The Amazing Adventures of Teddy Remus Lupin

Deathly Hallows Spoilers - post battle. The extraordinary adventures of Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin's son and godson of the famous Harry Potter during his seven year journey through the Hogwarts School of Magic. Adventure, Humor and Romance.

Disclaimer: All HP characters, situations and entities belong to JK Rowling.

A/N: Thank you all for the notes you left! I have sent answers to everyone individually. Enjoy the new chapter.

Chapter 10: A Changing Moon

Teddy and Dorado began running forward along the thick grass covering the grounds before Hogwarts. They were both staring into the sky as the witch flew through the air, with a still struggling Joven in her grasp.

The voices of the students behind them had burst into a chorus of loud cries and screams, but the two barely heard them; they only hoped their friend would somehow wrest free from the grip of the witch.

The voices abruptly went silent as the witch moved to cross above the front gate of the school. Suddenly, a huge, thick, black cloud-like substance erupted across the sky, just at the point of the gate. It ran right around the perimeter of the school and closed in overhead, the thick fog making it seem as if night had abruptly fallen.

Dorado and Teddy came to a dead stop and watched as the witch, flying fast and furiously, ran smack into the foggy substance and was bounced backward as if she'd hit a band of rubber. She lost her grip on Joven and her broom and both tumbled dangerously toward the ground.

'Jojo!' Teddy cried, watching his friend falling, as if in slow motion before him. Then he noticed McGonagall on his right side, aiming her wand at his friend. Joven was falling slower than normal.

The witch hit the ground with a sharp thud atop her broom and lay in a mis-shaped heap of robes. Joven fell seconds later, his landing not quite as hard, but he cried out as he hit and his body went still on impact.

'Gods! Jojo,' Dorado yelled as he reached his friend first and fell onto his knees beside him. Teddy perched next to him moments later and both began crying their friends name, over and over. Joven's face was ashen and his eyes closed; he looked as if he might be dead.

McGonagall approached a moment later and gently moved Teddy out of her way. She sent a spell at Joven and his body jerked upward, but then fell back to the ground and he remained unconscious.

'He must be taken to Madam Pomfrey at once,' she declared standing again.

'Is he going to be all right?' Teddy asked urgently.

'Is he dead?' Dorado exclaimed at the same moment.

'He is merely unconscious; we must get him to the hospital wing.'

Teddy and Dorado began gathering their friend up, but she halted their efforts.

'Not the two of you,' McGonagall paused and looked around, 'Peters!'

A tall, lanky older boy stepped forward, his tie and scarf identifying him as a Slytherin.

'Carry the lad to Madam Pomfrey at once,' McGonagall demanded.

Teddy and Dorado watched as the lad moved and scooped Joven up and began walking rapidly through the near darkness toward the castle. The two lads ran to catch up and followed him inside. Teddy looked behind just as they entered and noticed that McGonagall had moved toward the witch. The old woman was still and unmoving on the ground and Teddy couldn't help but hope that McGonagall would curse her until she fried.

Teddy and Dorado sat in the common room as the evening fell, pretending to study. Both were worried about Joven and they had yet to have a report on his health. They had been summarily dismissed from the hospital wing and later, Headmistress McGonagall had come out into the hallway where they awaited and told them to return to their common room. They'd skipped the evening meal, neither boy feeling hungry and had instead remained in Gryffindor house.

'You know,' Dorado ventured, tapping his quill against his cheek, 'they are doing it again, Boots.'

'Doing what?'

'Keeping things from us. First the attic and then the forest and now with Jojo. He could be dead and we'd never know a thing about it!'

Teddy looked horrified, 'y-you think it might be that serious?'

Dorado narrowed his eyes, 'it just might be and I wouldn't put it past McGonagall to keep it from us either.'

'Maybe we should go and check for ourselves,' Teddy suggested hesitantly.

Dorado nodded, 'just what I was thinking. I mean, we may get caught and get in a heap of trouble, but I don't care; it is unfair for them to keep anything from us about how Jojo is doing.'

Teddy's face took on a determined look, 'you're right.' He snapped his book closed, 'let's go check.'

The boys stood and leaving their study materials on the table, they exited the portrait and moved rapidly toward the hospital wing. Most of the students were in the library or in their common rooms studying and they passed few students as they made their way through the largely unoccupied hallways.

Teddy and Dorado gained the hospital wing and stood outside of the swinging doors.

