Trunks felt his eyes creak open and suddenly he panicked, Pan was not in the bed with him, she wasn't in the room and as he searched for her ki she was gone. He shot out of the bed and rushed into the kitchen his eyes wide and frantic.

"Where is she?" he demanded to his mother and she frowned, "Who?"

"Pan," he growled and she shrugged, confuses for a moment. "She went out for groceries and should be back soon," she murmured and as if on cue the back door opened and Pan walked inside holding at least twenty bags of groceries. "Does Vegeta really eat this much?" she asked and Bulma nodded, "Yep. Same thing for Trunks."

And suddenly Pan's eyes met his and she stiffened. "Trunks," she began and his eyes hardened, her eyes went wider at that look and she cocked a hip putting her hands on her hips, "What is that look for mister?" she demanded, "Don't you dare think that I was gonna-"

And he was on her in moments, he claimed her lips with his own and roughly kissed her. She stiffened, protested and pulled back. "Trunks, you shouldn't," she began to scold him and he pulled her close. "I can't wait, I want you back right now, I want you in my home, I want your smile, your laughter, I want your anger and your tears," he listed before he kissed her passionately, "And I don't ever want you to leave me again." He pushed her back onto the table and Bulma's hand caught his shoulder, "Sweetheart, you should probably-"

And within moments he caught Pan's hand and pulled her to him. "Honey, the doctor said you needed to stay here," Bulma began, "I'm fine! I'll be in the pool house," he called and Pan's wide eyes blinked, "What?"

He dragged her outside with him, pulled her into the small summer home and without warning, shoved her back against the door pinning her there with his body on hers. "Don't ever leave me," he snarled and then kissed her hungrily. She moaned and he hauled her up, pulling her legs up to wrap around his waist, "Ah, Trunks wait, you're still-"

"I'm fine," he whispered and ground his hips up to hers. Her head fell back and he moaned as her hips rolled against his, it'd been too long. He hadn't touched her in years, and in that time her hips had swollen, her breasts got fuller and he wanted nothing more than to ravage her.

She slipped away from him, pulled him through the only hallway that led to the bedroom. He ran with her, a smile on each of their faces and as she went to fall upon the bed, his strong arms lifted her up and tossed her there, she laughed and he wanted more.

He wanted to hear more of the laughter he had lost when he'd first lost her. He crawled over her like a panther over fresh meat, kissing her bared stomach while pulling her shirt up and over her head. He ripped her bra off, suckled her pert nipples and as her back arched, he curled a firm arm about her tucked in waist and moved against her.

"Trunks," she pleaded, "Please." Her hands pulled at his clothes and he pulled them up over his head and slipped out of his pants without another thought. A strong hand caught the front of her jeans and she shook her head, "Don't you dare-"

The denim gave way under the strenuous pressure pulling on them and he removed the fabric as if it were thin cotton from her body. She wore nothing underneath showing she had borrowed the clothes and lay before him nude to his open gaze.

"Please," she begged, "I want you now." He growled in response, kissed her lips and as her hands cupped his growing erection he hissed, he kissed her and caught her hips pulling her legs up around his hips as he ever so slowly entered her and her back painfully angled.

"Pan, you're tight," he began and she trembled and locked her legs about him. "It's just been so long," she whispered, "and it's so pleasurably tender," she added. He moved then and had her as if she'd been his all along, and though she always had been he needed to know that she was no longer leaving. He moved and she cried, he cherished her curves and as they reached their climaxes he knew he would never lose her again.

For in fact he'd been unknowing all along, and that she'd always be there patiently waiting on him and now she waited no longer.

(Alright, you may or may not be thinking this, but I wanted to keep you guessing on what ever happened between them earlier on in their lives, but I wanted the reader to come up with their own scenario.)