The area I woke up in when I did come to was entirely different. One thing I noticed right away that all the Chikas were gone. Along with Rat and the scope. In fact, I wasn't even in the area where they were. Instead, now that I was taking a look around, I noticed that I was sitting in front of a rather large rocky wall of some sort that seemed to go up forever. "Wow!" I said. "How far up does that go?"
"It's called a mountain," someone said from behind me, startling me enough to make me jump and turn around in mid-spin. My heart pounded slightly, but calmed down when I saw one of the Chikas standing there. "It's about time you've awaken. I was just thinking about pouring some water on you to wake you."
"Oh," was all I said as I stood there looking around a little awakwardly. "So, um, would you mind me asking why you're here?"
"I was given orders to carry you here," the Chika said. "No one may know about the path to where we live. We Chikorita may be small, but our strength is not something you want to take on."
"And I'm not one to do so," I said, rubbing my arm nervously.
"Note taken," the Chika said. "Now, enough stalling, mountain pokemon. Return to your friends and bring him back like you promised. You have one week to return him to us or your rat friend will not have any further luxuury than what he's in already."
"O-O.K.," I said as I turned and looked up the mountain. A pathway laid before me, leading up into the mountain. However, another question popped into my head before I took even a step toward the path. "J-Just another question if it's all right."
"Hmm?" the Chika said, keeping his face serious, much like Bee's.
"Are you just going to stay here for the whole week waiting for me to return?" I asked.
"I can no longer assist you from here," the Chika said. "We do not associate well with pokemon around these parts. But yes, I will wait here for your return so that I may report back to Reah."
"Wouldn't it make more sense just for me to follow you?" I asked.
"Enough talk!" the Chika said. "As said, you have one week for you and your friends to return him. Otherwise, it will not go well for your Rattata friend."
"A-All right," I said as I turned and looked once more up the mountain before starting my walk up it.
Sometime later during my climb up the mountain, I had to stop and rest being that the walk itself was quite exhausting, especially when walking up something as big as this said mountain. Luckily there were quite a lot of rocks I could sit upon and take a while break, but not too terribly long. My throat was quite parched. I wondered if they ever had any water on this mountain. I'm sure there was somewhere where I could go and get a few gulps in to wet my throat. As I sat on a rock to regain some strength to walk, I shut my eyes just to get a few minutes of sleep in to also gain some energy as well. As I was doing so, my thoughts, once again, drifted to everything that's been happening since my home had been burned down. Why was everything happening to me? How many bad things can happen to one person? I missed my home quite terribly as much as I did my family. I wondered where they are, if they're all right, if they were looking for me. It was all those stupid Rockets' fault for forcing me out from my home. They were the reason why I was out here risking my life for the Chikas, for the scope, and even endangering Rat. I felt a weird, yet familiar feeling inside me, one I haven't felt in a while, though I feel like I've felt it in a dream of some sort or rather.
I snapped open my eyes, my paws stinging as I have forgotten that I had bandages wrapped around them. I blinked several times, losing train on the thoughts I was recently thinking. Why was I feeling that way towards those Rockets? What did these feelings mean? I didn't know exactly what this meant, but I suppose it was nothing to worry about. I'm sure others felt however I was feeling all the time.
I looked up into the sky to see a whole lot of clouds and barely any sun. I supposed that there were many different areas that had different weathers going on, yet the weather always changed. So it was hard to keep up with when it would rain or shine. Back to the matter on hand, I hopped off the rock I sat upon, figuring that I've spent enough time resting. I was just starting to continue my walk up the mountain to return what the Chickas sent me for when the place I sat momentarily was suddenly destroyed. Startled, I jumped and turned about in fright to see what it was that just destroyed the rock. Was life out to get me? Standing out in the open was not a good place to be if someone was out to get you. Unfortunately, I had no place to hide myself. So all I could do was stand there, trembling in fear of what might come out of the debris.
As the debris cleared, I could see the outline of a pokemon lifting itself out from the ground. I couldn't see really well until the debris cleared out a little more. The pokemon looked like he was a floating head apparently with two arms. As for the rest of its body... it had none? Exactly what pokemon was this? "That was fun!" the pokemon said, laughing. "Though the crash landing is kind of a killjoy." I stood there, the fear quickly diminishing and being replaced with a look of confusion. Who exactly was this pokemon and what was it that he just did? The pokemon turned around and looked up the mountain, causing me to look in the direction he was looking. "Aparently not far enough," I heard him say. "Perhaps I need to go back a little further and gain a little more speed."
I looked back down at him just as he turned and spotted me. "Well hello there!" he said, bouncing over to me. Each bounce he took left a rather enormous crack in the rock. My eyes went wide with shock as he landed in front of me, the earth shaking beneath my feet, causing me to stumble and fall. "I don't think I recall ever seeing you around these parts! My name's Zearth!"
"Z-Zearth?" I asked as he helped me up.
"Yeah," Zearth said. "Well technically I originally had no name. So I named myself Earth, only I placed a Z in front of earth, thus creating Zearth!"
"That's... kind of a strange name," I stated.
"There are weirder names I'm sure," Zearth said.
"I guess," was all I said.
"So what about you?" Zearth asked. "What's your name little buddy?"
"Quil," I said. "I'm a Cyndaquil."
"A Cyndaquil eh?" Zearth asked. "Never met one of your kind before. I'm a Geodude. Plenty of us around here in these mountain parts."
"Oh," I said. "So what exactly were you doing that brought you crashing down here?"
"Well," Zearth said, seeming a bit shy all of a sudden as he twiddled his fingers. "You'd probably think it's stupid and laugh at me like everyone else."
"What if I don't?" I asked. "It may seem stupid to others, but not everyone's going to think that way of you. You can tell me."
"Well," Zearth said again, a little more quietly than he was a moment ago. "I...I was actually trying to learn to fly." Silence occurred between the two of us after that. Neither of us said a word. Zearth was looking down at the ground, most likely feeling guilty for almost saying that. I was busy imagining what it would look like for a Geo to fly in the air. It looked rather silly with his arms acting for wings. Of course, the way he cracked the ground, he'd probably not last long in the air. But then again, the falling would probably feel like flying. I wasn't too sure. I've never fallen from such a high place before.
"You were trying to fly?" I asked curiously.
"I know it seems silly," Zearth said. "But it's been my dream to be the first rock pokemon to learn how to fly, despite how everyone else ridicules me for being foolish. I've had the dream to fly since I was born."
"Then maybe you can do it," I said. That statement took Zearth by surprise, him looking up at me with shock. "If you believe you can fly, then there shouldn't be any doubt that you can."
"Q-Quil!" Zearth said, stunned by what he was hearing.
"Well, I need to get going," Quil said as he began walking again. "I'm kind of on an important mission right now. I can't waste any more time. It was nice meeting you, Zearth. And I hope you someday can fly." With that said, I left the stunned Geo right where he was, happy that I made someone's day. It'd be interesting to see someone like him fly other than all the bird pokemon that fly around. If he could become the first rock pokemon to fly, then anything could be possible. I smiled to myself as I continued my way up the mountain, exploring every part I could for what I was sent for.