Chapter 12

"So how does it feel to be a married man?" she asked.


Aemilia smiled as she sat herself next to Arthur. He had wed Guinevere only a few days ago and already everyone had seen a change in him. He was a more upbeat and lively man than what he used to be.

"So, Bors was wondering when he would be getting his home?" smiled Aemilia. "He won't leave me alone until I get an answer."

Arthur laughed as he looked at his sister. She had grown in such a short period of time after the battle and the men loved it. She was truly happy and she was always smiling, no matter what the mood.

"Tell him I will get right on it." smiled Arthur.

"Alright." she smiled, standing up. "I'll try and keep him away as much as possible."

Arthur laughed as she left his rooms. She had taken the responsibility of watching over the knights, making sure they had what they needed. He had noticed that her and Lancelot were getting much closer and had a secret plan forming in his mind, which both of them would surely hate him for.

"Aemilia! What's the news of my home?" asked Bors, taking a sip of his ale.

"When you have another child then you will get your home." she smiled.

"That can be taken care of." he said, standing up and leading Vanora out of the tavern.

Everyone laughed as they sat around, talking about absolutely nothing. Gawain and Galahad were still trying to find wives, while Dagonet became a father to young Lucan. Tristan was still his usual self, keeping to the shadows and speaking only when needed. Aemilia and Tristan had grown close as friends; one could even call them best friends. She respected him for who he was, and how he did not take crap from anyone.

And then there was Lancelot. She was absolutely in love with him, there was no denying that. She wanted to marry him and live him for the rest of her life, but he seemed to be skittish towards the whole idea. Every time she brought it up, he would slink away, saying he needed to speak with Arthur about something. She would then run to the wall and cry, which in turn Tristan would come and comfort her, telling her he would come around.

That evening, she had walked to the wall for some time alone, to speak to herself so she could figure things out. Her life had become one big monsoon all at once, and right when she was ready to settle down, it seemed like the rains would start up again, washing away all of her progress.


She turned around to see Tristan walking towards her. She knew he was going to try and say something to help her mood but she wasn't in the mood for it at the moment.

"Sorry Tristan, but I don't want to hear any of your speeches." she said, looking out over the wall.

"Good, cause I wasn't planning on it." he smiled.

Aemilia laughed and turned towards him.

"Then what's the matter?" she asked.

"There is a celebration tonight, and Arthur has asked me to get you ready." he said.

"What?" she asked.

"Come." said Tristan, guiding her to her room.

He opened her door and pushed her in, closing it behind him. He opened her closet and pulled out a cream colored gown that made her eyes widen with surprise.

"What is going on?" she asked.

"You are to wear this." stated Tristan. "There is also a headband in there for you to wear. I will be back in one hour to get you."

He set down the dress and walked out of the room, leaving Aemilia with a confused expression on her face. She looked out of the window, hoping to see any kind of hint as to what was going on, but there was nothing. It was a normal evening. The sun was still in the sky, but no doubt in one hour it would begin to set.

She decided she shouldn't make Tristan angry so she began to make herself ready. She washed herself off, making sure not to wet her hair too much. She slid herself into the dress and buttoned it up, watching herself in the mirror as it hung to her every curve. She grabbed some of her hair and pinned it back, placing the headband atop of her head.

The view in the mirror made her look angelic, almost serene. She wished she knew what was happening tonight, but stopped at the knock on her door.

"Come in." she said.

Tristan walked in dressed in clothing that hadn't met the cruel Britain weather. His hair was slightly tamed more than it usually is and his beard seemed to be trimmed.

"Alright, I'm beginning to get scared. What is going on?" she asked.

"You look beautiful." he said, holding his hand out.

"Thank you." she smiled, placing her hand in his.

He led her out of her rooms and out of the castle. When they were about to pass the wall, Tristan stopped her. He pulled out a piece of cloth and tied it around her eyes.

"Tristan, for God's sakes what on earth is going on?" she asked.

