never supposed to disobey him, but this had gone to far. She grabbed him by the shoulders and wrenched him off of Sakura, pushing him to the ground. Sasuke wheeled himself over to Sakura, blushing slightly at the fact she was only in her underwear.
Now free from Itachi, Sakura attempted to stand up, moving her legs off the side of the bed. "W-What's...Happeni..." she tried to utter out, but couldn't even finish her sentence. She attempted to stand up again, swaying on her feet, but failed, finally falling into Sasuke's lap. Sasuke stared down at her in horror. He scowled up at Itachi, his eyes narrowed.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" He yelled, "She can barely stand!!"
Sakura tried to get off of his lap, lifting her hand up towards Sasuke, disorientated from the drug. "S-Sasuke..." she mumbled, "Gomen..."
Itachi was standing up near the screen, being held back by the maid. He shrugged the maid off, and simply stood there, smirking at Sasuke.
Sasuke shook his head in disbelief. "Itachi...Why??"
"I'm sick of you and your big head." Itachi began. "You actually think that Sakura will fall for someone like you? No scrap that, someone in a wheelchair?"
Sasuke looked stricken. "What?! You're my nii-san! How can you be so cruel?! Is that all this is about?"
"Every girl I have come onto has willingly obliged! Sakura was the only girl who ever rejected me. I wasn't going to lose to her, heck, I wasn't going to let you get her before I did."
Sasuke continued staring, now confused. "What are you talking about?!"
"Lets face it, Sasuke. Ever since you've been admitted to the hospital, it's all been about who will do Sakura, which brother? Which of the two most famous brothers in Konoha?"
Sasuke's eyes narrowed again. He always knew his brother was shallow. He just never knew he would stoop this low...
He looked down at Sakura who was now passed out in his lap, still in only her underwear, but Sasuke was over that by now. He had more important things to worry about than being embarassed.
"You're disgusting, Itachi. Never in my life did I think you would stoop so low." Sasuke said, glaring the most intense glare he had probably ever given.
Sasuke hoisted Sakura onto his lap properly, her legs dangling over the side of the arm of the wheelchair, so that he could wheel himself out properly. Right now his biggest priority was Sakura.
"You stay away from, Sakura, AND me, Itachi. I don't even want you near me..." Sasuke said bitterly, and wheeled himself out of the room, Sakura still passed out in his lap.
The maid followed after Sasuke, stopping at the door way to scowl back at Itachi.
"Incase it wasn't obvious," She said, "I work only for Sasuke now." She then flounced off out of the theatre after Sasuke.
Itachi stared at the door after them. He looked at the floor and put his shirt back on. For the first time ever in his life, he felt just the slightest twinge of guilt of taking advantage of a young innocent girl. He had no idea why, especially as he had done it countless times before. Sakura was just, different. And now Sasuke hated him...
Screw this... He thought, and sat back down on the couch to finish off the movie, for once in his life wishing he hadn't done what he had.
Outside the theatre, Sasuke pushed the button for the floor his bedroom was on, his maid waiting patiently behind him. He looked down at the sleeping Sakura in his lap. He looked at her both worriedly, and lovingly, brushing some of the hair out of her eyes. He felt her forehead, which was a little warm, then tracing the back of his hand down the side of her cheek.
The maid watched on with a smile. "You really do care for her, don't you?" she said.
Sasuke simply nodded, still staring at Sakura. "I just hope she's alright..." He said "How could Itachi do something like that? I'm just glad we got there when we did before he, you know, went the whole way..." He shuddered, trying to get the thought out of his mind.
It was now dark and late at night. The three of them travelled up the elevator to the bedroom, where the maid took some more of Sasukes old clothes, and with some difficulty, dressed Sakura in them, just to give her some dignity. She laid Sakura down on her futon, and pulled the duvet up to cover her.
Sasuke was already in bed, still intently watching Sakura. Her pink hair was spread over the pillow like a fan, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took, and she was so very, very beautiful. Sasuke was still worried about her though.
