This is my first Knuckles and Rouge fic. I know what you're probably wondering. Why did it take Icy Knuckles so long to write a Knux/Rouge fanfic? Well, the answer is quite simple: I wasn't ready yet. I needed my skills to develop before I began writing about my favorite couple, and I needed to find out if people would like my writing. Now, I can write an awesome fic that will knock your socks off. Well, let's get started.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Get up! Get up!" said an ecstatic, young echidna girl one morning as she was bouncing on her father's bed. She kept jumping up and down until he finally woke up.

"Okay, I'm up," said the male echidna. He let out a huge yawn and sat up on the edge of his bed. The morning sun shined into his room through the curtains. Wearing only a muscle shirt and some pajama bottoms, he stretched and allowed one more yawn to leave his mouth before he stood up and walked into the kitchen to fix breakfast.

"Lara-Su, make sure you clean up your room and brush your teeth before you come down to breakfast," said Knuckles.

"Okay, Daddy."

Knuckles opened the refrigerator and removed several eggs, butter, bacon, and bread from the refrigerator and set the ingredients on the counter. Then, he found a couple of skillets in the cabinet and set them on the stove. Knuckles was about to make some omelets, bacon, and French toast. He turned on the radio in the kitchen as he started to cook. In the mornings, he loved to hear the weather reports and the early morning news. Living on Angel Island may have secluded him from the outside world, but he still loved being up-to-date on the world around him.

The French toast was done in a matter of minutes. He placed all the pieces of toast onto a plate and set the plate on the table. Not long after that, the omelets and bacon were done as well. After the food was done, Knuckles pulled out a pitcher of orange juice to go with their breakfast. The moment the orange juice was on the table, Lara-Su came down the stairs in her school clothes.

"My room is clean, Dad," said the six-year old.

Knuckles gave her a heart-warming smile. There was no one he loved as much as his only daughter. Seeing as how she was his only companion on his island, it wasn't hard to understand why.

"Okay, baby girl. You can get started on breakfast while I get properly dressed," said Knuckles.

Today was nothing short of routine. First, Lara-Su would wake up her father. Then, he would come downstairs, fix breakfast, get dressed and properly hygienic, and lastly would join her back at the table before taking her to school.

Knuckles appears properly dressed in the dining room and sits down with his daughter, whose almost done with her breakfast.



"I want a new toy. All the other girls at school have a 'My Little Pony', and I want one," said Lara-Su.

Knuckles chuckles. "Well, I'll see what I can do, sweetie. I was going to go to the store today, anyway; so maybe I'll ask Cream or somebody about those ponies," said Knuckles.

"Dad, Cream's twelve now. I don't think she plays with ponies anymore," said Lara-Su.

"Well, she's the youngest person I know. "I'm sure she'll know what you're talking about," said Knuckles.

"Thanks, Dad."

After finishing breakfast, Knuckles cleared the table and washed their plates. While he did that, Lara-Su grabbed her Dora the Explorer backpack and watched Barney.

"After school, we meet to play and sing with happy faces," Lara-Su sang along.

Halfway through the theme song, Knuckles appeared in the living room and asked his daughter, "Are you ready?"

Lara-Su pressed the off button on the remote and jumped off the couch.

"Ready!" she said with glee.

Knuckles and his daughter exited the tiny, yet humble abode that was built conveniently next to the altar shrine of the Master Emerald. He walked her to school everyday because he didn't have a car, not that having one would do him any good anyway since there was no road that led to Angel Island, and he felt that she wasn't quite old enough yet to go to school on her own. After crossing the bridge and exiting the cave, they were conveniently located next to the train in the Mystic Ruins. Knuckles took his daughter by the hand and led her to the train station, where they presented their passes and boarded the second car.

It was a thirty minute ride from the Mystic Ruins to Station Square and about another fifteen minutes of walking to get to Station Square Elementary. After reaching Station Square, Knuckles took Lara-Su by the hand and led her off the train. The morning traffic was always hectic because people were always headed to work at the hour. Knuckles always took Lara-Su through a suburban neighborhood to cut down on the time it takes them to reach her school.

The early morning weather was warm. There was a small breeze in the air. A couple of residents were outside watering their lawns and walking their dogs. Knuckles loved taking his daughter this way because the scenery out this way was beautiful. It was very high class.

Suddenly, a black Chrysler with golden rims and tinted windows eased around the corner. It was slowly creeping up behind Knuckles and his daughter. Knuckles looked out the corner of his eye and saw the car pull up next to him. The passenger side window came down and a brown fruit bat leaned out the window. When Knuckles saw the face, he stood in front of Lara-Su.

"Dad, why did we stop?" she asked.

"Just keep quiet, Lara-Su," he told her.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," said the fruit bat in a deep voice. He stepped out of the car and walked up to Knuckles. Knuckles held his ground.

"What do you want, Magic?" asked Knuckles.

"First things first. Who is this lovely young girl?" asked Magic, seeing Lara-Su standing close behind Knuckles. "What's your name, Shorty?" Magic asked Lara-Su.

Lara-Su didn't respond.

"Why won't you tell me who you are?" asked Magic.

"Daddy says that I should never talk to strangers," said Lara-Su.

