AU. KiGo, eventually. For the past four years, Shego was the only nightshift security at the Go City Bank… but not for long.

DISCLAIMER: All the characters and places in this fic are not mine! And while I'm at it, any similarities to real people and/or places are a coincidence!! This applies to this entire fic!

Chapter 5: Together

---(Saturday Morning 5am)---

Shego involuntarily woke up from her sweet slumber only to hear the source that woke her up, Junior singing in the shower. She lay still in the queen bed she shared with Kim while they stayed in a five star hotel suite in New York, and soon noticed that Kim was clutching her arm. She moved her head to the side and noticed Kim was sleeping abnormally close to her, but she decided not to move so she wouldn't wake up the young woman; it didn't work for long anyways, since a while later Junior suddenly burst out of the bathroom singing what seemed a rap song in French and woke up Kim.

Kim quickly sat up and looked around the room "What's going on?" she asked sleepily as her eyes slowly focused in the dim lighting.

"Nothing." Shego said in a bored tone "Junior is just up bright and early."

Kim looked down and saw that she was closer to her co-worker than what she remembered last night, so she decided to scoot a few inches away so Shego wouldn't be uncomfortable " Oh…" she yawned "What time is it?" she asked as she laid back down.

"Five thirty."

"So that means we slept less than three hours… but it's weird, I don't feel really tired."

"Me either." She said as she heard Junior zipping up something in the other room.

A few moments later Junior stood in the doorless doorway that lead to Kim and Shego's shared room "Ladies! Wake up!" he said cheerily and clapped his hands "We all have a flight to catch!"

"We are awake." Shego said "I kindly give my thanks to you."

"What time do we have to be there again?" Kim asked as she sat up.

"I have to be there at eleven, but you two have to be there at ten. So we need to hurry."

"Yeah, yeah… I just need to shower and pack up some of the clothes you bought me." She said as she got off the bed and stood up and quickly stretched her body and started to walk to the bathroom.

"Me too." Kim said as she hopped off the other side of the bed.

"Shego, I know you love your showers…. But you must hurry so Kim can have time to take one too!"

"Whatever." she said and shut the door to the bathroom.

"Too bad this was the only suite free when we got here…" He said as he walked towards Kim "If I had reserved one earlier we could've stayed in one that had three beds and two bathrooms. My apologies for any uncomfortableness you had."

"Oh no Junior… this vacation was the best one I've ever had! Thank you for everything! I really had a fun time with you and Shego…" she said as she gave Junior a hug and he put his massive muscular arms around her.

"How cute." Shego said from the doorway "I get out of the bathroom to get my shampoo to find you two like this." She said with a smirk.

Kim blushed while Junior released the hug they were it "You're just jealous Shego, Kim is a very important friend to me now, second only to my BFF." He said with a smile.

"Damn right." She commented as she went over to her bag "Kim, you're going to shower too right?" she asked and Kim nodded her head "Alright, don't forget to put the shampoo in my bag when you're done."


"Hurry up Shego!"

"Don't fucking rush me Junior." She said with a smirk.

---(2pm, Shego's House)---

Shego sighed and stretched her arms high in the air "Man, it's good to be back home." She said to Kim as the Taxi cab that dropped them off drove away "I'm so glad we napped on the plane. C'mon, let's go inside."

"Umm… I really should get home though… I don't want to be in your way…"

"What? You're not in my way…"

"I don't know… I just feel like I am sometimes, like I was in the way of Junior and your vacation."

"Kim… are you saying that Junior is my boyfriend?" she asked after a moment.

"Isn't he?"

Shego gave a small snort and soon broke out into full-blown laughter "Come… inside…" she said in between laughs as she walked towards the door and Kim followed closely behind.

"Well? What was that all about?" Kim asked after they had gotten inside and set their bags down.

Shego felt another wave of laughter coming up, but held it down for Kim's sake "So you actually think he's my boyfriend?" she asked with a wide grin as she went to go sit on her leather couches.

"Well, you two seemed really close… so sue me." she said as she took a seat next to Shego.

"Kim… Junior is gay. He went to Paris to visit his boyfriend Henri… were you seriously not able to tell?"

"I noticed he was very feminine, but I just thought he was metrosexual."

"Wow… aside from his father, you're the only one that hasn't instantly known."

"Does Betty know?"

"She knew before I even told her… like me, she suspected he was gay long before he came out of the closet." she said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Well, I've only known him for a few days…" she said in defense.

"If you say so." She said as she turned on the TV.

"Shego…" Kim said after a few minutes of watching the TV in silence.

She turned her head to her young friend and noticed she had a pensive look on her face "What?"