'If Pomfrey sees us she'll immediately send us back to Gryffindor, Nax,' Teddy said softly, 'I wish Harry hadn't taken back the cloak.'

Dorado grimaced, 'you and your bright ideas about hanging off the back of the express! That was really dumb, Boots.'

Teddy looked daggers at Dorado, 'a lot of good your complaining does us now!'

'I'm just saying; if you thought before you acted sometimes, we wouldn't get in half the trouble we are in.'

'IF I THOUGHT?' Teddy said, raising his voice, 'I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT COMING FROM YOU!'

'Shh, Boots,' Dorado hissed.

Teddy however was livid; he lowered his voice, but his tone carried venom, 'after all of the hair-brained things you've done, Nax, I can't believe you saying anything about what I did on the train!'

Dorado grinned, 'yeah, alright, let's not wind each other up; we have to figure out a way to get Pomfrey to let us see Jojo.'

Teddy wasn't mollified, but he agreed that seeing Jojo was more important than pointing out Dorado's deficiencies. 'Let's just go in and ask, maybe she'll-'

However Teddy cut himself off at the sound of footsteps approaching along the hallway. Both lads turned and to Teddy's delight, it was Harry.

'Harry!' Teddy cried, running to meet his godfather with Dorado on his heels, 'Jojo is in the infirmary and all because someone tried to take him! But a big black cloud stopped them!'

'I know,' Harry said, placing a hand on Teddy's shoulder, 'it looks like it was the newsmen at work again. However, one of the spells I had in place forbid passage out of Hogwarts – that was the cloud substance you saw. I am still a little perplexed at how he was able to get into the school though.'

'It was a witch,' Dorado said, 'she came with the other grandma witches that came to visit.'

'Well actually it was a wizard on polypotion juice,' Harry informed them, 'you both know what that is, don't you?'

The two young boys nodded.

'Well apparently he was able to infiltrate the witches group although he wasn't explicitly authorized; I have come to check up on that actually.'

'Can you get us in to see Jojo, Harry?' Teddy pled.

Harry frowned, 'they haven't let you see him?'

Teddy shook his head.

'Your Headmistress told me that he woke up some time ago and he is fine, I just spoke to her in the office.'

Teddy frowned, 'she made us leave and she said she'd tell us when he woke up! If he is fine why is he still in there?'

Harry smiled wanly, 'your nurse is a bit of a worry wart I fear. Let me speak to Madam Pomfrey and see if I can arrange for you two to see your friend. I was just coming to check on Joven myself. His parents contacted me; they were very worried when they received news of this latest attack.'

Teddy and Dorado nodded and waited outside the door as Harry moved into the infirmary.

'We are going to have to do something about this,' Teddy said speculatively.

'About what?'

'These idiots trying to take Jojo. It is obvious that my godfather and McGonagall can't be everywhere at once – but we are around Jojo all of the time. We have to make sure that he is protected!'

'You're right,' Dorado narrowed his eyes, 'we need to come up with some spells of our own to protect him.'

Teddy nodded, 'let's go to the library after this and see if we can find something – maybe something that won't let him out of our sight!'

'Great, so we all go to the loo together?'

Teddy laughed, 'you have a point.'

The boys stood musing in silence until Harry reappeared again.

'You two can come in and see Joven for a few moments now, but Madam Pomfrey wants him to rest, so you can't stay long – and don't wind him up!'

The boys nodded and then followed Harry into the infirmary.

Joven was sitting on his bed, his back against the headboard, picking at what appeared to be a plate of rather bland looking chicken pieces.

'Jojo!' Teddy exclaimed as they moved toward the bed.

Joven's face lit up, 'I thought you two had forgotten about me.'

Dorado's cheeky grin appeared, 'well we had, but we heard that there were serving good food in here so we decided to come along.' He scrunched his face at Joven's plate.

Harry laughed, 'I'll leave you three to talk. I have to meet with your Headmistress again.'

Teddy whipped around and gave Harry a hug, 'will I see you before you go?'

'I don't think so Teddy, I am meeting with a few Aurors later to re-vamp some of the spells about Hogwarts and it will likely be quite past your bedtime when we finish.'

Teddy frowned, 'I don't have to go to bed.'

Harry smirked at the lad, 'I rather disagree.'

Teddy laughed, 'all right.'

Harry cuffed Teddy on the head affectionately and with a salutation to the other two boys, he left the room.

'How are you feeling, Jojo?' Teddy asked, turning back to regard his friend.

