I'm so sorry! It's taken me FOREVER to update this story! I'm starting tons of new ones and all that and it's taken me forever. I'm trying so please be patient. Also sorry the fight scene in this chapter stinks. I'm not good with fight scenes.
Oh and here's a surprise. It's the final chapter! Yeah, I know this story was only six chapters long. But hey, it can't last forever and I have NO IDEA what Bumblebee should do anymore after this so…just read it don't worry you might possibly like the ending.
Disclaimer- I don't own any characters in this story. I wish I did though.
Black Bee
Chapter 6
'This might be the only way I'm going to get his attention and keep him here till the others arrive.' Prowl said to himself. He came out of his hiding place and turned to face Bumblebee who had his back to the ninja bot 'Here goes nothing. Sorry Bumblebee.' Prowl took in a deep breath then yelled "Hey short stuff!"
The ninja bot smiled slightly as the young Decepticon stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned to look at the Autobot "W-what did you call me?"
"I called you short stuff. Come on tiny fight me!" this was completely out of Prowl's nature and he couldn't believe he was saying these things. But right now he needed to keep Bumblebee here.
Black Bee glared at the ninja bot. His goal right now was to destroy Optimus Prime. He couldn't let his anger get the better of him. He turned away from Prowl and continued walking.
Prowl frowned then got out one of his ninja stars and threw it passed Black Bee. The ninja star hit the ground in front of the young Decepticon which made him stop. "Are you to afraid to fight tiny?"
Black Bee's anger rose. He hated being called 'tiny' or 'short' or anything that had to do with being small. The black and yellow mech turned and faced the ninja bot. Prowl almost froze in place after seeing the Decepticons glare. Was this really Bumblebee?
"Don't you EVER call me tiny!" Black Bee roared and charged at Prowl. His anger had yet again gotten the better of him.
The young ninja bot jumped out of the way and quickly threw two ninja stars at the young mech. This couldn't be Bumblebee. Could it? Prowl had to remember, Megatron re-programmed the poor bot. Bumblebee could be a killing machine if that's what Megatron wanted!
Black Bee quickly tried to dodge the ninja stars. He dodged one but the other hit him in the shoulder. The Decepticon winced and looked at the weapon now lodged in his shoulder. He grabbed a hold on the ninja's weapon and ripped it out.
Prowl's optics widened. The Decepticon had made it look so easy! The ninja star had looked like it had been in Bumblebee's shoulder pretty deep but the mech had ripped it out of himself easily. Though that wasn't what shocked the young ninja. What shocked him was the look on Bumblebee's face when he pulled the ninja star out. He was grinning.
It was an evil grin. Like he had enjoyed pulling the star out of himself. Oh Primus who in the world was this?
"Oh foolish Prowl, you actually think you can beat me? The mighty Decepticon Black Bee. FOOL! No one can beat me! I am all powerful and you-" before the ninja bot could react the young Decepticon threw the ninja's own ninja star back at him and it managed to hit Prowl right in the chassis "…you just have no power at all you weak spineless fool."
Prowl dropped to his knees as the ninja star hit his chassic. He glared up at Black Bee. This was Bumblebee…but it was an evil Bumblebee.
"Bumblebee…ngh…please stop!" Prowl pleaded.
Black Bee raised an optic ridge "Wow, never thought I'd see you beg ninja bot." he said then grinned yet again "But don't worry I'm not going to kill you. Your time will come later. My main target right now…is Prime."
"Prime?" Prowl's optics widened. Black Bee turned away from the ninja bot and started walking again. He didn't get far when he felt something latch onto his leg. He looked down and glared at the ninja bot.
"Let go. Don't make me have to hurt you again." Black Bee said patiently. He waited a minute or two. Prowl continued to hold onto the Decepticons leg. Black Be just sighed and used his other leg to kick Prowl off.
Prowl winced and lost his grip on the young Decepticons leg. "Just stay out of my way Prowl. You'll get your punishment later." The Decepticon said before walking.
Black Bee soon sensed something coming his way. 'The Autobots…' he grinned slightly. They were coming for him. Prowl was a distraction. Just to keep him here. But they didn't know that they were leading themselves into Prime's destruction.
He stood there waiting as the Autobots came into view. Once they were close enough they transformed out of vehicle mode and into robot mode. Black Bee saw Optimus holding the young human girl. 'Grrr…he has no right to touch her or even be in her presence.'
Optimus's optics widened as he looked behind Bumblebee and saw Prowl lying on the docks motionless. Black Bee caught Prime's gaze and smirked. "Don't worry. He's not offline he's just…in stasis lock."
