Summary: When the Exorcists aren't finding innocence or fighting Akuma, did you know that they sing? Join our favorite Exorcist as they battle for the title of "Anime Idol." Who will win? You be the judges.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Rent, D. Gray Man or American Idol from which I drew my inspiration.

AnImE iDoL

Welcome to Anime Idol. I will join you as your host splintered as exorcists make a fool of themselves. Did I say make a fool of themselves? I meant...strive to become the next Anime Idol. For our first contestant, we have Lavi who will sing "Halloween" from Jonathan Larson's musical Rent.

--Applause as the red-headed future Bookman takes the stage--

Lavi singing "Halloween" from the Jonathan Larson's musical "Rent" (lyrics as followed):

"How did we get here?
How the hell...
Pan left - close on the steeple of the church

How did I get here?
How the hell...

Christmas Eve - last year
How could a night so frozen
Be so scalding hot?
How can a morning this mild
Be so raw?

Why are entire years strewn
On the cutting room floor of memory
When single frames of one magic night
Forever flicker in close-up
On the 3D Imax of my mind

That's poetic
That's pathetic

Why did Allen knock on Kanda's door
And Lenalee choose that phone booth
Back where Reever set up his drums
Why did Komui's equipment break down

Why am I the witness
And when I capture it on film
Will it mean that it's the end and I'm aloneā€¦"

Vote Lavi Anime Idol 01!

Author's Notes: This song always reminded me of Lavi, especially with the last stanza. 'Why am I the witness?' I guess I could just hear Lavi question his existence as the future Bookman. But whereas Mark (from Rent) captures it on film, our favorite red-head would just chronicle the Exorcists' Tales (1) with words. I mean, he is a Bookman, after all.

(1) Now there's an idea for a fic.: Instead of Chauncer's Canterbury Tales, have Lavi write the Exorcists' Tales. Pending fic possibly under construction.

(2) Note changes in above lyrics

If anyone has any song requests concerning any characters, please let me know. ;)