'I'm great now. I don't know why I have to stay here at all. Madam Pomfrey wanted to make sure that I'm okay I guess.'

'Well in that case she'll never release you,' Dorado chimed in, flopping down onto the bed in the process, 'you are as nutters as they come.'

Joven tossed a piece of chicken at his friend.

Teddy laughed at Dorado's remark and then his expression became serious once more, 'Harry said that it was a newsman on polyjuice potion.'

Joven nodded, 'I knew the minute she…well he grabbed me that it was one of the newspaper people.' Joven moved his legs as Teddy too sat on the bed.

'What we were thinking,' Dorado said then, 'was figuring out a spell of our own to help protect you, or maybe trying to find a way to conjure up one of those old dementor thingies!'

Joven's eyes grew wide, 'a dementor?'

Dorado nodded, 'they were amazing!'

'Amazing?' Joven's look plainly stated that Dorado had lost his mind, 'you clearly don't know much about them or you would not even joke about it.'

Dorado frowned, 'sure I do. I know all about them. They do maximum damage,' his face brightened, 'and if we were controlling them, they'd do maximum damage against our enemies!'

Teddy rolled his eyes, "back to reality…"

The light left Dorado's eyes, 'well, I guess we can see if there are spells that can protect you. We thought to go to the library. Boots and I can learn some nasty spells to use if it happens again.'

'Hm; well I suppose that wouldn't hurt – but don't look for anything too dangerous – I mean I don't to harm anyone,' Joven said softly.

'Which is what they plan for you!' Dorado blurted immediately.

'They don't harm the kids, they just take them hostage!' Joven insisted.

Dorado shook his head stubbornly, 'well I wouldn't put much faith in all that – that was in the past. Who knows what the fiends would do if given the chance.'

'I am sure we can find something that will stop them without harming them,' Teddy reassured their friend, 'Dorado and I will go to the library tonight and have a look.'

'I wonder how hard it would be to perfect the Dementor's kiss' Dorado mused.

Teddy laughed and Joven threw another piece of chicken at his friend.

When Harry left his meeting with McGonagall, he moved to one of the meeting chambers that the school had added during the reconstruction following the freedom battle. It was a large room with a large fireplace that cackled wildly and kept the room at a comfortable temperature. There was a long table in the center of the room, surrounded by overstuffed chairs in which six Aurors sat awaiting Harry.

'Hi everyone,' Harry began as he entered the room and moved toward the chair at the head of the table. However, upon sitting down, he suddenly froze, staring at the individual in the furthest seat from him on his right.

Draco Malfoy.

Harry's mind began moving quickly and he wondered what Malfoy could possibly be doing in the room. He had arranged for Shacklebolt to send the Auror team, a subsidiary guard group, to assist him. How Malfoy knew they were meeting was beyond him and why he would come at all was another mystery.

Harry stared at Malfoy blinking and said nothing for a few moments. He then signaled to Draco to follow him to the side of the room. The two arose from the table and stood out of ear shot of the other Aurors near the fireplace.

Draco lifted a brow, 'surprised?'

'To say the least,' Harry responded immediately, 'this is a meeting for the subsidiary guard of Aurors; if you would like to discuss-'

'I am a member of this guard,' Draco interrupted arrogantly, 'hence my presence.'

'You are a member of the…' Harry frowned, cutting himself off, 'you are an Auror?"

Draco gave a quick, firm nod in response.

'I had no idea…" Harry said slowly and after a couple of moments continued, "I wasn't informed that you had joined our department and been assigned to the guard.' He frowned a little, 'Aurors are required to finish two years of field training before they are even considered for a position with us.'

'Quite. I joined immediately upon finishing the apprentice field training – which I completed in one year instead of two. The instructors found that I was more accomplished than most at defending against the dark arts.'

Harry thought up a ready and rude response for that, but he kept it too himself.

Draco pulled an identification badge from his pocket and handed it to Harry. Harry made no pretense of his doubt; he used his wand to check the veracity of the badge.

'I see,' Harry remarked, returning the badge. He studied the light-haired man's eyes a moment before continuing, 'when did you decide to become an Auror.'

'About a year and a half ago; actually, prior to your deciding to join the ranks. However, I understand you wouldn't know that; after all, a person shuffled into your exalted position could hardly be thought to keep up with all of the Auror trainees.'