"On the night when those guys broke into the bank… what was that…. That green glow around your hands?"

Shego gave a small smile "So you remember that huh?"

Kim slowly nodded her head as she made eye content with Shego "I mean, if you want to tell me… if not, it's cool."

"It's a green flame-like energy that I can produce with my hands." She said as she brought out her right hand in front of her and lit it up "The energy never burns my skin… but it'll burn or melt everything else."

"Why is that?" she asked as she was in a sort of trance as she looked at the beautiful green flame dancing around.

"It's due to a chemical that's in my body… this actually the reason I got into the agency in the first place. My bastard of a father was a scientist… but he eventually became corrupt when the military gave him a job. He was constantly under pressure because of them, and one night he had a breakthrough… he wanted to test it immediately to present it first thing in the morning… and guess who got to be the test subject?" she asked as she put the flame out.

Kim froze and moved her eyes to Shego's "No…"


"W-where is he now?"

"Beats me. I don't give a shit… last time I heard he was in jail again, but this was a few years ago. He went straight to jail when it was found out that I was the test subject… then the agency found out about me and took me in to help me harness my 'ability'."

"I've never seen you use it though… shouldn't you use it more often then?"

"I try not to rely on it too much… since it feeds off my emotions. Besides, I'm still fairly new to this since my father did this to me when I was twenty… and I try to keep a low profile about it, although the green skin doesn't help, since only you, Betty, Junior, and a few select people at the agency know about it."

"What about your mother?" she asked after a moment.

Shego scoffed "That broad walked out on us when I was two years old, she left my dad for another man… and we never saw her again." she looked over at Kim and saw that she was furrowing her brow "What's the problem?"

"You've lost so much, and to be able to talk about it as if it were nothing… I'm sorry if I came off as being nosy…"

"Nah… I probably would've come out more screwed up than what I am if I have had them both." She said with a smile. "So, have any boyfriends back home?"

"What?" She asked, clearly surprised at the question.

Shego gave her an 'are you serious look' "Y'know? A male that you have sexual relations with… you do know what a boyfriend is, right?" She asked in mock horror "Because I don't want to have to explain to you what you do with one…"

"I know what you mean, it's just… you skipped topics so fast that you caught me off guard." She said while blushing furiously.

"Alright then, spill it out. You already had your fun asking me about my parents… now it's my turn."

"But that was about your parents… not a significant other."

"I told you about Junior also, so there."

"Fine." She said as she admitted defeat quickly, a first for her "I had a boyfriend back home… but I broke up with him. There."

"Why? Was he cheating on you? Was he not good enough in bed? What is his name?" She asked while grinning as she continued to prod.

"Yes Shego, Josh cheated on me." She said with a bored expression.

"Josh eh? I knew there was cheating involved. So who was it? Your best friend right?"

"Yes… my 'best friend' who was also my…" she said as she struggled to find the right word. "…ex-partner."

"So he went gay on you?" She asked suspiciously, Kim seemed to be hiding something.

"No." she said after a few seconds.

Shego remained quiet for a moment, letting the voices from the television fill in the silence between herself and Kim, as she contemplated on what Kim had said. "So your saying he cheated on you with your 'ex-partner' but he didn't go the gay way right?"


"Okay, so then that means you're bisexual… right?"

"Yes." she answered in a hushed tone as she hid her face from Shego.

"So you're bisexual and yet you weren't able to tell that Junior was gay? How does that work?"

"For God's sake Shego!"


"You're not at all disturbed by the fact that I'm bisexual!? It doesn't gross you out? You don't think I sleep around with just anyone… that I'm 'easy'?" She asked, almost pleading as she looked at Shego.

"What? No… why would it? Why would I?"

"Because everyone back home seems to think so…" she said as small tears formed in her eyes. "Once it got out that my best friend, Bonnie, and I were going out my parents wouldn't even look at me! And around school we were known as the school lesbians, everyone treated us like we were objects, rather than people…"

"Then what?" she asked she picked up the small redhead and sat her on her lap, and embraced her in an intimate hug.

Kim laid into Shego's body and instantly felt more at ease "We couldn't take it… Bonnie and I transferred to a different school across town, and we both decided to see other people, at least until after high school. A few weeks later I met Josh, and we started going out… but then I caught him cheating on me with Bonnie… and things ended badly. I haven't spoken to either of them since that day."

"Are you happy with your life right now?" she asked, catching Kim off guard again.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she saw one of Shego's long locks of hair fall down and land on her shoulder. Her heart began to beat faster and her face began to flush as it finally clicked in her brain where she was sitting at.

"Exactly what I said. Are you happy with your life? Do you miss either of them at all?"