"Be patient." he said.

She grumbled at his lack of words and let him lead her to wherever they were going. She felt the grass beneath her feet as she was lead out into the middle of a field. She heard light conversations as they got closer and closer. Tristan stopped her just before they got too close and told her to stay put.

"No peaking." he said to her.

She sighed as she stood by herself, her mind on overload as to what was going on. She heard the conversations stop and people shift along the grass. She felt Tristan grab her arm once again and lead her towards who knows where. She heard people give small gasps and joyous smiles as she passed them and tightened her grip on Tristan's arm.

She felt Tristan grab her around the shoulders and turn her slightly. She felt his presence behind her as she stood, no one saying a word.


She furrowed her eyebrows when she heard the voice, Arthur's voice. She felt Tristan's hands on the back of her head working on the cloth's knot.

"You cannot be mad at me." said Tristan, just as he dropped the cloth.

Aemilia froze when she saw who was in front of her. Lancelot stood in front of her, dressed in almost the same fashion as she was with Arthur standing behind him.

"What is going on?" she whispered.

She didn't get an answer since Merlin decided to show up. He walked up and stood in front of her and Lancelot, and she noticed he was dressed differently.

She began looking around, just as Lancelot was doing, and it seemed they both came to the conclusion at the same time.

"No." they both said at the same time.

Aemilia tried backing away but only felt Tristan stop her in her place, the same with Lancelot. They were trapped.

"Look at that, already can't wait to get back to their rooms." smiled Bors.

Aemilia sent him a death glare as Merlin began reciting the wedding vows. They had been set up. They had both been set up by their best friends. Now she knew why Tristan told her not to be mad at her. Well too bad because she was.

Aemilia and Lancelot looked at each other throughout the entire ceremony, obviously not pleased with the situation. They were being forced to marry by their best friends and they both knew that revenge was a dirty dish.

"You are one, now." said Merlin. "You may kiss your bride."

Lancelot and Aemilia only stood, not even attempting to step closer to the other. They were both pushed from behind and they slammed into each other. They noticed the looks from everyone around them and had no choice but to give in to their fate.

Lancelot placed his lips on hers as the crowd behind them erupted into cheers. Aemilia felt her knees buckling at the taste and feel of his lips, and it seemed Lancelot was having the same problem. They both pulled away from each other, avoiding one another's eyes.

"Come, let us feast!" shouted Arthur.

Everyone walked back to the fort and began celebrating the newlyweds. Dancing had started along with the feast. Drinks were flowing as the guests laughed and talked with one another, no doubt having a good time. The only ones not having a good time were the newlyweds.

"This is ridiculous." muttered Aemilia as she slumped next to Lancelot.

"Yes it is." he said.

"I have an announcement!" shouted Arthur, getting everyone's attention. "As a wedding gift for my sister and newest brother; a pair of keys, to their very own home!"

The crowd cheered as the newlyweds sat dumbfounded. Neither of them could say anything and they most certainly couldn't do anything.

"You'll be moved in tomorrow." smiled Arthur, giving Aemilia a hug and then Lancelot. "But for now, you two must be alone."

They were both shoved towards Lancelot's room where the door was shut behind them, leaving them alone in uncomfortable silence. They stood on opposite sides of the room, neither one of the looking towards the other.

"Well this was pleasant." said Lancelot, beginning to unbutton his tunic.

"What do you have against marriage?" asked Aemilia, going for the kill.

"Excuse me?" asked Lancelot.

At first they were both in the same boat about their current situation and then out of the blue Aemilia came biting at him. He was confused to say the least.

"What is your problem with marriage? Every time I bring it up you slink away making up some excuse to get away from the topic. I don't understand what the problem is. Beforehand you were ready to take me back to your home and marry me, but now that we stayed here it's like your dropping the promise and us all together!" she yelled.

"Aemilia, I don't know where this is coming from, but I'm tired and I would really like to get some sleep. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" he asked.

