Disclaimer: I own nothing

Pairing: Kagome/Male Harem (Yugi/Yami/Malik/Jounouchi/Bakura/Ryou/Kaiba)

A/N: The Battle City events will be somewhat different in this story…

"So, you're registered in this tournament thing, then?" Kagome asked, completely uninterested, but desperate to make some sort of conversation with the man.

Kaiba slowly turned his ice-blue eyes over to the short female following behind him, already irritated with the girl. He was really starting to regret forcing her to be his 'servant' for saving her from the Rare Hunters earlier that day. He could already tell that she would be a big thorn in his side. But he was willing to do pretty much anything to get the Blue-Eyes from her, so he was willing to put up with her for the time being.

"Yes." He answered shortly, walking through the crowds with large strides, though the girl easily kept up with him without any trouble. He glared at the people staring wide-eyed at him, most likely surprised that he was with the opposite sex. He rarely dealt with any kind of female, knowing that they were only after his wealthy status and/or good-looks. That and he wasn't interested in having any kind of relationship either, no matter how much Mokuba was actually pestering him to go on one date at the very least.

"So, how good are you at this Duel Monster game?" Kagome asked another question, blue eyes glancing around with annoyance as people stared at them, more at Kaiba then her. However, there were still a few people pointing at her, even some girls were glaring rather heavily at her. Kagome glared right back at them, having seen much worse.

A few fan-girls would never scare her.

'It's amazing that this guy can attract anyone.' Kagome mentally rolled her eyes at her thought, glancing at Kaiba in the corner of her eyes. She hated to admit it, but the man really was handsome, despite his arrogant attitude.

"I am the number-one duellist." Kaibe answered coldly, his eyes darkening in hatred as he thought of his number-one rival, Mutou Yugi. That brat merely beat him by pure fluke, having the Exodia in his deck at the time. The kid hadn't beat him since, but everyone now seemed to recognize Yugi as the number-one duellist over him, something that angered him greatly.

"Really now?" Kagome sighed, wondering where they were going. She was very uninterested in the conversation thus far, having no interest in the Duel Monster game herself. "Where are we going?" She finally asked, blinking as Kaiba lead her to a sleek, black limousine.

"Back to Kaiba Corp. I have to get ready to announce the tournament this evening." Kaiba answered, glancing down at his silver watch to see the time. He narrowed his eyes, it wasn't long before he had to announce the beginning of the tournament, he had spent more time saving the girl than he had thought. He almost rolled his brilliant blue eyes at the very thought of the girl, knowing the next few weeks were going to be hell with her around.

"Kaiba… Corp.? So you really are famous?" Kagome wondered out loud, blinking a bit when Kaiba turned around to give her a slight unbelieving glance. A light red tint flushed her cheeks, feeling embarrassed that she didn't know him. He was obviously famous, though it wasn't her fault that she didn't know him. After all, she had spent a lot of her time in the past, not really listening to the latest news and gossip.

Kaiba raised a brow, had this girl really not heard of him? His name was very big in Japan, and even in the western countries. He was one of the richest men in the world, and yet this girl had not heard of him? Did she live under a rock or something?

"Get in." Kaiba ordered, motioning for the driver of the limo to open the door, which he did so quickly. Kaiba raised his brow even higher as the girl glared at him, obviously not liking how he ordered her around. He resisted the urge to smirk, she should get used to it. He was going to order her around as much as he wanted, at least until her debt to him was owed, or if she gave him the Blue-Eyes that she possessed.

"You know, you might have more friends if you treat people a little better." Kagome muttered, already knowing this type of personality. If she was correct, then the man was most likely anti-social, having no friends and only acquaintances that benefitted him in some way. Sesshoumaru was the exact same.

"I have no need for friends." Kaiba smirked as he spat out the word, like he had trouble even saying it. Friends were for the weak, people like Yugi. Kaiba's eyes darkened even more, his smirk darkly smug. Yugi and his cheerleader friends believed in that 'Friend-ship Circle' crap, something that made them weak. He honestly couldn't believe that Yugi had managed to beat him, especially with how weak he was.

The darkness in his soul spread just a little more, and Kagome looked at him with a bit of unease, wary of the dark look within his blue eyes. She may just have to tread a little carefully around this man; he wasn't someone she wanted to get on the bad side. The miko suddenly shrugged, smirking herself.

Now when was she ever careful around danger?

"I can't believe that you just remembered that now." Anzu sighed, looking over at Jounouchi while shaking her head. "We could have seen if that girl really did own a different Blue-Eyes."

"Don't get angry at me, I barely even saw her photo on the news." Jounouchi shot back, shaking the back of his blond head, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine, I'm sure that we'll see her sometime soon." Yugi said, trying to make his best friend feel a little better. He turned his amethyst eyes back to the road, wondering why Yami was so quiet. Usually he would've said something by now. Maybe he was still thinking of that girl?

"Yeah…" Jounouchi muttered, glaring at Honda as he slapped him hard on the back.

