A/N: Last Chapter. Sorry about the lateness of this... I kind of forgot to post the chapter. I apologize--I've had lots on my mind lately.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or anything else mentioned in this story; duh. XD
Rated: Mature For crude language, sexual references, and mature situations.


It was well into the semester and, well, I was getting kind of homesick. Ah, hell, who am I kidding? I was getting hella home sick. So home sick, that I started calling Kagura. Yeah, I know, disgusting. The auburn eyed woman spared me no shame every time I called, but she seemed to enjoy my connecting with her. Kohaku was also enjoying my frequent calls and wasted no time telling me what went on every now and then at school. My little brother was growing up so wonderfully, I was proud of him.

I didn't talk to Kagome as often as I wanted to, but we were both very busy people. She was busy with school and I? I was busy with school as well. It was understood that we missed each other's calls every now and then. Though I enjoy our phone conversations, her messages were often bold and cute. We never talked about us on the phone. I suppose she was still a bit ashamed of it. The way we talked to one another and acted in regards to one another, even with the distance, it was hard to not feel like a couple.

I did have a hard time explaining this to my roommates and a couple of girls I met who were interested in me.

She's not my girlfriend, but we like one another.

She's my girlfriend, but she doesn't know it yet.

No, we've never had sex… I never knew that's what a relationship was all about.

I love her, isn't that enough?

She loves me too.

The distance makes things tough, but we're together—sorta.

She's my girl, even if I'm not hers.

My roommates eventually left it alone, deciding on simply calling her my girlfriend. Every time I was on the phone with her, they'd somehow know and loudly make suggestive comments. I could feel Kagome's embarrassment seeping through the phone.

I missed her a lot. Pictures and phone calls were simply not enough anymore… I wanted her—tangible, real, and alive.

One night, however, she refused to pick up her phone.

"What's up?" one of my roommates approached me as I attempted dialing her number for the sixth time that night.

"She's not answering," I replied in what sounded like the most pathetic voice that could ever come out of me.

"Aw, for real?" the boy frowned, taking a seat on the couch with me.

"I'm worried," I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose. "She never misses this many calls. This is the one time we agreed on, after school."

"Sango, I'm sure she's alright. Maybe her phone died, or she dropped it in a toilet on accident."

"Yeah, I guess," I uttered a scoff then stood up. "Damn, look at me, all whipped like a bitch."

"And for a girl who's not even your girlfriend."

"Shut up," I muttered giving him a playful shove.

"Do you ever plan on making it official?" he asked me, turning on the TV. Some sort of commercial was on, for a kitchen appliance that chopped things up.

"You're gonna love my nuts," the guy on the TV said as he used the product to chop up a pile of assorted nuts. (1)

I ignored the white noise, however strange it sounded, and continued with my conversation.

"Oh, I don't know… I guess if she's comfortable with it."

"Do you hear yourself, girl?! Sounding all passive about it!" he seemed appalled. "I've never seen you lack confidence in anything, ever."

"It's different with her, Jak, much different."

"Well I say she likes your confident side as much as I do, so don't give her your pussy side… well, unless—"

"Don't go there," I warned him and he started laughing.

I rolled my eyes, but let him be. That was Jakotsu for you.

Jakotsu happened to be one roommate of mine. The gay one. He was gayer than I was; he took the gay guy thing to the next level. He was a bit of a cross dresser and was also flamboyant. Luckily he wasn't too annoying in addition to that, and so I enjoyed his company. He seemed to give good advice as well and as of late, I'd needed some good advice.

The sound of the door opening and shutting brought our attention to the front door where our roommate had just come in.

"Hey babe," Jakotsu said with a wide smile as the girl stepped in.

"Hey," she said before dropping her bag down and falling into the empty space that was left on the end of the couch next to Jakotsu. "What are we doing?"

"Umm… calling Kagome," Jakotsu said with a smile.

"Why?" Kanna asked, with a scrutinizing look. I looked at the girl with wide green eyes, appalled that she'd even say such a thing. She knew how much Kagome meant to me. Suddenly, I got a bit mad and glared at her. Her dark eyes, very similar to Asuka's challenged me.

"Now why the fuck would you say something like that?" I practically growled, annoyed with her.

Jakotsu looked uneasy and was began chanting, "Oh lawd, oh lawd," while pressing himself against the couch in an attempt to get out from between Kanna and I—perhaps to disappear into it like lost change and the remote control often did.

"I think it's pointless to call someone who's standing right outside," the pale blonde muttered, crossing her arms across her chest in a solid manner.

"What?!" I jumped up. Did I hear right? What would Kagome be doing here?

"Psyche!" she began to laugh and I nearly exploded in anger.

"What the fuck is fucking wrong with you?!" I barked, leaning forward threateningly.

Jakotsu's "Oh lawd"s got louder and faster. He was such a drama queen.

"Whoa, chill Sango. I was only kidding. She really is outside," the girl defended, putting her hands up in a harmless manner.

"You're not yanking my balls?" I asked and she laughed, revealing brilliant, white teeth.