Harry's ire began to rise; he was used to being treated with the utmost respect by all of the Aurors. He held the power to demote them or recommend they be fired; he wondered if Draco realized that. 'You are right,' he replied finally, 'I am not generally apprised of the trainees or field graduates. However, as head of the department, it occurs to me that I should be. I am very interested in retaining control on Auror effectiveness…and integrity…now that I have been shuffled into the position.'

Draco's expression hardened, 'apparently the Minister felt I was a proper candidate and that I would add to the effectiveness…and integrity…of this particular unit. If you feel otherwise, perhaps you should take it up with him.'

'Perhaps I shall,' Harry remarked arrogantly. He then turned without another word and moved back to the table to begin discussing plans to further secure Hogwarts. Harry was generally informed by Shacklebolt when people he knew joined the Auror's ranks; while he'd not had the position overly long, he had already tightened up the program. He had a good idea why Draco's joining had been left as a surprise; Kingsley was well aware of the animosity that still existed between them.

The meeting took about a half an hour as Harry outlined the strategy and details regarding his security plan and then he dismissed the Aurors to various parts of the campus. He indicated that Draco would work with him at the castle gates and the two of them proceeded from the castle.

'Do you figure this will take very long?' Draco asked as they moved through the grounds.

Harry looked at Draco with an irritated expression, 'I have no idea. I want to test the spells we put in place, so it may take a while. Why, are you in a rush?'

Draco's expression matched Harry's, 'I merely wondered if I would have a chance to say hello to my younger brother before I leave.'

'Probably not,' Harry said flatly, 'personal business is reserved for personal time, not while you are on duty.'

Harry was expecting the normal arrogant response he'd come to expect from Draco and was surprised to notice his old school mate's shoulders slump slightly and a small frown crease his brow.

Harry ignored the small wave of discomfort that passed through him at the sight; he was normally very amiable with the Aurors working with him. He often accommodated their requests for personal time and had only been rude because it was Draco.

The two worked tirelessly enhancing the spell about the grounds and adding new ones that Harry and his administrative group had come up with. They finished rather quicker than Harry had anticipated and the only thing left to do was triple check their work.

Harry looked at Draco, who had remained silent and sullen the entire time, 'you can go see your brother now; I'll finish up here.'

Draco looked quickly at Harry, 'I…'

Harry had never seen Draco at a loss for words; he had a feeling the Slytherin was struggling to thank him, but couldn't quite bring himself to do so.

'Go on then, before I change my mind,' Harry said dismissively and turned back toward the gate.

Draco looked at him another moment before turning and heading off at a rapid pace.

Harry sighed and began rechecking the spells. He had not bargained on having to work with Draco. He could avoid it; he had the authority to work with whatever team he chose. However, he liked to keep an eye on Aurors who had shady pasts – and Draco's had been of the shadiest. He kicked himself mentally for being overly judgmental; the Malfoys had kept their hands clean since the war. They were both going to have to let the grudge between them go for the sake of their work.

Harry finished up within twenty minutes and moved toward the castle to check on the work of the other Aurors. He stopped short, however, upon sighting Draco and young Dorado standing just outside of the castle doors. Harry slid into the shadows at the sight, not wishing to intrude and to be honest, a little curious.

Draco's expression reminded him of their old school days; the same angry look he'd get just before tossing off a hex at him and his friends. Dorado had his hands in his pockets and was kicking at the ground with his shoe; his expression none the merrier. Harry moved a little closer so he could hear them speaking.

'It wasn't my idea!' Dorado said, his eyes boring into the ground.

'I told you, I don't care whose idea it was, it was a really stupid thing to do and you shouldn't have been involved.'

'You think everything is stupid; I don't care what you think,' Dorado spat nastily.

Draco grabbed his brother's arm and Dorado looked up mutinously. The pair stared at one another for a few seconds and when Draco spoke his voice had a steely quality to it.

'You might believe that you have everything tied up right and tight here because there is no one looking over your shoulder, but you are wrong. You keep up these antics and you will find yourself shipped off to school in Belgium.'

Dorado jerked his arm free, 'you aren't my father,' he declared roundly.

'You have no idea how many times I have thanked Merlin I am not. If Scorpius grows up to be as ignorant as you-'

Dorado swung his foot, aiming a hefty kick that caught his brother in the shin.

'Nax!' Draco shouted, involuntarily jerking backward from the kick.

'You don't tell me what to do!' Dorado demanded.

'Listen to me you little berk, if I tell-'

But Dorado reared his leg back and gave his brother another swift kick in the shin; from the looks of it, even harder this time and then reached for his wand.

