Hey all

Hey all! I'm alive! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Okay, I haven't been able to update a story or chapter for my other stories in a really long time. My computer broke down last summer and I lost everything. Even now I'm still getting problems. Now, by no means have I abandoned my other stories, I'm just taking a break from them.

I don't know where this idea came, but I was searching Wookiepedia and Ilum came up so I thought, hey, why not try something original. At least I think it's original, if not, then tell me and I'll erase it.

Summary: The Adegan crystals are said to be sensitive to the Force in a way sentient beings cannot be. They rely on the Force to guide and the Force relies on them to teach, balancing each other out. But the Force has lost its Balance, so in order to correct this, the Force sired a child into being. Born from the Ilum crystals, the boy grew up on the icy planet, watching through the Force the lives of the people in the galaxy. He lived off the Light in the galaxy, but when the Dark starts to take over, the child must rely on the people he watched if Balance is to be brought. But there are some things even the Jedi cannot teach.

This is going to be an extremely short chapter, but then again it's just the introduction and the actual story will begin in the next chapter. Please ignore any grammar or spelling mistake. I try to catch them, but sometimes they slip by and my grammar could use improvement. Hope you enjoy.


The Force speaking

'Speaking to the Force/Mother/Crystal'

"Galactic Basic speaking"

/Other language speaking/



P.S. As much as I love and admire her, Shmi Skywalker doesn't exist in this story.

WARNING! Major AU. Characters may seem a bit OOC, but as the story progresses they'll become more canon. And also Ani doesn't go to the Dark Side.

Child of Ilum

Prologue: The Child of Ilum

Tiny hands slowly wrapped around the blue crystal. It glowed brightly for a moment before calming, causing a happy sigh to escape the meditating child's mouth. This was not an unusual occurrence, at least, not anymore. For the past nine years, the child had lived in the bright caves of the icy planet, exploring the caverns and avoiding contact with any sentient life that came near. Mother had always told him to stay away from the Others for they came and took his Siblings away, putting them into the small silver tubes. The boy didn't understand why he had to hide, but he guessed that Mother didn't want him taken away either.

The child sometimes found this strange, as Mother was always so happen when the Others took one of her Children, and the boy always felt how happy his Siblings were when they left. But the boy did not question Mother, for She had to have some good reason and the boy didn't want to leave Mother just yet, so he played along. Whenever one of the Others entered a cave, the child would become as quiet as he could and run to the center of the great icy abode. Mother was always the strongest there and She never let any of the Others find him.

The Others would stay for days, and only when they had left would the boy crawl out of his hiding place and try to sense who had been taken. Sometimes, it was only one Crystal Sibling, but most of the time, three or four would be missing, and the child would return to his wandering. He was never tired and sleep never came to him, so the boy would stay up every night, talking to Mother or his Siblings. They were always willing to talk to him and many of his Sisters would tell him of the most recent Others. The Sisters seemed to always know what had happened for unlike his Brothers, they paid attention to it. The only time a Brother was awake for one of the Others was when he was chosen to go with Them.

Sometimes, his Sisters would call out to him and tell him that one of their Chosen Siblings had been given a name. It was always exciting when that happened for Crystals were only named when their Other had done something great or the Sibling had produced a unique light. It was the dream of any Crystal to be named. The boy had once asked if he could give them all names like they had given him one, but his Siblings had refused, stating that it was dishonorable to be given a name to a Crystal without first having been proven of earning it, well, that and the fact that there were far too many of them.

It was this way for many years, as Others continued to pass through the caves, the boy remained undetected. On one such morning, a day when Others where sensed nearby, the boy, sat in the main room deep in meditation. It was not an uncommon sight for this is what he did when They were there, but today was different, today the boy was not watching the Others through his mind as usual, but talking with his Father instead.