"I-I don't think I do… I mean, sometimes it just feels like there's an empty space in my heart, but since I moved over here, each day that heartache goes away a little…" she said as she started to relax a little.

"Mmm… I know how that feels. I had a boyfriend once upon a time, but that jackass and I broke up awhile ago. I was a horrible mess the first few weeks after the breakup, so horrible that Betty had some of the morning shift guards take over the nightshift for me." she said in a hushed tone. "I know what it feels to be judged all to well… I wouldn't judge you for something such as your sexuality… I would be stupid if I did…" she said as she put her chin atop Kim's head and closed her eyes.

"Why were you judged?" Kim asked after a moment.

"Why do you think?" Shego asked in return.

"Because of your skin?" the younger woman ventured in, hoping her answer was right.

"Bingo. I was always looked down upon because of the way I looked… you and Betty are two of the few people I have met in life after my 'accident' that have overlooked it… I didn't know it was possible for people to do that since I was even grossed out of myself. But I eventually learned to love myself again. Really cheesy huh?" she asked with a slight laugh.

"Not at all." Kim assured her. "Hey Shego?"




"For being understanding about my sexuality."

"I would be a hypocrite if I did judge you though, I mean I AM friends with Junior right?"

"You got a point." she said as grabbed one of Shego's hands and began massaging it softly and instantly felt some of the tension inside Shego slowly begin to melt away. After a few minutes of mindlessly watching the TV and massaging Shego's hand, she heard the older woman slightly snoring. She smiled to herself and leaned in a little further into Shego and eventually drifted off to sleep herself.

---(Several Hours later)---

Kim woke up in a panic and in a cold sweat, she was having a nightmare and was relieved when she found herself in a dim room and on top of a bed. She let her eyes adjust to the lighting and she saw Shego laying on her back a few inches away from her, Kim sighed and laid back down. "Shego?" she asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Hmm?" she mumbled as she opened her eyes.

"What time is it?"

She lifted her head and looked off to the side "Eleven-thirty."

Kim shuffled a bit to face Shego and felt that she was wearing different clothes. She pulled on the top she was wearing and saw that she was in a black tank top, then sat up and saw that she was in bright green sweats. "When did I change clothes?" she asked as she gave Shego a puzzled look.

"You didn't…" she answered after a few seconds.

"Then why am I in these clothes?" she asked, still highly confused.

Shego gave a heavy sigh, hoping that Kim was only being clueless because she was choosing to be or because she just woke up. "Why do you think?" she asked as she gave Kim a few seconds to answer the question, but the silence lead to no avail "I thought you would be uncomfortable in the clothes you were in so I changed you… I hope I didn't cross the line or anything."

"Oh…" she said as she laid back down "Thanks."

"No problem." Shego mumbled back.

"Shego?" Kim asked after a few moments of silence.


"Earlier you said you would be stupid if you judged me… what did you mean by that?"

Shego sighed "Why is it that you remember the most awkward things I say?" she asked as she put her arm over her eyes.

"Please…" Kim asked as she turned her head to face Shego and pouted and scooted closer to her.

"You're make too many confessions come out of my mouth, you're too hazardous for my health…" she said with a smirk.

"I'm waiting… so stop stalling."

"You're an amazing young woman Kim… I've felt different ever since you came into my life. Ever since Erik and I broke up months ago I always felt bitter… but not anymore… I'd fucking kill myself if I ever let someone like you go."

"But how would you kill yourself if you never knew me in the first place?" she asked while slightly giggling.

"Just agree with me will ya?" she said as she felt her face getting hot.

Kim gave small smile "Okay okay… I'm sorry."

"If I tell you something… promise not to get all weird on me?" she asked after awhile.

"I guess… what is it?"

"Promise first."

"Fine I promise… cross my heart and hope to die."

"I'm falling in love with you… unless I already am in love." she confessed, but heard no response from her co-worker and decided to continue her declaration since it was out in the open anyways "Earlier while changing you, I had the greatest urge to caress you body. I wanted to kiss your soft lips and run my hands all over your body. I didn't though… I was attracted to you the instant I saw you, but I just started to realize it these last few days we were together." she said in a loud whisper "I've never wanted to be with someone as much as I want to be with you… you must think I a sick pervert now huh?" she asked as she removed her arm from her eyes to look at Kim.

Kim hid her eyes and face from Shego with her red mane, and it made Shego anxious that she couldn't see her bedmate's expression because of the red hair and poor lighting. Kim moved towards Shego and straddled the older woman's waist, then slowly leaned down and planted a quick kiss on Shego's lips. "I love you too." she whispered in Shego's ear and planted another kiss on Shego's lips.