However, Draco was faster. He whipped out his wand and issued a silent spell, no, two, so quickly, Harry barely saw them. Dorado stood frozen and silent, teetering as if he were about to fall.

'Listen to me Dorado,' Draco said in a stern tone, 'I don't care what you think of me or what you think of the rules here at Hogwarts. However, the last two stunts you have pulled have been completely over the line. It was father who asked me to speak with you and he is serious; he's already called for documents from Belgium.'

Draco stood staring at his little brother for a few moments and then quickly issued two counter spells.

Harry expected Dorado to retaliate when he came back to life; however, he remained still, staring at his brother with sparking eyes.

'This is serious, Nax,' Draco said, his tone somewhat less stern, 'pranks are one thing, but skipping out of the house and hanging from trains is causing dad to lose his hair.'

Dorado looked down, 'I wasn't hanging from the train.'

Harry noted that Dorado's tone sounded much less defiant and he wondered if it was a regular practice with the family to use the impedimenta spell on Dorado when he became uncontrollable.

Dorado looked up suddenly, confusion in his face, 'why'd you freeze me up like that?' he asked, answering Harry's question.

'Because I like my shins.'

Harry was astounded to see both Draco and Dorado break into laughter; apparently Draco didn't regularly use spells against the lad – he had apparently lost his patience. The family relations were quite odd to Harry, but then again, he'd never had a little brother.

'I don't want you to go to Belgium, Nax' Draco said finally, 'really. And dad threatens it all the time.'

'I know,' Dorado said, kicking at the ground with his foot.

'You have got to be careful. What did I tell you before you left the first time?'

'Not to get caught,' Dorado responded, his good nature on the mend.

'And what have you done?'

Dorado looked up grinning, 'but it was worth it, Dray.'

'It may seem as though it is, but believe me, it really isn't. Not when Belgium lurks in the shadows.'

'All right, we'll be more careful and we won't do anything stupid.'

Draco sighed heavily and stared at his brother for a few moments before reaching out and roughly ruffling his hair, 'I left a box of stuff for you that mum sent along. Blaise has it; I didn't think I'd have a chance to see you.'

Dorado's eyes lit up, 'great.'

'I think he's gone to bed; early day tomorrow and what not, so ask him for it in the morning.'

Dorado looked disappointed, 'darn,' he muttered, then suddenly his face brightened, 'do you think you could nick me a treat from the kitchens?'

Draco laughed, 'probably. You hungry?'

'Starved! I missed dinner. But Teddy is learning to conjure, so soon he'll be able to nick food for us!'

Draco looked surprised, 'conjure? Teddy can conjure?'

'He can only make a flame in his hand so far, but he is having lessons with the Headmistress.'

'Talented kid.'

'Yeah, his father could do it too…and you know, they are a part of our family,' Dorado said with a mischievous smile plastered across his face.

Draco sighed, 'yes, I am aware of that,' he said dryly, 'but what concerns me more is the trouble you two will get up to once he develops his art.'

Harry was rather surprised. He had expected more negativity from Draco on the reminder that the Malfoy-Black family line had been intruded upon by a werewolf – apparently Dorado had as well. His old school mate was surprising him…perhaps working with Draco wouldn't be as awful as he'd imagined.

Dorado moved to grab Draco's arm, 'come on and help me nick some food.'

Draco laughed, 'I haven't snuck into the kitchens since I was your age. But let's give it a go.'

The brothers turned and walked back into the castle and Harry stood staring a moment before making his way toward one of the areas where the Aurors were working. It had been a very enlightening scene. A thought struck Harry as he was about to enter and he paused before the castle door to enact a little magic.

When Dorado arrived in the common room with the inner pockets of his robe bulging, his friend immediately besieged him.

'Nax,' Teddy called as he arose from the table where he'd been studying.

'Hey, let's go upstairs, I brought us some food.'

Teddy grinned and nodded. He collected his books and raced up the stairs behind Dorado. Their room was empty and they plopped down on their beds facing one another.

Dorado pulled out four sandwiches, five tarts, a flask of what looked to be pumpkin juice and two cups.

'Wow,' Teddy mused, looking over the delicious looking repast.

Dorado stared at his friend, his tongue caught between his teeth and his face animated.

'Where'd you nick all of this?' Teddy asked bemusedly.


Teddy's eyes widened, 'you nicked the kitchens without me!'