"Don't worry about her, she'll be fine!" The maid reassured him, "Itachi obviously drugged her, so she's just out for the count from that. All she needs is a good nights sleep."
"Yeah, I guess you're right.." Sasuke said sleepily, settling back into his pillows.
"Sleep well, Sasuke-sama" The maid said softly before switching off the light and closing the door.
Although still worried about Sakura, Sasuke managed to sleep through the night. He still didn't know what would happen now, and he certainly didn't know if he could face his brother. All he knew was that he had to be carefull, and he was not going to let anything else happen to Sakura.
The next morning, sunlight poured through Sasuke's bedroom widow, slicing onto Sakura's pillow across her face, waking her up.
She slowly opened her eyes and sat up in bed, her eyes still sleep fogged. She looked over to the bed next to her, where she expected so see Sasuke, but for some reason he wasn't there.
With a pang, she remembered what happened last night. Although she could only faintly remember, she still knew that Itachi had managed to take advantage of her. What if he had gone all the way, and actually raped her?! She couldn't for the life of her remember. She gasped at the realization, putting her head in her hands. How could she have been se stupid?! She walked right into Itachi's trap. She couldn't believe she thought he had changed, even after what he had been doing in the hospital.
Where was Sasuke? She needed to talk to him. She could understand that he would be angry at what had happened. She had to talk to him right now.
Running downstairs in Sasuke's clothes, her hair still a mess from bed, she ran into the kitchen. The maid was preparing breakfast for them.
"Oh! Sakura-san!" She said "Ohio! Would you like some breakfast?"
Sakura looked down at her feet for a second. "Ano, do you know what happened last night?" she said, almost embarassed.
The maid turned around to look at her and sighed sadly. "I'm afriad Itachi drugged you and tried to, you know, rape you."
"Oh god..." Sakura moaned, frowning and putting a hand up to her forehead.
"But, he didn't manage to."
"After Sasuke came back, he sort of figured out what was happening. He came looking for you and stopped Itachi before he could go any further."
Sakura gasped. "H-He did?"
The maid nodded. "He seemed very worried about you. He also got up extra early today for some reason."
"I have to talk to him..." Sakura said quickly, "Please, do you know where he is?!"
"Umm, last I saw him he went out into the garden." The maid said, as Sakura tore out the back door and onto the patio. "Oh, but don't you want some breakfast?" She called out after her, although Sakura did not hear.
Sakura ran through the immense garden, filled with perfectly grown flowers of all kind and flawless lawns. "Sasuke!" She called out again and again, looking right and left, craning her neck over the garden to try and see him. Finally she found him, sitting in his wheelchair by the bench next to the pond.
Taking a deep breath, she walked over and sat down on the bench next to him.
"Hi..." She said quietly.
Looking over at Sasuke she realized he wasn't just sitting. In his lap there was a cat, which Sasuke was stroking, the cat purring heavily.
"Sasuke, I never knew you liked cats!" She exclaimed, looking at the purring cat in his lap.
Sasuke chuckled. "Well, It's not really my cat. It belongs to my neighbour. I love cats, it's just that Itachi would never let me get one."
There was a small silence between the two as they sat there. The cat saw a butterfly nearby and jumped off Sasuke's lap to chase it.
"Umm, Sasuke..." Sakura said , "What you did for me last night was...just..." Sakura now found herself lost for words. "I just want you to know I really really appreciate it. Nobody's ever been that caring for me before, so, Thankyou. I really appreciate it..."
Sasuke smiled. "Are you kidding? I would never let something like that happen to you..." He said. "And, I'm sorry about my brother...I, I just never knew he would go so far...I'm so sorry, I should never have left..."
"You?" Sakura interjected, sounding surprised. "I'm the one who should be apologizing! I was so careless! I'm so sorry, I understand completely if you're angry with me!"
"Sakura, I'm not angry..." Sasuke began.
"How could I be so stupid?" Sakura interrupted, "I mean, I walked right into your brother's trap...I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot..."