"Bumblebee you didn't-" Prime had no time to finish as he had to dodge the electricity blast that was sent his way.
"For the hundredth time! My names not Bumblebee anymore!" Black Bee said angrily and aimed his stinger at Prime again "Now, put down Sari and I'll make your death quick and painless." He said with a slight grin.
The Autobot leader glared at the small Decepticon. This couldn't really be Bumblebee could it? "Bumblebee please! Calm down! We can help you beat Megatron's control over you!"
Black Bee glared at Prime "Guess I'm just going to have to beat it into your head that I'm doing this all on my own! Megatron's not controlling me anymore! I'm doing this cause I want to!"
"T-that's not true! Megatron is just making you say that! He-" "SHUT UP!" Black Bee yelled "I am not under Megatron's control anymore! I'm being serious! I want to do this! Are you getting it you stupid pathetic piece of scrap metal!"
Optimus just blinked in surprise. This didn't sound like Bumblebee at all! Did…did they really lose the youngest member of their team to…to the Decepticons?
"Prime?" Sari said looking up at the large red and blue Autobot "Prime?" Optimus looked at the human girl and shook his head "No, I refuse to believe that your doing this on your own free will Bumblebee. Some one's controlling you and I'm not going to rest till I know who is."
Black Bee just sighed "Whatever." He fired a blast of electricity at the Autobots, making sure that the blast didn't hit Sari.
They all dodged as fast as they could. Optimus tightly held onto Sari. "Prime! This isn't really Bumblebee is it?" the human girl asked, tears coming to her eyes.
Optimus frowned "I'm…I'm not really sure anymore. But we need to keep you safe. Just stay here." He said as he placed her behind some wooden boxes that were about to be shipped, before this crazy fight had started.
Sari was about to protest but Prime had already joined the fight again. She peeked over the boxes and watched the whole thing.
Black Bee was firing electricity blasts at the Autobots yet again. They kept dodging but they knew they couldn't keep this up forever.
"What are we going to do boss bot? We can't hurt him…can we?" Bulkhead asked looking down at his leader.
Optimus said nothing. He then looked at Ratchet who nodded. The young leader sighed "I hate to say it but we have to attack him with all we've got. Or at least enough to put him into stasis lock. Even if it means hurting him." Prime said as he got out his axe.
Bulkhead looked doubtful but sighed then took out his giant mace while Ratchet took out his retractable magnets. "You'll thank us for this later kid." The old medic said.
Black Bee smiled "Finally. An actual fight." He grinned and then charged right for them. Bulkhead threw his mace right towards the Decepticon but Black Bee disappeared out of sight before the mace hit him.
The mace smashed into the ground. Bulkhead looked around "H-hey where'd he-" the large Autobot had no time to finish as he felt a pain in his back side. Bulkhead hit the ground now in stasis lock himself.
Black Bee stood behind the fallen Autobot with his stingers out. "Pathetic. You are so dumb." The young Decepticon dodged as the old medic tried to use his magnets to grab the Decepticon.
"Come on old bot! Try and get me!" Black Bee said and used his wheels on heels to charge towards Ratchet.
The medic's optics widened as he felt the young Decepticon kick him right in the stomach. The medic doubled over and fell to his knees, holding his stomach in pain. When did Bumblebee get so strong?
Black Bee grinned down at the old medic then slowly turned to Prime, who was in complete shock. "Prepare to go offline Prime." He said before disappearing. Optimus looked around to see where Black Bee was going to come from.
He soon felt electricity surge through his body. He let out a cry of pain. Did Bumblebee's electricity sting always hurt this much?
Sari's eyes widened as she saw electricity flashes hit Prime from all around. "Prime!" she yelled concerned. "Bumblebee please stop!" but her cries were left unheard as the young Decepticon continued to attack the young leader.
It felt like a vorn had passed till Black Bee had stopped sending surges of electricity through Prime's system. Optimus felt the world turn black all around as he fell backwards and hit the ground. He soon heard a voice in his head 'System's shutting down. Stasis Lock' he was going into stasis lock! But he didn't want to! He needed to help Bumblebee!
He kept his optics open and tried to fight going into stasis lock. He looked and saw Black Bee standing right in front of him with both his stingers aimed at his spark chamber. His optics widened slightly. "B-Bumblebee…please…" it hurt just to speak.
Black Bee frowned and charged up his stingers "My names not Bumblebee. Good bye…Prime."
