Okay, I haven't updated in about a bazillion years. But I will sincerely try to update sooner. I promise. But being the over achiever that I am (note the sarcasm), I decided to take on two more advanced courses this year, and I wasn't quite used to the workload. So I'll try to write as much as possible, okay? Please don't hate me!
I was partially convinced that Sharpay hated me. I mean, she had completely ignored me all day at school, which, looking back, was probably understandable. But at the moment, all I wanted to do was just be with her, but she didn't want to have anything to do with me. And that stung. I walked home, half hoping that she would be in my room when I got there, even thought I knew that that was a long shot. But when I got home I didn't see Sharpay. I saw Tyler. A very pissed off Tyler.
"What the hell did you say to Sharpay?" He asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I said, maybe too soon.
"No, that isn't suspicious at all." Tyler said sarcastically. "What did you tell Sharpay? I came to see her, and she completely avoided me. It was like she couldn't stand the sight of me."
"Have you ever thought that maybe she just can't stand the sight of you?" I asked.
"Okay Troy I get it, you have a crush on my girlfriend. But this is going way too far. I mean honestly, it's never going to happen. It was kind of funny at first, I mean, I'm sure Sharpay was flattered for some reason. But don't delude yourself into thinking that by sabotaging me, you'll get her to give you a chance." Tyler glared at me. "Now tell me what you said to her."
For some reason this pissed me off. Any other day, I probably would have put up with it, but today I was mad. "I don't think it has too much to do with what I said to her…"
I think it took Tyler a second to catch on. "What are you saying?"
"I'm not saying anything." I smirked, it was weird, but I like have power over my brother. "It's just that the last time I was with Sharpay, she didn't seem to be thinking about you."
"That's really funny, Troy." Tyler said sarcastically.
"Really? Because if I just found out that my girlfriend made out with my little brother, I don't think I would be laughing."
"Shut up." Tyler said, finally showing that I was getting to him.
"What? I thought that the idea of Sharpay choosing me over you was impossible." I taunted him.
Tyler's glare intensified. "I giving you one warning-"
"Until what? What can you really do to me that you haven't already done, Tyler?" In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have asked that.
Tyler walked right up to me and pushed me back. Okay, this wasn't the first time that Tyler had hit me, I mean, we were brothers, but this was full force. I almost fell backwards. "What the hell was that for?"
"She's my girlfriend!" Tyler screamed.
"She was my best friend." I screamed back at him.
"Well that's just pathetic okay? She's my girlfriend and you're my younger brother. That means that she's like, ten times more off limits than she already was. Not to mention out of your league." Tyler snapped at me.
"She didn't seem to think so." I said. Once again, bad move.
Okay, apparently when you make the same stupid move two times in a row, time skips, because that next thing I remembered was trying to keep Tyler from killing me with his bare hands. It wouldn't be even remotely honest to say that I had a chance in this fight. I mean, when we were kids, Tyler was a black belt and I stared in our junior high's production of the Hobbit. So naturally, while Tyler was busy almost murdering me I was just trying to protect my face.
Luckily for me, my father managed to see some of this happening and pulled Tyler off of me. "What the hell is going on with you two?" He asked loudly, turning to Tyler for an answer.
"He's been saying that he messed around with Sharpay!" Tyler pointed at me accusingly.
"Troy?" My dad looked at me. "Is this true?"
I was at a loss for words. "He tried to kill me!"
"But you started it." My dad reasoned.
"No." I shook my head. "He started it. Ever since we were kids he always started it. And just because I'm finally finishing it, he picks now to bring you into this." I said, crossing my arms, completely aware that I sounded like a five year old, but I didn't care.
My dad put his hands up in an extremely sad attempt to calm me down. "Troy, be reasonable-"
"You know, I should have known that you would have taken his side." I said with a shrug, heading away from Tyler and my dad.
"Where do you think you're going?" My father yelled at me.
"Anywhere but here."
"Hey, can I take your order sir? May I recommend…" She stopped mid-sentence, probably just realizing that it was me.
"Does that free coffee thing still apply?" I asked, hoping that it was a good enough peace offering.
Sharpay looked down. "What are you doing here Troy?"
I ignored her. "Remember? I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone that you worked here, and you promised that I could have free coffee every time I came in? Does that still apply?"
"Sure, whatever Troy. Just get away from me, okay Troy?" She asked.
"Sharpay, something happened between us, an we're going to have to deal with it." I said.
"Nothing happened!" Sharpay met my eyes for a moment, before looking away. "This is my work, Troy. Why do you have to do this now?"
"Because if we don't do this now, we never will." I said, sounding a little bit more desperate than I had intended to.
Sharpay continued to ignore me and fumbled with the apron she was wearing. "Not now, Troy. And if that means not ever, then you'll just have to deal with that."
Sharpay, who was usually the best liar, didn't sound to convincing. I looked past her to the other girl working. "Hey, can you cover for her for the next ten minutes?"
The girl nodded with a smile. "Take a break Shar, I won't tell."
Sharpay's face turned red, but I didn't care. "Looks like we have ten minutes."
Sharpay walked around the counter and followed me to a small table in the corner. She glared at me. "What the hell, Troy?"
"Okay look, I get that you're mad at me, but can we at least be civil?" I asked, giving her a pleading look.
"I'm not mad." She looked down again, I'd never seen her looking so nervous and ashamed. "Well… not at you."
"Because you didn't want to stop." I said, looking her strait in the eye. "Look, I get it, you're with my brother. But things like that don't just come from nowhere."
"You're right." She said, looking up. "Which is why we can't be friends."
"You don't mean that." I snapped.
"Well then what do you want me to say? That I'm happy? Fine Troy! I'm just ecstatic that I may have quite possibly ruined the two best things in my life." Sharpay exploded.
Okay, admittedly, I was psyched that she considered me one of the best things in her life. But of course, the realization that the other thing was Tyler completely put a rain on my parade. "Neither one of us expected this to happen." I said, leaving out the part about me really wanting it to happen.
"It's just… I always imagined Tyler and I being together forever." She said in a hushed, self conscious tone.
"I can imagine being in love with you forever." I said, without thinking.
Sharpay looked at me for a second. And the weirdest part was, she looked like she wanted to smile. Then she just looked angry at herself. "I'm sorry Troy… I can't do this." She said before getting up and running out the door.
Ah... Troy, how stupid can you be? You don't tell your brother that his girlfriend was all over you, you hope he doesn't find out and pray he doesn't kill you. But, I guess, this is a special case, since he actually may have a chance at a meaningful relationship with Sharpay. Poor Sharpay though, she's obviously conflicted. Sorry for such a short chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think. Bye for now - LL4E