"Sakura..." Sasuke tried again.
"You have every right to be angry with me. I completely understand if you want a new nurse, or even if you never want to see me again and..."
Sakura was interrupted by Sasuke's lips on her own, one of his hands caressing the side of her face as it happened. Sakura was startled by the kiss, but slowly let herself melt into it, closing her eyes and returning the kiss. It felt so good to be finally kissing Sasuke after all this time, and his lips were so very soft and gentle. Sakura kissed him back just as desperately as he was kissing her, wrapping her arms around him.
After a few seconds they pulled apart with a light puckering noise as they did so. Sakura stared back at Sasuke wide-eyed, ecstatically happy, but still not quite believing what had just happened.
"Sakura, I'm not angry with you." He finally managed to say.
Sakura was lost for words. "S-Sasuke..." was all she could utter out.
"And you are an idiot, Sakura!" Sasuke said with a ligt laugh. "But I love the fact that you're an idiot! I love how you're always smiling wherever you go, and how you believed in me right from the beginning. And, I love how you wear matching bunny pyjamas, and how you inexplicably have pink hair! I love you, Sakura, I always have, ever since you took care of me in the hospital..."
Sakura simply kept staring back into his eyes, a small smile spreading over her face. She reached out with her right hand and stroked the side of his face.
"Oh, Sasuke, I love you too..." She said softly, then leaned forward pulling him into another kiss. Sakura brought her arms around his neck, pulling him in even deeper. Suddenly, she felt Sasuke's foot hit gently against her shin. She came out of the kiss briefly.
"Ow, Sasuke, don't kick me!" She said with a small laugh.
"Gomen..." Sasuke said. It was only then that both of them realized what had happened.
"S-Sasuke! Y-You can move your legs!!" Sakura burst out, standing up, her eyes wide.
Sasuke gasped, and placing his hands on the arm rests he lifted himself out of the wheelchair and onto his feet. He attempted to to take a step forward, but failed, tripping over his own feet and falling into Sakura who caught him in her arms.
"I-I can't believe it! The antidote, it worked! I guess you were all I really needed to make me happy after all!" Sasuke smiled up at Sakura. "And it's all thanks to you, Sakura. You saved me - After all this time I can finally walk again, thanks to you!" Sasuke's eyes were brimming with tears of happiness.
Sakura laughed. "Although it looks like you've forgotten how to walk and will need some practise first!"
Sasuke looked deep into Sakura's jade green eyes again. "I love you, so much..." He said.
Sakura's response was to pull him into another deep, passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Sasuke frowned slightly into the kiss, slowly flicking his tongue into her mouth and exploring her cavern. He rubbed up and down her back with one hand, the other stroking through her soft pink hair. Sakura's arms fell around Sasuke's waist, one of her hands coming to rest at his butt, earning a muffled laugh from Sasuke. The two continued kissing eachother, enjoying the moment, wishing it would last forever.
Finally out of his wheelchair, finally able to walk again, finally with Sakura, Sasuke was completely happy. This was the girl of his dreams, and here she was, this precious little cherry blossom in his arms, and she was kissing him.
From the bedroom window that looked on into the garden, Itachi watched the two wrapping themselves around eachother. He smiled down.
Finally...Was all he thought.
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Hehe, well that's it! That's the end of my fic! I hope you liked it!
And I just threw that thing with Itachi in at the end, because, well, I don't like to make him COMPLETELY bad, so I'd ike to think that he's atleast happy that Sasuke can walk again, or that Sasuke and Sakura are finally together, and that after what he did he's atleast changed his ways a little bit.
And yes, the movie shutter is amazing! A little scary, but if you like horror movies you'll love it. I don't like scary movies much, but i still loved it anyway because i just cover my eyes in all the scary parts. If you like anime aswell, (which I know you do because youre reading this haha) Then you'll like it even more because it's set in Tokyo!
Well, I do hope you liked this fanfic, and I want to thank every one of you who has been reading and reviewing! Thankyou so much!
Now, how about a review?! XD