A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating!  I'm still getting used to high school!  But if anybody has any ideas for this or my other stories, I'd gladly appreciate them!!!

 Same Time, Artemis' Study, Fowl Manor

With Artemis running at top speed, Kurama conveyed to him that it would take him a pathetic seven minutes.  Hiei got here in 7 seconds.

'Hn.  Sending me to get the ningen.  Why not just ask me to kill him?' Hiei smirked, 'In fact, I might just do that.'

Hiei was sitting at the window waiting for Artemis to run inside thinking he'd outsmart them. 

'Outsmart the two baka ningens most likely.  Myself, Kurama and Michi is a force to be reckoned with.'

As quick as a flash, Hiei was outside in the tree and held his sword to the visitor's throat.

"Utter a cry of any kind and I will slit your throat with no hesitation."

Holly shuddered and knew that whoever this was didn't go back on his word.

 Artemis was panting and out of breath as he reached the door to his study.  Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob, he heard footsteps behind him.  He looked to the left and sure enough, Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara were standing there but Artemis noticed that the calm look that Kurama had the whole evening was gone; it was replaced with anxiety.

He took a step forward, "We must hurry.  Your friend is in trouble."


Suddenly an explosion reached their ears; well, Kurama's first.

Artemis looked around for any signs of damage, "What was that?!"

Kuwabara snickered, "That's just your so-called bodyguard defending against Kiara."

Yusuke scoffed, "He probably dodged and that made her hit a wall instead. Man, she's gonna be mad about that.   But don't worry, I'm sure somebody will fix the hole in the wall."

"You shouldn't worry about Butler, Artemis.  Michiko wouldn't kill a human.  However you should be worried about your fairy friend."

"Holly?" he whispered.

Kurama nodded, "Originally, we sent Hiei to catch you off guard but then I realized that someone was waiting outside, most likely waiting for you I presumed."

"What will happen to Holly?"

"That depends, do you want Shorty to kill her quickly or slowly?"

Kurama gasped, "Artemis, open the door!  Quickly!"

Artemis did as he was told, afraid of what he was going to see before him.

"Hiei!  No!" Yusuke yelled.

 "Dammit!  I missed!" Kiara yelled.

She had indeed missed, which was fortunate for Butler because she was aiming at his head.  Butler was out of breath nonetheless, but he was standing.  He looked where her fist had made contact with the wall and he was dumbstruck.  Butler saw no more of the wall but instead saw the well-kept garden and the amazing sunset outside; he even felt a small breeze.

Kiara let her fist drop down and she smiled.

'Why is she smiling?'

She looked at Butler with wonder in his eyes. "Isn't the sunset beautiful?  I especially love them in the countryside."

Now Butler was really confused.

"Yes. . . .   They are nice aren't they?"

Butler drew his Sig Sauer and Kiara turned around with her eyes glowing menacingly.  The speaker wasn't inside before but Kiara knew and she made the others sure of him too.  The worst part was, she had let him in the manor herself and she knew the person. . . or demon standing before them.

"What are you doing here?" She snarled in a voice that had Butler on the alert.

'Is she even human?!'

"Hello. . . . sister."

The man disappeared and Butler felt a cool, sharp point on his neck.  He didn't have to be weapons expert to know what it was.

"Die, human."

Holly glared at her captor.  She noticed that he was part of the group she saw earlier.  When the door slammed open, only she looked at the door; Hiei was intent on not letting her say a word.  The boy with the slick back hair walked not-so-cautiously toward them.

"Hiei?!  What the hell are you doing?"

Hiei glared at the human, "What do you want, Detective?"


His eyes flickered to his friend. "What, Kurama?"

Holly was confused.  The one named 'Kurama' made no sound or motion to grab her captor's, Hiei's, attention.  But he did anyway.

Hiei scoffed, "I already told you, I would kill them if they told whatever they are about us." His eyes narrowed dangerously at Holly, "And they did."

"I did not!" Holly protested.

"Hn.  Then explain why you had a conversation about us being here when it's none of your concern."

"It is my concern!" Holly argued back. "For your information, my boss told me that I had to talk Arty into coming with you guys!"

Artemis just stared. "Arty?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara chuckled, "Arty. . . ."

Both Kurama and Hiei looked at the door.

Kurama's eyes showed anger and fear, "Michiko."

 Yusuke grabbed Artemis by the collar, "Do you have a room in this freakin' mansion that shows everything that happens in any room?!"

Artemis nodded and answered coolly, "I was planning to go there, but I had to make a change of plans."

"Show us where it is!"

"Yeah, or I'll beat the info out of your lil' snot nosed head!"

He rolled his eyes, "Very well, but release Holly."

Hiei glared at the Irish teen but let go of Holly nonetheless.

The YuYu gang and Holly followed the genius to Butler's plan of escape for Artemis: the security command center.  When all of them managed to squeeze inside, they couldn't believe their eyes. 

Blood was splattered all over the dining room.

 A/N - Does Artemis know Butler's first name? I'll take it out and change it if he doesn't. And I could use ideas for this and "Old Frineds, New Friends"!