Dorado laughed, 'I am sure we'll do it again. My brother went with me and there was an elf there and he was really cool; he gave us the food. Creature or Cricket or something – I forget his name, but he was eager to give us all of this.'

Teddy pursed his lips a moment, 'I guess that is why we are forbidden to go there; the people that work in the kitchens would likely give all of the food away to the students at night – there would be nothing to serve at meals.' He picked up a sandwich and began munching on it.

Dorado shrugged, 'I doubt it; there is no shortage of food. Anyway why would they care? It doesn't hurt them; they still get paid.'

Teddy nodded, 'Harry told me that they used to be enslaved…they worked here and for families and such and didn't get paid at all.'

'Yup, my family used to have elves, I remember them a little – it was when I was really young. Then the Ministry declared them all free and all of ours left afore he could finish the last syllable of the declaration, because my dad was mean to them.'

'He was?'

'Yup. I remember the house elves would take me to my room and sometimes stay and play with me; I liked them. But when my father caught them in my room, he'd clobber them with a cane.'

'A cane!'

Dorado nodded, 'he used to carry it around just to clobber them with it. I don't remember much, but I used to cry when he did it.'

'Your dad was…mean.'

'A bit of, but then they all left and my brother told me that after that we had to pay people to come and work because none of the elves would work for us, even for money.'

'I don't blame them. Who wants to get clobbered by a cane?'

'Well he doesn't clobber the servants now, they are all human though.'

'Did he ever clobber you?'

Dorado shook his head, 'nah, it was just reserved for servants, although my brother told me that he'd been clobbered with it when he was young. He said dad had mellowed out by the time I came along.'

'Thank Merlin.'

'Yeah, all I ever got was sent to my room.' Dorado mused a moment chewing and swallowing his food before speaking again. 'Does Harry hit you?'

Teddy grinned, 'no, he just gives me mean talks. Gran swatted my fanny a couple of times when I was younger – but not very hard and only when I nicked her sweets.'

Dorado laughed, 'you are just lucky you didn't have a big brother.'

'You two fought a lot?'

'Yup. But he always won – he'd pin me down and I didn't stand a chance.'

Teddy laughed.

'Tonight he was mad though. He never used a spell on me before, but tonight he used one that made me freeze up and I couldn't talk.'


Dorado nodded, 'he was mad because I kicked him.'

Teddy burst out laughing, nearly losing his pumpkin juice.

'It was a pretty cool spell; I asked him when we were waiting for our food if he would teach it to me, but he wouldn't,' Dorado looked disappointed for a moment, 'but he was upset because my dad has been threatening to send me to Belgium to a school there.'

Teddy's smile died, 'to Belgium?'

'Yup, if I do any more crazy pranks like what we did on the train…or sneaking off to your family's house.'

'Well don't; that would be awful.'


Teddy nodded, 'we'll have to stop the pranks for a bit.'

Dorado frowned, 'Dray didn't mean our dumb pranks here, just nothing too drastic.'


'Draco, my brother.'

'Still, maybe we should stop for a while, just till your father cools off.'

Dorado shrugged, 'he always threatens stuff, but he never does anything,' he looked down at the sandwiches, 'you think Jojo will be hungry? Maybe we should take him a sandwich and a tart.'

'That chicken he was eating did look awful.'

Dorado stood up and packed away a sandwich and a tart, 'let's go then.'

The fact that curfew had passed didn't even cross Teddy's mind and he followed his friend downstairs into the common room. It was empty being as it was quite late and that finally brought the thought to Teddy's mind.

'If we get caught-' he began

'We won't,' Dorado said confidently, 'don't start getting chicken on me just because of what I told you.'

Teddy immediately began marching arrogantly toward the portrait, 'I just hope they have good food at that school in Belgium,' he said haughtily as he moved through into the hallway.

'Shut it,' Dorado replied good-naturedly, tumbling behind his friend into the hallway.


The loud voice cracked through the silence of the hallway, completely startling the lads. They spun around and noticed the guard who was on watch before the passage to the attic stood a short distance from them.

Teddy and Dorado didn't bother to answer; they quickly scrambled back into common room and stood staring at one another with wary eyes.

'Bad luck,' Dorado said finally.

'I don't think he'll rat us out, I don't think he saw us that well, it was pretty dark.'

'Of course he won't,' Dorado said assuredly, 'but that is the least of our problems. WE can't get any food to Jojo and worse, we aren't going to be able to get back to the attic either.'