"There it is again. Even know that we're married you still don't want to talk about it. Is marriage such a bad thing?" she asked. "Does it hold some kind of ill taste in your heart?"

"You want to know why I avoid the topic. It's because I didn't want to marry you." he shouted.

"What?" she asked, her eyes beginning to well with tears. "Why then would you promise such a thing to Arthur?"

"Because it was his wish that I marry you, to protect you." said Lancelot.

"So you never really wanted to marry me." she said, ripping the headband out of her hair.

"I did want to marry you." said Lancelot.

"God Lancelot! First you say you didn't want marry me and then now you're saying you do! What is going on?" she yelled.

"I didn't want marry you because I'm not good enough for you!" he yelled, turning towards the door.

"Of course you're good enough for me." she said.

"No I'm not." he said. "You deserve to marry someone with a high social standard, who could give you everything you wanted."

"Everything I want is in this room." she said, walking towards Lancelot. "How can you say you aren't good enough for me? Arthur asked you personally to care for me, to marry me. Now if that isn't a good sign then I don't know what is."

"Arthur is mistaken." said Lancelot.

"Arthur trusts you with his life. Why else would he ask you to look after me? You are his greatest friend and he owes his life to you. Why do you think he wanted you to marry me? He wanted you as his brother, not just as name sake, but as his actual brother. He knows who are, as a person, and he would trust no one else with something like this. He loves you Lancelot, and he wants to see you happy." she said, rubbing her hands on his back.

"You deserve so much more." he whispered.

"I deserve you and everything that comes with it." she said, stepping in front of him. "I love you, and I always have. Ever since I saw you on that battlefield, I knew there was something about you that I couldn't step away from. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and whether you believe that or not is your problem, but know that I will never leave your side for anything. This is where I want to be. I want to be here with you, forever."

Lancelot looked into her eyes and saw nothing but truth. He still couldn't help but feel the small pang of guilt for keeping her away from the things she truly deserved, but she had made it perfectly clear that what she deserved was him, and she wasn't leaving.

He ran his hands along her face and pulled her into a kiss, which surprised Aemilia. She felt the passion falling from him in waves as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He backed her against the wall as his mouth invaded hers. He got soft moans from her throat and found himself losing his control.

He walked her towards the bed while he unbuttoned her dress. There was one last button, but Aemilia stopped him. She pulled off his tunic and ran her hands over his chest, looking at the many scars from battles he had fought and won.

His hand slowly went to the last button, plucking it from the hole. He took his hand and placed it on her shoulder, gently pushing the fabric off of her skin. It fell to the floor in a pile of fabric, leaving Aemilia in nothing but her own skin. She felt very nervous and began fiddling with her fingers and looking around the room while Lancelot just smiled.

He kissed her lips, stopping her from fumbling about, and walked her back towards the bed. She sat down gently, not breaking her lips from his. He scooted her back as he crawled on top of her, discarding his clothes in the process.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." she said, non-believing. "I've never done this, willingly."

"I won't hurt you, I promise." he said.

"I know." she smiled.

And he had fulfilled his promise. Not once did she cry in pain or wish it to be over. She wanted more, more from him and she wanted everything from him. He made her body tremble and she loved the feeling, it was addicting. She loved the way it made her feel on the inside, warm and secure.

He had made love to her till the morning hours, just as the sun began to show its face. She slept soundly in his arms, curled up to his side. Her head rested by his chest and her hand lay still on his chest. He brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at the serene look that adorned her face, just like the morning dawn.

"My wife."

He whispered. That was all he ever needed to say to make his life complete. Just two words.

"My wife."

Okay, this is probably the last chapter for this story. I don't know if I want to continue it or's a tough decision. I have a Tristan fic in the works so I'm concentrating on that.'s still on the hanger if I want to continue or not. It could go either way. But for now here's a chapter for you all!! And if this is the last road then I thank everyone who read this and commented, it really meant a lot to me! I can't thank you enough. So I hope you enjoy! Thank You!