The kiss remained unbroken and it grew more heated and passionate as Kim began to subconsciously grind herself into Shego. Shego on the other hand, put her arms around the young redhead's neck to keep her from going anywhere, not that the said redhead had any intentions do to so in the first place.

After what seemed like minutes to them, Kim began to lift up the tank top she was wearing and a moment later Shego noticed what she was doing and helped her out of it. Once the top was off Shego threw the offending material off to the side and saw that Kim was just left in her bra, remembering that it was a light pink from when she changed her earlier. Before Shego even had a chance to begin taking off her own top, Kim was already tugging it upwards. "So eager…" Shego commented as she grabbed Kim by the waist so she could sit herself and Kim up.

Kim quickly pulled off Shego's top and also cast it aside "Finally it's off." Kim whispered as she began to kiss Shego's neck, which caught the older woman by surprise and made her be under Kim again; not that she minded for the moment, she had never been with another woman and considered herself inexperienced for the time being and let Kim have most of the control, a rare occasion at that since she was the one that was usually in control. Kim made her way up Shego's jaw and then back on her lips, that's when Shego's hands got to work as she unclasped Kim's bra.

"Hold on…" Shego said in between pants as she sat her self and Kim up once again. She quickly unclasped her own bra and pulled down Kim's sweats, underwear and all. Kim decided she wanted to take off Shego's sweats since Shego took off hers, and she did just that.

"There, no more interruptions." The younger woman whispered and as she started a new kiss and one of her hands went to one of the two exposed mounds to massage it, and Shego groaned because of the attention which encouraged the redhead to continue.


"That was amazing…" Shego commented after a few minutes of silence between them. She had Kim on top of her and felt the younger woman's head bob up and down.

"Have you ever been with another woman?" Kim asked after a moment.

"No… why?" she asked, somewhat nervous since she thought she might have underperformed.

"Just asking. You were exceptionally good." she said a she gave Shego a quick peck on the neck. "Second to none."

"Glad to know, but I was actually also kind of learning from you." She said as she blushed. She wasn't used to being so open to someone and Kim just seemed to make her do and say things she usually wouldn't.

"Mmm." Kim said in agreement and started to place small pecks on Shego's jaw.

"What's this? You're ready for more?" she asked with a laugh.

"I get my second wind pretty fast." she said in between pecks.

"Same here." she agreed as she kissed her lover on the lips and the pair of hips on top of hers ground into her own hips.

---(Sunday, Early Afternoon)---

Kim awoke slowly and kept her eyes closed, that is until she felt an arm around her and opened her eyes and saw green skin. Her mind instantly remembered the night's activities and she faintly blushed. She then lifted up her head and saw Shego and the clothes the older woman let her borrow thrown haphazardly around the room and a small smile spread on her face.

"What're you doin'?" Shego asked as she pulled Kim closer to her until she was spooning the redhead.

"Umm… nothing."

"Good. Stay here with me." she said as she snuggled her face into the back of Kim's neck and sent a shiver down her spine.

"What now?" the redhead asked after a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"So we're officially a couple now… right?"

"I would like to be, would you?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way." she said as she turned her head back to receive a kiss, and was not disappointed.

"I guess Betty will have to know eventually, since she keeps close tabs on me… and you too."

"Let's surprise her tomorrow." she said with a laugh.

"How so?"

"We just kiss in front of her, I mean, she's bound to find out sooner or later if we don't tell her." Kim said as she turned to face her new girlfriend.

"True, sounds like a plan then." she said with a smirk and gave Kim a quick kiss. "What do you say we take a bath and then go out to eat, on me."

"I would very much like that, we can even wear some of the clothes Junior bought for us."

"Let's get to it then." she said with a smile as she got out of bed and gently picked up Kim and carried her all the way to the bathroom. She quickly turned on the water in the bathtub, once the water was warm she closed the water drain to put in some strawberry bubble bath mix under the running water. Kim noticed the bathtub had several water jets around the wall, and mentally noted that their bath was going last longer than what it should've due to both of them making love to each other once again.

---(Next Day 6:30pm)---

Kim and Shego exited Shego's car and walked slowly towards the bank's main entrance hand in hand.

Will was standing outside the main entrance and noticed Kim was walking in his direction, but also noted that her hand was holding the woman he most hated, Shego. He just assumed they were both really good friends and went up to have a chat with Kim. "Hello Kim." he greeted with a warm smile as he stretched his hand out to shake Kim's hand.

Kim and Shego both reluctantly stopped walking so that Kim could talk to Will "Hi Will… nice to see you." she said with a small smile as she shook his hand with her free hand.