"No!" a voice yelled. Black Bee's own optics widened as Sari ran in front of Prime. The young Decepticon quickly pulled his stingers away before the blast could come out and the electricity was sent through the air.
"S-sari?" Black Bee said concerned. "W-what are you doing?" he asked confused. Wasn't she happy for him?
Tears ran down the human girls face. Black Bee noticed that she wasn't only sad…she was also afraid…she was afraid…of him. "Bumblebee…please stop! We're your friends! You're not like this. I don't believe that you'd ever be like this. Megatron is doing this to you!"
"Sari he's not-" "BUMBLEBEE! PLEASE! Please come back to us…please. I…I miss you." The human girl said crying more. "Please Bumblebee…"
Black Bee just stood there with a scared look on his own face. Optimus noticed this. Was Sari…actually getting to him? 'She's right…this isn't me. But…Megatron isn't doing this to me…it's me doing this to me.' Black Bee felt a slight pain rush through his spark chamber. 'What in the name of Primus do you think your doing? I'm in control! Not you! You do what I say!' The evil voice…it was him. The evil side of him was the one doing this. Trying to kill his friends, hurt them, make them pay…for things they never even did.
"No…no you're not in control!" Bumblebee yelled holding into his head as sparks came from his body.
"Bumblebee?" Sari said concerned. Optimus watched in shock. Bumblebee was right…Bumblebee had been controlling himself…but it was an evil version of him.
Bumblebee felt a sharp pain in his back. He slowly turned his head and saw that Prowl had gotten out of stasis lock and hit him with a ninja star. Bumblebee also heard a voice in his head again. But it wasn't the evil one 'System shut down. Going into stasis lock.'
Bumblebee smiled as he felt himself go in stasis lock. 'Thank you Sari.' The young Decepticon fell backwards and hit the ground and immediately went into stasis lock.
Sari just stood there. She looked at Bumblebee, not sure what to say or feel. She shook her head then turned to Prime.
She walked onto his chassis and took his key off from around her neck and used it to heal the Autobot leader. Prime smiled as he sat up "You…you did a good job Sari."
Sari smiled slightly "Thank you." She jumped off Prime's chassis "Um…should I go heal the others?" she asked. Prime nodded. "After their healed we'll take Bumblebee back to the base. We'll make sure he's back to normal."
Sari smiled even more. A breem passed before they finally had everyone healed. Ratchet gently picked up the young Autobot that had been forced into being a Decepticon. "Poor kid. He really didn't deserve this." The old medic said sighing.
Ratchet looked at Prime as the young leader transformed into vehicle mode. "Load him up. We'll take him back to the base and get him back to his regular programming."
Ratchet nodded and walked over to Prime as he gently placed Bumblebee one the back of the new aged fire truck. The others transformed into vehicle mode themselves. Sari opened the passenger side to Ratchet's vehicle mode and smiled as she closed the door "Okay…let's get our Bumblebee back!"
The others waited in the main room of the base as Ratchet tried to get Bumblebee back to his normal programming. Though what the old medic had said when they got back to the base got them thinking.
'I can't promise that he'll be 100 back to normal. His personality might possibly be…slightly different from the original Bumblebee. But I think we'd rather have that then have him be a Decepticon. I'm not sure if the kid will be traumatized by all this or not. Who knows if he hurt anyone else while like this. But no matter what...we have to help him through this.'
And they would. No matter what it took they'd help Bumblebee go back to being the cheerful Autobot he always was. But who knew what he'd be like when he was an Autobot again. Would he still love human culture? Would he be afraid of new things that he wasn't afraid of before? Would he be more of a rebellious bot then he was before?
Who know what the future held. But they all hoped that he'd be the Bumblebee that they all knew and loved.
Ratchet sighed as he got the medical tools needed to re-program Bumblebee. The old medic wasn't sure if he could do this. He only knew the young bot personality wise. But he didn't know everything about the youngling. This could be a problem.
"R-Ratchet?" the old medic turned to the young bot and his optics widened. Bumblebee's sad red optics were looking straight at the medic. The young bot had seen all the wires hooked up to him and saw that his spark chamber was wide open. This was how robots were usually programmed. You had to change the program in there spark chamber.
"Kid? You…you okay?" he asked walking closer to the medical berth that the young bot was lying on.
Bumblebee didn't answer. "Ratchet…is…is everyone okay?" he asked concerned.
Ratchet nodded slightly. "Sari's key healed us. I wish it could heal what Megatron has done to you." He said then smiled "But don't worry I'll have you back to normal soon."