Father was always with His Son, even though He was unseen. He taught the boy everything he currently needed to know and was constantly talking. It was due to Him that the child could watch the lives of Beings from other planets and communicate with other Crystals from other places. But it was rare that Father would actually call out to him in meditation, an occurrence that had only happened once before on the day he had sought his Eldest Brother's presence.

So, here the boy sat, his Eldest Brother clutched in his small hands as he listened to his Father's words.

You have done well My Son and you have made Me proud. The Voice said softly to the child. But now, Child, it is time for you to leave the safety of the Known and move forward to the Unknown. There are many paths before you Son, and many yet to come. Others come and you must go with Them, so your Mother and I wish.

The boy nodded his head slowly as he carefully listened to everything his Father told him. He could sense the gravity of the situation and unconsciously gripped his Brother tighter.

You have watched as Others came and made your Siblings into protectors of My Order, into weapons used to keep Peace. Now you too must follow Them. Made from the world around you, your weapon can be used only by you, never broken and never melted.

'Yes Father, but how am I to make such a weapon?'

Your Eldest Brother has agreed to help you and shall become the basis of the protector. Use the snow and ice from the world before you to create such a Thing. You must focus all your energy into this my Son.

'Of course Father, tell me what I must do.'

Go to the highest spot in the cave and place your Brother down. Once there, I shall tell you more.

With that, the boy came out of his trance and began climbing up the winding ramp to the top of the cave. It took the boy a half an hour to reach the top, but even then the boy didn't even break a sweat.

The nine-year-old sat down and placed his Brother on the summit's point. Entering a meditative state once more, the child sought out his Father's presence once more and waited for a reply.

Good child. Now, focus your energy into the ground below you and direct it through the peak and into the Eldest. Envision, the weapons of the Others and modify it to fit your feelings.

But as if sensing the child's worry, the Father chuckled and sent a warm feeling to His Son.

Do not worry My Child. You will not fail at so simple a task.

'Yes Father.'

It took several minutes before the boy managed to transfer his energy into his Crystal Brother, but as soon as he did, he felt the change. The snow and ice that never seemed to chill him, began to form around the Crystal, shaping and molding to fit the child's and the Crystal's size. Moments passed before the weapon was completed and the boy released a sigh of relief.

You have done well Son. For years you have bonded with your Brother and this is the fruit of your labors. He shall always watch out for you now, just as I have.

'Thank you Father, but may I ask a question?'

All of life is a question My Child. What is one more?

'I wish to know if this is what the Other's do as well for I have never seen them come up here before?'

No Child. The Others make their weapons out of metal and they make them before arrival to the caves, fusing the two parts together once a Crystal has been found. Your weapon was made from something much more pure. A mixture of your Mother, Brother, and Me.

'Thank you Father. I will not fail in your teachings.'

I know Child. I am always with you. Now, the Others have arrived and you are to remain hidden until Their mission here is complete. Only when They are about to leave are you to present yourself. Spend the time saying farewell to your Mother and Siblings, for you will not be here again for many years.

'Yes Father.'

The boy snapped out of the meditation an walked over the summit. Where his blue Brother had once been, a silver-white weapon hilt remained. It was warm to the touch, just like the snow and ice around him, the cold never bothering him. Calmly, he placed the weapon in his gorgodon hide clothes pocket and made his way down to the loft above the main room.

Not even a minute later, the Others—his Sisters called them Jedi—walked into the room below and sat down to meditate on a Crystal. The boy dared not breathe and tried to pull his Father's protective warmth around him closer. Moments later, the boy felt secure enough to send his feelings into the cave around him and sent a goodbye to his Family. They replied in kind and he released the breath he didn't know he had held.

And so for the last time, the Child of Ilum sat down on the cavern floor and watched as the Others carried out their mission.

I realize that it's very short, but the next chapter will be much longer and will explain what went on in this chapter.

I'm sorry if the last line lacked zest, but it's 2:25 AM and I'm running out of steam. Hope you enjoyed anyway. Please review, but don't flame!

Have a nice night/day. BYE!


P.S Everything will begin to make sense soon.