A Little Piece of Heaven

Chapter 1

(Just a little reminder, please read my author's note before reviewing. Thank you!)

The night was perfect. Alfred had just finished his glass of red whine. Across the dining room table from him, sat the beautiful Alexia Ashford. His beloved sister. As he watched her finish her plate, Alfred reached into his pocket, and quietly giggled as he felt the object that resided in it.

He knew it was time.

Alfred stood up, and after clearing the table of every dish, he gracefully walked over to Alexia, and offered her his hand. With slight befuddlement, Alexia accepted. Without a single word, Alfred lead her unto the dining room balcony.

Beneath the bright shining stars and gleaming full moon, the Ashford brother turned to face his sister. Looking her in the eye with the utmost passion and sincerity, he pulled a small square object out of his pocket, and got down on one knee.

Nearly in tears, Alfred was happy he had finally brought himself to it. All of these years, he held back his true feelings for his twin, and he was finally able reveal his true feelings for her. After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Alfred uttered the words he had been burning to say,

"Alexia..", he whispered "Will you marry me?"

Alexia was silent…


Author's Note: Okay so, its been a while. I haven't written any new stories or updated in a LONG time. And I apologize to anyone who has been waiting on my other story…But anyway! Yeah, I'm not a big Ashford freak…but this idea…seemed worthy enough to post. Especially since I haven't updated. But I'm really not sure about it. The idea was influenced by an Avenged Sevenfold song. XD (Don't ask) But depending on the type of feedback I get, I may or may not continue this story. It has a very twisted plot...but if you guys wanna see it continued lemme know.