"What balls? Go out there and welcome her in," she shooed me away and I made my way towards the door, not really believing her. Kagome wouldn't come out here all on her own. That's a trip across the country… her mom would never let her do that.

When I opened the door, well… she was there. She was standing right there.

My eyes got all wet and she pounced on me, hugging me tightly. I lifted her a little, hugging her back just as tightly. She was here, she was real. As I set her down, I buried my face into her silky black hair, inhaling her scent like it was what kept my lungs functioning. When I finally felt like I'd give her room to breathe, I pulled away with a huge smile on my face.

"Come in," I spluttered, smiling way too hard. I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt flustered and warm, confused. Excited. I grabbed her bag from her and she followed me in.

My cheeks hurt. (Yes, my grin was that wide.)

I set her things down, still smiling like a fool.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled brightly. She blushed and was about to talk until Jakotsu squealed, and from the sounds of it, he had been trying to hold it in.


I turned to look at him, and glared slightly.

"Sorry," he squeaked before turning around and sitting on the couch properly. Once the only things I could see were the backs of their heads I sighed and grabbed Kagome's hand, pulling her along.

We entered the living room and my two roommates looked up expectantly.

"Fellow apartment dwellers," I began, "this is Kagome."

Kagome waved shyly with a cute smile and Jakotsu jumped up.

"Hi Kagome! I'm Jakotsu, but you can just call me Jak! And this is Kanna," he said, gesturing to the small, pale girl.

"Hi," she replied, seemingly uninterested, but I knew better than that. I constantly talked about Kagome, I knew she was very curious about the girl. I turned to look at Kagome and assess how she reacted to Kanna's economic conversation style.

The blue eyed girl only smiled and Jakotsu leaned forward.

"Oh, girl, you do have some beautiful eyes," he marveled. Kagome blushed and thanked him.

"Ah, well I'm aware that you and Sango have some catching up to do, so Kanna and I are just going to chill in my room."

"No," Kanna said, looking disturbed. "I'll be in my room. Later."

She left and Jakotsu sighed and mumbled to himself about "antisocial" people and "homophobes". Kagome chuckled, commenting on how interesting my roommates were.

"Yeah," I replied as the room grew quiet. "They're both really interesting."

My eyes met hers, and I smiled, just feeling happy. It was good to be with her, even if we weren't an item. I was satisfied with whatever progress we had made anyways.

She looked away, blushing, and I reached forward and let my hand rest on hers.

"I've missed you so much. It's really good to see you again," I said before wetting my lips a little, subconsciously. I was suddenly very self-conscious after that. My hair was in a sloppy ponytail and I wasn't really dressed for visitors.

"Sango, I…"

I looked at her expectantly.

"I… well, for the past couple of months I've been trying to figure myself out."

"How's that going?" I asked, pulling my hand away, wondering if I was coming on too strong.

"I realize, I'm not gay Sango," she said, and I felt my heart plummet in my chest. That hope that had been growing within me for the past couple of months had suddenly vanished. I felt like I was left with nothing at all.

"I mean… it's just you Sango. You're the only girl that I can… feel for. I mean," she sighed in aggravation, but I think I understood what she was saying.

I wanted to ask her if she was sure, but what the hell would that matter to me anyways?! It was me, Sango! I was the only girl she liked or was attracted to… Was she attracted to me? Probably not as strongly as I was attracted to her, but maybe there was enough attraction to…

"Kagome, I understand," I said gently.

"You do?"

I nodded and she smiled with a cute blush. God, she was so adorable.

I leaned forward and kissed her. As her hand found my shoulder, I thought of all that we could be together. Finally. I felt fulfilled. I finally had what I wanted. I pulled away and she smiled with a ridiculous blush painting her lovely cheeks.

Am I what she wanted? Did she feel as fulfilled as I did?

"This is so weird," she said as I slipped my arm around her waist. She was so warm and soft…

"Are you happy though?" I asked, knowing that her next answer would determine if we could make this work past her discomfort.

"Of course, Sango," she blushed. "I'm glad to be here with you as… as your girlfriend."

I looked upwards, hoping to stop the tears from coming before I leant forward and rested my forehead against hers.

"Kagome, I'm so happy," I mumbled, kissing her again. "I haven't been this happy before, not even my first time to the skating rink when I was little."

"Really? Even your childhood can't surpass this?" she asked with a sly smile.

"Don't press your luck, girl," I mumbled, trying to keep my tears in. I took a deep, shaky breath and hoped that Kagome could handle me crying right now. I knew I was a bit uncomfortable with it, but she was my girlfriend, and she'd be my shoulder to cry on whenever I needed it.

"I love you," I whispered, thinking about how this all started and thinking about everything I had been through. I was one lucky as fuck girl—that was all I could say. I was lucky to survive all that had happened and find the girl of my dreams and convince her to be mine.

I pulled away to look into her shimmering cobalt eyes and her perfect lips split into a beautiful, comforting smile.

"I love you too," she said.

Damn, I was so fucking lucky.

1- "Slap Chop" refrence. 2nd funniest infomercial ever.

the end. tell me what you think!
-Enigmatic Ethereality