Title: If Only

Pairing: Lelouch/Karen (I like Karen better than Kallen)

Summary: If only she was there with me, Cupid's Day would have been easier to suffer through.

Timeline: During Episode 12, R2, "Love Attack". (Lelouch's thoughts)

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass, but if I did episode 12 wouldn't even be happening. nods

SPOILERS: If you haven't watched Episode 12, don't read this.

AN: This isn't supposed to be long. If it could be longer I'd make it longer, trust me.

"At this rate, forget about destroying the world and creating a new one." Lelouch narrowed his eyes.

"Cupid's Day..."

He stared at the screen, pictures of all the school girls coming up on the computer.

"With today's event, I shall take care of my relationship with all of these women once and for all."

Rolo nodded. "And you shall become a free man, Brother."

"Ahh. Fortunately, teachers can participate in this event, as well." Lelouch said, inwardly frowning.

This would be so much easier if...

Villetta spun around quickly, realizing what Lelouch was implying.

"I'll have you take my hat, Villetta."

Villetta. shocked, tried to inject reason into the conversation. "Wouldn't that invite an uncanny misunderstanding?"

Lelouched narrowed his eyes. Of course it would. But since she isn't here... this situation has become harder to solve.

"I think Sayoko should take responsibilty for this--"

Sayoko interrupted. "Forgive me. In the middle of this event, I need to become Master Lelouch's double."

This problem had to arise. Lelouch thought, thinking and listening at the same time. I still have to deal with Anya and Gino, and there's the big problem with Kallen. How am I supposed to save her if I don't even have time to do that?

"It's also necessary to prevent Brother from being caught by some weird girl."

Yes, there's that, thought Lelouch. This situation would have been solved quickly and easily if Kallen was here. She could take my hat immediately, problem solved. Then I could work on the problem with Anya and Gino too...

"Then just use Shirley!"

"Indeed, that is another option."

I'd rather have Kallen do it.

"That girl's really got a crush on you. She even fired a bullet at me just to protect you."

"That's why... I don't want to involve her anymore." Inwardly he scowled. It'd be easier to use Kallen. No questions, no problems. She's loyal to Zero, to me. She'd do anything.

Dammit, if only she was here.

So yea, Lelouch's thoughts (this had better be his thoughts, JK) during the time when they were talking about this in Episode 12 (ew, another JK)

Please review. It's my second CG fic, and I'm still working on getting Lelouch's character right. (There's another fic I'm working on where it's his thoughts only so Lelouch being in character is a must.)