Bumblebee looked away from the medic. After a minute or two he turned his head back to look the old medic right in the optics "No." "No? No what?" Ratchet asked raising an optic ridge.
"Ratchet, there's…there's nothing you can do for me." Bumblebee said with a faint sigh. Ratchet had a confused look for a second then his confusion turned to anger "Don't say that solider! You're going to make it through this! Your-"
"Stop lying! For the love of Primus Ratchet you knew this whole time that there was no hope for me!" Bumblebee yelled. Ratchet stayed silent for a second he looked at the ground, his anger fading. "I…I know. A Decepticon's programming is permanent. The Elite Guard couldn't even change you back. But I'm not giving up on you! I can-"
"Ratchet…offline me." The medic's optics widened at the younglings request. "What? No! Are you crazy! I can't do that to you! Your so young you don't deserve this you-" "Listen to me!" the young bot yelled, interrupting the medic.
"We both knew this whole time there was never any hope for me. Never any hope that I'd ever go back to being an Autobot. But we both kept our hopes up. Praying that there'd be help for me but we knew there wasn't. There's this evil…evil me. He's been trying to gain control ever since this started. He succeeded a couple of times. He made me hurt Blackarachnia. He made horrible images run through my head. Worst of all…he made me hurt you guys…and almost made me hurt Sari. It's what he wanted to do. No matter what I do I know I'm never going to be able to beat him…so…so I want you to offline me. So that he can never get out and hurt anyone be it Autobot or Decepticon." The young yellow bot looked up at the medic. The look in the medic's optics said that he didn't want to do this. "Please….Ratchet."
The medic closed his optics. Why? Why did this happen to the kid? What had Bumblebee ever done wrong? He didn't deserve this. "Do…do you want to say goodbye to the others?"
Bumblebee shook his head. "They'll try and stop me no matter what I say. Tell Prime that it was great serving under his command and that he's a great leader. Tell Prowl that I'm sorry for always making him mad and making fun of him. Tell Bulkhead that I think he's a great artist and that he should keep painting. Tell yourself that I said you're a great medic and that you were pretty slaggin brave to fight in the Great War. And…and tell Sari…that I'll miss her and that…she was the best friend that I'd ever had and that…I love her."
Ratchet opened his optics slightly "I'll…I'll tell them kid. I'm…I'm going to…to miss you. You're the bravest Autobot I've ever known."
Bumblebee smiled "Thanks Ratchet." He said as he closed his optics "Thanks…everyone."
Ratchet walked into the main room with the saddest expression anyone could ever had. The others looked up and saw his face.
"What happened? Where's…where's Bumblebee?" Sari asked concerned.
"He…he…" Ratchet couldn't get the words out. This was the second hardest thing he'd ever had to do in his life. The first being…having to offline Bumblebee.
"He what?" Prime asked worried. What had become of their youngest member?
Ratchet looked at each one of their faces and sighed "He asked me…to offline him. He's…he's gone."
"What!?" Sari yelled. Tears came to her eyes and rolled down her face "Your lying! Please say you're lying!"
"Ratchet?" Prime looked at the medic. He knew this was no lie. "I'm…I'm sorry kid. He wanted this. From the beginning he and I both knew…there was no hope to bringing him back to the Autobot side. When we brought him back I was hoping there'd be something I could do for him but…he stopped me and asked that I offline him so…so that no one else would be hurt."
Sari just looked into Ratchet's sad optics. She felt her heart break into millions of pieces. Her best friend…was really gone. "Bumblebee…"
Bulkhead picked up Sari and held her close. Bumblebee was his best friend too…and now…he was gone.
Prowl turned away from the eyes and covered his optics with his hand. His eyes started to leak fluid…he was crying.
Optimus looked at the ground. He then looked up at his spark broken comrades. "Today, we lost a great comrade. We doubted him and I blame myself more then I blame anyone else. Bumblebee, despite being young, was a brave Autobot and deserved more respect and deserves to be treated as an adult. He will be remembered and honored. There was always more to him…then meets the eye."
The End
It is the end! Now first off…DON'T HURT ME! I know…I…I killed off Bumblebee. Now first off…I LOVE Bumblebee but this was always my plan for the ending in the beginning and I never wanted to change it. Now I doubt there will be a sequel. I like this story as it is. Also again sorry for the bad fight scene. I stink at fight scenes. But again…I'm sorry I ended this story short and I'm sorry I killed off Bumblebee. I hope you enjoyed this story. It was fun to write and I'm glad most of you enjoyed it. If you want to read more of my Transformers stories then go to my page. I'm glaf you enjoyed the story. Thank you all for your support!