Oh, sod

My mouth is dry, breathing erratic and palms sweaty. Am I facing a bloodthirsty hellhound or a petrifying (quite literally) gorgon? No. Maybe Kronos (in Luke-form) himself or even the almighty Zeus? Not quite.

So what is the reason for this sudden change in my body? Percy sodding Jackson, that's who And no, I'm not angry with him, for once, well, I am, but I don't exactly mind what he's done, just the way his action is effecting my ability to function normally.

He kissed me.

He kissed me.

Yes, the boy does seem to have some initiative and he does appear to be more intelligent than he looks. I mean, how dumb can you get?! I drop loads of hints, I bloody well tell him I love him when he saves my life from the sirens (he didn't actually hear me, but that's beside the point) and I kiss him in a volcano! How obvious can I get?!

What's that? He's saying he's sorry, muttering, blushing, looking at his feet. Gods, he's cute when he's embarrassed. Focus, Annabeth! Speak!



My mouth has chosen this, incredibly opportune, moment to disconnect from my brain and refuse to move. Not. One. Millimetre. Oh, perfect! Bloody perfect!

He's moving back, apologising again and his eyes (gorgeous, sea-green orbs that make me soften every time he looks at me with them and-. Annabeth!) downcast, sadness radiating from them. Nooooo! Percy! Come back!

Oh sod it all.

I grab a fistful of his Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and slam my lips onto his. Heeheehee. It appears my mouth is working just fine after all.

A/N: the result of my half-asleep mind and the latest Percy book in my hand! Feel free to review and comment on my very fluffy, very random one-shot!