"Daddy? You mean that this is your little girl? I'm impressed. She has a very good likeness of you," said Magic.

"Cut the crap, Magic. What do you want?" asked Knuckles.

"I'm here to talk business with you about an incident six years ago," said Magic.

Knuckles knew exactly what he was referring to. He turned to his daughter and kneeled.

"Lara, do you remember the way to school from here?" he asked her.

"Yes, Dad, but…"

"Go ahead without me," said Knuckles.

"Daddy, I.."

"Go!" yelled Knuckles.

Lara-Su began walking. She would occasionally look back at Knuckles to check on him.

"My answer remains the same, Magic," said Knuckles.

"After I helped to rid you of Fang the Sniper, you still turn your back on me," said Magic.

Two more guys get out of the back seat of the car. One is a black hedgehog with blue streaks in his quills and glass earrings and the other is a red and black echidna with a bandana on his head.

"I told you before that I had a family to think about and I couldn't risk going to jail," said Knuckles.

"Family? What was I? I had your back while we were growing up. You never had any problems whatsoever. I was always there, but it seems that you are just a trifling ass echidna with no respect or loyalty," said Magic.

"My loyalty lies with my little girl. If I would have gotten caught robbing that store, what do you think would have happened to my girl?" asked Knuckles.

"The family would have taken care of her," said Magic.

"The family would have made her a coke horse and have her tricking out here on these streets by age fifteen. I wasn't going to let that happen to my girl not as long as I breathe air," said Knuckles.

"Little girl or not, you still owe me for ridding you of Fang the Sniper. If you won't work with me, you'll work for me then, homie," said Magic.

Magic got back into the Chrysler. Lara-Su was almost at school. Knuckles watched as the Chrysler sped down the street. He saw the car get close to the sidewalk and Lara-Su ahead of them.

"No!" said Knuckles.

Knuckles tried to walk ahead but caught the fist of the black hedgehog right in his nose. Knuckles hit the black hedgehog back with enough force to bring him to his knees. The black hedgehog groaned in pain. Knuckles was about to hit him again, but the red and black echidna delivered a blow to Knuckles' jaw. Then, he uppercutted Knuckles, which knocked Knuckles down. The black hedgehog got up and began stomping Knuckles with the other echidna. Before they stomped him too much, he grabbed both of them by a foot and tripped them up. They both fell. Knuckles got up and began to run after the Chrysler.

In the Chrysler, Magic leaned out of the window. Lara-Su turned around to see the bat headed straight for her. She began to run, but not to much avail. Magic soon caught up to her and grabbed her. She squirmed and wriggled, but her strength was no match for Magic's firm grip. She screamed very loudly. Then, the Chrysler did a U-turn back around towards Knuckles.

"Give me back my daughter!" yelled Knuckles in his powerful voice.

Knuckles was too distracted to see the two anthromorphs come up behind him. The red and black echidna, King, struck him in the back of the head. Then, the black hedgehog with the blue streaks, Stream, came around and delivered a blow to his stomach. Stream held his hand. Punching Knuckles was like punching a brick wall. It hurt like hell. Knuckles grabbed Stream by his throat and tossed him into King. Then, he started beating down both King and Stream.

Magic held Lara-Su out the window. She gave out a loud scream. Knuckles turned and ran for the Chrysler. It actually stopped right in front of him. Not thinking, Knuckles ran directly for the car. As soon as he was in range, the driver door swung open and collided with his chest, which literally knocked the wind out of him. A giant, blue armadillo emerged from the driver side of the car. He was called Big Blue. Big Blue grabbed Knuckles while he was still trying to catch his breath and held his arms. There were not many people who could hold Knuckles the Echidna down, but since Knuckles was already gasping for air, Big Blue did it with ease. Stream and King rose to their feet, went over, and started wailing on Knuckles with their fists. Knuckles slowly began to become dizzy. His face was bruising and bleeding more after every punch.

"Daddy!" yelled Lara-Su.

"Shut up you little bitch!" commanded Magic. He was still in the Chrysler holding Lara-Su.

Knuckles used the last of his strength to break free of Big Blue's hold and punch him in the face. Big Blue laughed. Knuckles was so beaten down now that he didn't even have the strength to deliver a wholesome punch. Big Blue pounded him on his head like Donkey Kong. Knuckles blacked out.

Big Blue grabbed Knuckles and threw him on the sidewalk. Knuckles was bleeding badly and his clothes were torn to pieces.

"See, he ain't so tough," said Stream.

All of the thugs then got back into the Chrysler and drove off. Knuckles laid there motionless. In his subconscious mind, Knuckles could still hear Lara-Su screaming for him, but he knew he had failed. He had failed as a father.

So what do you think? Not bad for a first chapter, eh? Please read and review. My first Knuckles and Rouge fic.

By the way:

Knuckles will be voiced by Scott Dreier in my story. Nothing personal. I love Dan Green, but he voices the new Knuckles. By the new Knuckles, I mean the Knuckles that is serious but gives a good laugh now and then. This Knuckles is the one from the Sonic Adventures. He's all serious and an all around badass.

Magic will be voiced by Busta Rhymes. I know that is random, but I'm trying to create a plot here.

Please Read and Review.