'The forest has a guard too,' Teddy added.

The boys stood in silence for a few moments, their expressions turning mutinous; each knew the other was attempting to think up some way to rid themselves of the guards.

'Let's go up, Boots,' Dorado said finally, 'no point in trying, we'll never get past him. If only you hadn't-'

'Don't start!' Teddy warned.

Dorado chuckled.

It was nearly two in the morning when Harry and the Aurors left Hogwarts. When Draco had rejoined Harry, they had set about correcting some of the spell work one of the other Auror's had botched. Harry was impressed with Draco's work ethic, which was surprisingly like his own. He too liked to endlessly recheck for flaws. After that the group headed on foot to Hogsmeade, where they would enjoy a glass of ale before portkeying back to the Ministry.

Harry was walking near Draco and he turned to his companion as they moved.

'So did you manage to nick food from the kitchens?'

Draco looked quickly at Harry.

Harry smiled a little, 'I overheard you and your little brother as you re-entered the castle, something about nicking food for him.'

Draco looked a little chastened, 'yeah, well he was hungry; I found him a little something.'

Harry laughed, 'several chicken sandwiches and tarts – a little something eh?'

Draco frowned, 'you followed us to the kitchens?'

Harry shook his head, 'an old friend of mine works there now, Kreacher. He used to work for my godfather's family. When I overheard you, I merely called on a favor from him. He told me he would give you the sandwiches and tarts'

Draco looked wary, 'I was wondering why he was so compliant with us.'

After a small silence, Harry spoke again, 'if we are going to be working together, Malfoy – er – Draco, we are going to have to forget the past.'

Draco momentarily elevated his brows, 'is that an order?'

Harry smiled ruefully, 'I'm afraid it is. I have tried to foster trust between the Aurors, all of us; we are often in situations where we have to put complete faith in one another.'

Draco's familiar smirk appeared, 'my life in your hands?'

Harry smirked right back, 'as I recall, during the freedom war you didn't have a problem doing so – when I pulled you from the Room of Requirement.'

Draco's smirk disappeared, 'blasted fiendfyre!'

Draco's heated remarked made Harry remember that Malfoy's buddy, Vincent Crabbe, had been killed during that event. He recalled that Malfoy had been distraught at his friend's fate afterward and he'd heard that at Crabbe's funeral, Draco had had a bit of a breakdown. Harry hadn't attended any of the Death Eater's funerals, with the exception of being present for the cremation of Voldemort's remains.

'We may never be friends,' Harry said then, more to change the topic than anything else, 'but for the sake of our work, I think it best we attempt cordiality and develop…trust between us.'

Draco nodded. He was still frowning and Harry wished he hadn't brought up the battle days. He nodded curtly and walked along in silence beside a sullen looking Draco. The other Aurors were speaking to one another animatedly and Harry eventually joined in with them as they made their way to Hogsmeade.

However, just before they arrived, the Aurors stopped as one and turned; their wands at the ready as rapid foot falls sounded behind them. A man was running toward them, his cloak open and waving in the wind.

'Harry! Harry, hold up!'

Harry lowered his wand recognizing the voice at once, 'Ron! What is it?'

Ron finally caught up to the group and paused, panting wildly and his eyes wide, 'I've just come from Hogwarts; Kingsley said you were there and allowed me to portkey. It's Ginny, she's in the hospital!'

'What?' Harry's face blanched, although the night shadows mostly hid his sudden lack of coloring.

Ron's face creased into a smile, 'and you had better hurry unless you want your child to greet the world without his or her father present!'

Relief washed over Harry and his face too broke into a smile. It was a couple of weeks early, but the healer had told them that the child could be born at any time.

The Aurors began congratulating Harry, but he barely heard them, 'thanks,' he said off handedly, 'you all go to Hogsmeade as planned and I'll…I'll catch up later.'

Harry turned and he and Ron hurried back toward Hogwarts to portkey to St. Mungos.

Hedwig brought Teddy the news that his new little god sibling had entered the world the next morning at breakfast. Her name was Lily, after Harry's mum and according to Harry's letter; she was louder than Albus had been at birth. Teddy recalled little Al howling when he'd come from the hospital and felt sorry for his god family.

Teddy was anxious to see her; however, an exchange of owls made it clear that he wouldn't likely be able to do so until the session ended.

