A/N-- I feel like it's been forever. I'm sorry I'm making you all wait so long for an update. Final's are killing me right now. Anywho, I hope you like this chapter. Things are starting to... look up! ;)


Chapter 16- Starting Over

I sat quietly beside Edward, through the night and breaking dawn. He was stiff, cold and quiet. He didn't say a word to me. Instead, once an hour or so he would rub his hand against my knee, showing me he remembered I was still there. I didn't move once, but kept my hands tied firmly around his waist. I matched his position, still as stone.

And then Edward moved, for the first time in 12 hours of silence. He got up from beside me and walked straight into the bathroom. Once the door was shut, I heard the shower water start and the glass door open and shut.

I was upset that Edward refused to communicate with me. I knew he was hurting and feeling rejected, but his coolness towards me was just unacceptable.

I walked straight into the bathroom. Edward was visible through the clear glass shower. His head was bowed forward and his arms hung limp at his sides. He didn't react to my entrance.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

He turned slowly and gazed into my concerned eyes. His hair was dark from the water as it fell flat over his forehead from the running water. He didn't remove his gaze as the steam began to build and fog up the glass separating us. I couldn't take the emotionless act he was performing any longer. I quickly stripped myself from my clothes and entered the shower to join him. The loud click from the shower door behind me echoed loudly in my ears.

I didn't say anything as he glanced over his shoulder at my body behind him. Instead, I leaned into the flowing water behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my face against his back.

"I'm here for you," I breathed against his shoulder blade.

"I know," Edward responded.

He turned around to face me and placed a lingering kiss against my now wet forehead.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too."

We stood in silence during the rest of our shower; carefully washing each other. We didn't have to speak to feel comforted. Every time Edward rubbed soap suds over my body, he moved slowly and carefully, caressing each of my cures. And I did the same.

"Let's move to London," Edward said as we dressed in our own hotel room.

"London?" I asked, amazed.

"Yes. I haven't been there for quite some time. England is primarily overcast. We can go out during the day, go to school there; start a life for ourselves."

I couldn't express the exhilaration that rushed through my body at that moment. London, England... alone... with Edward.

"I would love to," I said.

"Let's leave tonight," Edward said. "I have money, we can buy plane tickets, fly over there as soon as possible. We'll get a small apartment-"

"But what about food?" I interrupted.

"Bella, there are many parks surrounding London. We'll have enough to eat, I promise."

A smile immediately lit my face. "Oh, Edward! We can go see all of the Architecture, the Museums, the Library's, Art Galleries!"

"Yes. And we'll be alone, together."

Edward's face was full of love and longing. Within seconds I was in his arms, hugging his body tight to mine. A new adventure awaited us in a new city, country.

"I can't wait," I whispered into his chest.

"And neither can I," he responded.


The airport was full, as always, which made me uncomfortable. I wasn't even sure how I'd last in an airplane just days after I drank human blood. I shivered once.

Edward had me wearing thick black sunglasses, for my eyes hadn't completely lost their redness. I caught sight of myself, and Edward at my side, in one of the glass windows from a souvenir shop, and instantly looked away. I looked like a freak wearing sunglasses in a crowded, fully lit terminal.

"Two for London, England please," Edward said to the woman at the desk.

I watched as she eyed me curiously and tried to snuggle closer to Edward's side.

Edward handed the woman his sleek black credit card as he paid for our two tickets and then we made our way to the appropriate terminal.

Though I hated to see Edward spend so much money on me, I was happy when I saw that our first class seats weren't surrounded by many other passengers.

"Let me take that," Edward said.

I handed him my one bag of what little clothes I had and watched as he easily pushed it into its proper location above my head. His biceps looked wonderful in his dark blue t-shirt.

"Excuse me," a woman said in Edward's ear.

Edward turned and smiled politely at her.

"Could you help me get my luggage into the box. I'm afraid I am to short." I didn't miss the way this 30 year old woman held a twinkle in her eye.

"Of course," Edward said.

He reached for her ugly orange back, lifted it gracefully and pushed it into place without struggle.

"My, you are a strong young man, aren't you?" she said.

I could help but grind my teeth at her comment.

"There you go," Edward said as he turned back towards me.

"Thank you so very much," she said.

"Your welcome," he responded bluntly.

"You are a strong your man, aren't you?" I teased in annoyance.

Edward stunned me with a smug crooked smile before leaning down and placing a tender kiss on my lips. I melted in his embrace instantly.

Throughout the entire flight, I was anxious to see the bright lights of the city. I was even tapping my foot in my haste to calm my "nerves" and accidently scuffed the ground beneath me.

"Bella," Edward whispered into my ear. "You have to relax or someone will notice."

"Notice what?" I asked confused.

"Your foot moving a thousand times a minute," he hissed. "You're vibrating your seat."

"Oh," I gasped, relaxing my foot. "Sorry. I'm just so excited."

"As am I, love."


A/N-- Yes, it's a bit short, but I feel guilty for keeping you dedicated readers waiting. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Don't forget to review. PS: I didn't edit very well. Excuse the grammar errors or misspells. :D hehe