Will was going to kiss Kim's hand once again but Shego slapped his hand off of Kim's "Don't you dare put your fucking nasty ass lips anywhere on my girl."

"Your girl?" he asked in confusion.

"Yeah, my girl, as in my girlfriend." she said with a smug smile.

"That does not mean that I can't greet her!" he said in defense.

"Frankly, it does." she said in mock sympathy "One, you creep the hell out of her. And two, she's MY girlfriend. If I ever catch you or hear that you were touching her, I will burn your fucking balls off."

Will glared at Shego while Kim blushed but was also relieved she wouldn't have to deal with Will anymore. "We… we should get inside now." she said she lightly pulled Shego in the direction of the entrance.

Once the couple was inside they noticed it was almost empty and Betty was nowhere in sight, so they decided to head to the locker room while their shift started. They got into the row that their lockers were in and Shego pinned Kim against the wall of lockers and kissed her.

Betty walked into the locker room a few minutes later after she heard that Shego had arrived early for once and wanted to make sure it was true. As she turned into her row she saw Kim and Shego having a full blown make-out sessions, and was certain that tongue was being used. Her face flushed and she decided to cough to get their attention "I hope you two can keep at a professional level when you're on the clock." she commented as she avoided eye contact with the pair.

Shego stopped the kiss and smirked "Don't worry about it Boss, we were just getting it out of our system before our shift started."

Kim lightly blushed and bit her bottom lip "We'll get ready now Betty."

"Thanks." she said and left the locker room.

Kim and Shego got all of their equipment on them we're ready in a few minutes. Once they were outside Betty was sitting on one of the many couches "I'll catch up to you in a few minutes Kim, I need to go check in my office if I got any new memos or shit like that."

Kim nodded that she understood and walked over to the couch and sat next to Betty, Kim noticed she looked more composed that what she did a few minutes earlier. "So… heading off to home?" she asked so she could start up a conversation.

"When did it happen?" she asked with a small smile.

"You mean Shego and I right?" she asked and Betty nodded "This weekend…"

"I'm glad Shego finally found someone, she's always had this lonely look on her face since she broke up with her boyfriend… but since you came along I would see less of it. She even looks happier now with you than what she did when she was with him. You're what she needed." She sighed "Well, I'm heading off to home sweet home now. See you tomorrow morning." she said with a smile.

"So that's it?"

"What is?"

"No lecture about how we need to stay professional while at work?"

"Do you need one?" she inquired with a smile.

"Just asking, I thought you would so you could get on Shego's nerves." she said as she returned the smile.

"Sounds like an idea I might try one of these, but not today, I'm tired and I just want to get home. Besides, I trust you two can keep your hands of each other long enough so that the bank doesn't get broken into."

Kim giggled and watched Betty walked away, but soon called out her name a she was punching in the code to open the large doors and Betty turned around to face the smiling redhead "What is it?"

"Thanks for being a great boss." she said with a smile.

"I do try." she answered back and finished punching in the numbers to open the doors. "See you tomorrow!" she yelled and Kim waved.

---(A Few Weeks later; Friday afternoon)---

"Shego?" Kim called out as she entered her girlfriend's house.

"In the kitchen!" Shego answered.

Kim put her small duffel bag filled with clothes by the door and walked into the kitchen and saw Shego putting dishes away. "I missed you." Kim said as she wrapped her arms around Shego's waist and kissed the side of her neck.

"Me too." the older woman said as she turned around and gave a quick kiss to the redhead "I've got an idea on what we can do tomorrow when we hang out with Junior?"

"Oh? What is it?"

"He's having a party and his dad's mansion because of some successful business he had earlier this month, and I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of older single guys there… what do you say we take Betty along with us and try to hook her up with some nice looking rich guy?"

"Sounds like a great idea. It's the least we could do for her, I mean, it is thanks to her that we met each other."

"Then it's settled. I have another great idea though… what do you say if you move in with me? I know it's only been a few weeks since we've been together, but-"


"You'll move in?" she asked happily as she looked down at the redhead.

"I was thinking about it earlier, I spend more time here than what I do at the condo… but now you gave me a great idea."

"And what is it?" she asked, knowing all too well what was on her lover's mind.

"Let's go up stairs and get in bed… and you know…"

"And not watch the movie that we agreed to watch?" she asked in mock disappointment.

"You know as much as I did that there would be no movie." She said with a smile.

"We can always start out here and work our way up to the bedroom." Shego said as she began kissing Kim's neck.

"Works for me." She said after a moment so she could regain so of her composure back, and began to take off Shego's clothes.


So yeah… it's been awhile. But I was finally able to finish this fic D: