She's gone!! Thank you to everyone who contributed to removing this harmful author from the universe! I can't believe that all of you acted so quickly to make this website even more enjoyable to everyone!

I am sure that DLC appreciates us for our effort to protect her honor and her work. So thanks guys!

I'd like to write something special for all of you. So suggest something in a review and I'll create a poll for you guys to vote on what you'd like to have a story about. It can be a added chapter to an existing story, or I'll write a separate one-shot all together. So send in those options and I'll be sure to write something down for you guys!

Thank you everyone who reported Don't Flip My Bitch Switch to get her away from us!

I'll also address something else in this noteā€¦

The reason why I have not been updating a lot of my stories is because I am currently working on writing my first novel. So I'm sorry if the updates are coming in a little slower then usual (aka: Morbidly slow!)

Thanks again, bye guys!