"I'm surprised you didn't recognize her right away. She was hot!" Honda smirked, throwing his brown eyes back at the blond. "Or you didn't notice that? Your taste in girls really does suck!" Honda laughed loudly, and then choked when Jounouchi caught him in a headlock.

"Oh, that's right!" Anzu suddenly blinked her bright blue eyes, turning back to Jounouchi. "Are you still dating Mai?" She asked the blond, who was completely startled by the question.

"No, we broke up a few weeks ago." Jounouchi stated rather quietly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "She thought it wasn't working out."

"I'm sorry, man." Honda slung an arm over the blond's shoulder, feeling bad about his earlier joke. He had no idea that Jounouchi had broken up with Mai, he was sure that Jounouchi was really into Mai as well.

"It's fine," Jounouchi said, rolling his chocolate-brown eyes as they looked at him with disbelief. "Really." It was true that he wasn't completely over the relationship, but they didn't have to play the pity party. It would probably only make him feel even worse.

"Why did Mai break up with you?" Yugi asked curiously, seeing that Jounouchi was fine with the subject. Yugi narrowed his eyes a bit when he noticed that Yami wasn't even paying attention to the conversation, still pondering over something else. Yami must have really been distracted if he wasn't even paying attention to something like this.

"She didn't like the long-distance relationship." Jounouchi shrugged, already bored with the conversation. He glanced forward, blinking his brown eyes. "Well," He turned back to his group of friends. "Battle City starts tonight. I better head home to get my deck ready." He said, waving good-bye as he headed in a different direction.

"I'd better go too." Honda added, splitting off from the group.

Yugi blinked, feeling embarrassed suddenly when he was left alone with Anzu. He used to have a infatuation with the beautiful dancer, though it had changed when she had admitted gently that she would never feel that way for him, that he would always be her best friend and nothing more. It had hurt him for a while, but he eventually got over it. Still, the thought of being alone with her was a little bit too much to think of.

'Yami, can you take over?' Yugi thought, finally snapping his darker other half out of his pondering. Yami blinked in his soul room, hearing Yugi's voice, asking him to take over.

'Of course.' Yami answered in his deep voice, a golden glow lighting up the room as he and Yugi switched places. It happened in an instant, and Anzu didn't even notice in the second.

"Well," The dancer gracefully turned to glance at him, her blue eyes bright. "Since we're alone, let's go grab something to eat!" She smiled and grabbed Yami's hand, dragging him to her favourite café.

It would be only a little while later that Kaiba announced the official start of the Battle City Tournament in a very flamboyant way.

"You have a little brother?" Kagome asked curiously, looking over at the arrogant businessman. She picked up the picture, having found it sitting on the seat of the limo. At first she had just thought it was a Duel Monster card, but it turned out to be a picture of a little boy. She smiled, he was so cute! He almost reminded her of Souta, her smile turning into a sad one…

"Mokuba. You will meet him later." Kaiba coldly said, grabbing his picture necklace from her hands roughly, not wanting her to touch it. He would rather avoid having Mokuba meet the girl, but he knew Mokuba would probably protest such an action, though he didn't actually plan to introduce the girl to his little brother. If they met, then they met, and he would have no part in it.

"He's cute!" Kagome smiled at the Kaiba, not feeling down when he glared harshly at her. If she was to follow the man around for a few weeks, then she would undoubtedly meet his little brother sometime. She was looking forward to it; she only hoped that he wasn't anything like Kaiba.

"Stop here." Kaiba ordered coldly, knowing that it was time to announce the start of his tournament. He planned to do it in style, up in a helicopter. He closed in blue eyes in an annoyance as a thought suddenly hit him, the girl.

He simply refused to take her up with him in the air, so there only seemed to be one other choice. It seemed that he would introduce her to Mokuba after all, and have his little brother keep the girl in his sights. Kaiba did not want for her to escape, not before he got the Blue-Eyes from her.

Kaiba got out of the limo, motioning for Kagome to stay put. She simply blinked, wondering what was going on. He explained the situation to the limo driver, making sure that he would not let the girl out of his sight until Mokuba was with her. The driver would then have to explain the situation to Mokuba, and make sure that he wouldn't let her out of his sights. In other words, Mokuba would have to be the girl's babysitter for the time being.

"Of course, Kaiba-sama." The driver bowed in his seat, glancing back to the confused girl in the back. He wasn't surprised by her good-looks; it was about time that Kaiba-sama got himself a girlfriend. It wasn't a surprise to him that she was practically model-worthy.

Kaiba didn't even bother to explain the situation to the girl, who was now looking angry at him. In fact, he didn't even give her a second glance as he walked towards Kaiba Corp, using his cell phone to make sure the helicopter was prepared before he got to the H-pad on the roof.

Battle City was going to officially start within a few hours, and he was going to win.

He would beat Yugi even if it killed him.

"Hey, hey. Hey, where are we going!?" Kagome practically screamed at the poor driver, angry at Kaiba for 'abandoning' her without even explaining the damn situation! 'I should just leave the bastard!' She thought angrily, then blinked at her own thought. It almost made her sound like she was actually dating him! 'That wouldn't happen in a million years! Never! Never!' Kagome ranted in her mind, blushing a slight red at the same time.

She really, really, really, really hated to admit it, but Kaiba was damn good-looking…

'No! No! NO!' She shook her head rapidly, not even seeing the driver looking at her actions warily, wondering if the girl had suddenly gone crazy.

"We are merely going to pick up Mokuba-sama. Please calm down, Kagome-sama." The limo driver said, focusing his attention back to the road, just as where it should be.

"What?!" Kagome blushed a full out red, embarrassed that he had called her as such. "No, no! Don't use 'sama'! I don't deserve any title like that!" The miko protested, hating the suffix. Kami only knew how many times she had complained to Miroku about calling her as such, though he hadn't listened to a word she had said.

Kagome sighed, berating herself for thinking of the past. She only put herself in a depression when she did that, and tried her best to avoid it.

"Kaiba-sama told me to treat you with the highest respect possible." The driver argued back, seeing the Kaiba's mansion coming in sight. "I cannot call you anything but." He parked the limo near the mansion, knowing he was only picking up Mokuba. "Please wait here, Kagome-sama. I'll be back within a moment." He said, wanting to explain the situation to Mokuba in private.

Kagome sat back, crossing her arms angrily over her chest. She winced as the bandage stretched painfully over her wound, a reddish tint on the white cloth. "Ouch, when did it start bleeding again?" She wondered out loud, examining her arm. She put a blank face, wondering if she should just heal the damn wound. It would certainly save her a lot of trouble, though it might look a little suspicious to others if it was just suddenly healed.

"Better just leave it then." Kagome sighed, leaning back against the comfortable seats of the limo. She smiled suddenly, wondering if she would get to meet this Mokuba. She only hoped that he wasn't anything like his older brother…

"So you're Higurashi Kagome?" A voice suddenly said, Kagome didn't have any time to react as something hit her in the back of the head hard, knocking her out cold instantly. She briefly wondered why she couldn't sense any presence before she fell unconscious, slumping against the seat, shattered glass falling onto her lap.

A few Rare Hunters smirked, the large one flipping the unconscious girl over his shoulder with ease. "It seemed that Malik-sama's plan worked, all he had to do was suppress his dark magic." One Hunter said with a smirk as he glanced towards the girl, who was very pretty. He smirked even wider as thoughts hit him, Malik-sama would never know…

The other Rare Hunters moved away quickly from the one as he suddenly screamed out in terror and in pain, falling to his knees while clutching at his head. He begged Malik-sama to stop whatever he was doing, but the pressure in his head only got worse.

The other Rare Hunters watched warily as the one fell to the ground, not moving at all. They all immediately straightened as a dark voice rang in their heads.

'None of you touch the woman inappropriately. If any of you do, then you will end up like the other.' Malik ordered through the mental hold he had on his servants, feeling irritated. He knew that a miko may lose their pure powers if touched in that way, and he did not want that. The girl would be of great use to him and his causes.

'Also, wait for the Kaiba brat. He also may be of use to me.' Malik ordered, leaning lazily in his seat. He smirked darkly and smugly, who knew that Kaiba was so easy to fool? He really should've kept his belongings much closer to him, as his little brother and his little girlfriend now belonged to him. The girl and her Blue-Eyes…

"Who the hell are you?!" Another voice suddenly shouted, the Rare Hunters all turned to look at the little boy. They smirked, knowing that this must be Kaiba's younger brother. They were to collect him as well…

"Boy, you had better come quietly or else…" The large Rare Hunter ordered, shifting the light girl over his shoulder. He cracked his fists, taking a threatening step forward.

Mokuba looked on the scene with wide eyes, taking a step back. The limo driver had explained about the girl to him, and how she may actually be his older brother's girlfriend. He couldn't wait to meet her and see if she was worthy of his older brother. He, of course, did not expect to see any Rare Hunters, especially not near the Kaiba mansion.

"Get him!" The large Rare Hunter ordered as Mokuba suddenly bolted, running past them and away from the mansion. He would only be trapped in the building if he decided to go back there.

"Let go!" Mokuba yelled out as one of the Rare Hunters got a hold of him, struggling to get away. "Nii-sama will find out!" He shouted, hoping to intimidate them. It was not successful as the Rare Hunters merely smirked darkly, not caring in the least.

"Here's hoping he will." One Rare Hunter said, bringing his fist down on the kid's head, also knocking him out cold. Mokuba was slung over the shoulder of another Rare Hunter, waiting for orders from their master.

'Bring them both back to the base.' Malik lazily ordered, smirking darkly at the turn of events. The girl and Kaiba's brother were in his grasp!

The Blue-Eyes was also in his hold, and he would put it to very good use…

Meanwhile, the limo driver hid behind a nearby tree, sweating nervously and hoping that they didn't see him. It seemed that they didn't as they left the scene, taking Mokuba-sama and the girl with them. He cursed, wishing he could've done more, but he was only a driver, and not one of Kaiba's bodyguards. But he could alert Kaiba to the news right away.

And he knew that Kaiba would not be very happy with the news…