Joven had returned to his friends after just a day in the hospital and the three had occupied much of their free time in the library, searching for a means of protecting their friend from the nefarious newspaper men. They'd had little luck, but along the way they had learned a few new cunning jinxes, one of which Dorado tried out on Wallaby.

The jinx caused the second year lad to break out in hilarious multicolored spots from head to toe. Not so hilariously, the whole event had been witnessed by a professor. They spent that evening serving detention by shining hallway armored statues – all of whom had much to say to them about the evil of breaking the school's rules. Teddy got fed up by the time the fifth statue began structuring his behavior and stuffed its mouth with his rag. The three friends had laughed until the statute raised its metal hand and swatted him in the behind. After that painful interlude, they ceased with the tricks and ignored the statues while they shined.

The mysteries in the attic and the forest were completely closed off to them due to the guards, so in addition to their library research; they began another serious round of selling pranking goods. Following the Wallaby incident, they had pretty much ceased to perform any more pranks themselves.

Teddy kept up his conjuring lessons, but his progress seemed to be at a standstill. Nonetheless, he practiced on a constant basis – mainly because his friends were eager for him to develop the art and nick treats for them.

McGonagall announced one day at breakfast that the new recreational wing was opening and the lads became excited. The wing had several large rooms and many smaller rooms in which one could play various magical games on hand, chat with friends or obtain snacks. In addition, it housed a huge magical theatre. The movies were excellent as members of the cast moved off screen and into the audience from time to time, involving the theater goers in the plot.

However, what interested the boys the most was the wing coordinator. She was young and very beautiful, but more importantly, her name was Anelia Frederick! The very woman Passat was in love with.

Dorado, Teddy and Jovan looked at one another eagerly when McGonagall announced her name and at the first opportunity they made their way to the recreational wing.

They paused before the wing noting the wall lining the room. McGonagall had indicated that it was a monument dedicated to all of those who had fought and lost their lives in the freedom war. The lads ran along the wall looking for familiar names among those embossed in gold and it was Teddy who found the most.

'The Potters, James and Lily…those were Harry's parents!' he exclaimed excitedly, 'and look! My mum and dad!'

'Here's Sirius Black, my relative,' Dorado furnished, scanning the names.

'My relative too,' Teddy said off handedly, 'and here is Fred Weasley! That was George's brother. Oh! And my grandpa, Ted! I am named after him.'

'I suppose I won't find many more,' Dorado remarked, 'most of my family who died were on the other side of the war – don't suppose they'll be recognized.'

Teddy regarded his friend for a moment and noticed that Dorado didn't seem unhappy about it. 'Yeah, well, my relatives were also yours, Ted and my mum and dad.'

Dorado grinned, 'yup, even if I am the only member of my family who'll admit it.'

Joven didn't recognize any of the names in the section he was in and became rather bored while the other two continued to peruse the wall. 'Let's go in, you guys can look for names later.'

Dorado and Teddy regarded their friend a moment before conceding. The three entered the recreational wing through its large swinging doors.

'There she is,' Joven remarked quietly as they entered.

Madam Frederick was behind a counter where she served as administrator for the room.

'That's her all right and look who is talking to her,' Teddy said dryly.

The three stared at Blaise Zabini, who was leaning on the counter talking animatedly with the pretty young woman. She appeared to be fairly attentive.

'This isn't good,' Teddy mused.

'We've got to distract Blaise,' Dorado said softly, narrowing his eyes at his brother's friend.

Joven frowned watching the young and lovely Madam Frederick laughing merrily at something the tall and handsome Blaise Zabini had said to her. 'I don't think it will be very easy to distract him. He looks pretty happy…like he is flirting with her,' he screwed up his nose with distaste.

'I think he is trying to steal her right out from under Passat's nose – I thought they were friends,' Teddy added.

'Maybe he is talking to her about Professor Passat,' Joven said hopefully.

'Not if I know Blaise,' Dorado declared, 'he has a girl named Lavender, but he's always talking to lots of girls whenever I go out with him and my brother. He loves girls.'

'Great,' Teddy's expression became determined, 'well he's going to have to forget about Madam Frederick, she belongs to Professor Passat!'

His friends nodded; all of them of a mind that the heart had little to do with decisions of love. Love was first come, first served in their minds and Blaise was audaciously attempting to put himself first.

'Wait here; I'll get him to come over and you two stall him so I can talk to her,' Dorado murmured and then hurried off toward the counter.

'Nax,' Blaise said, as Dorado approached him.

'Hi Blaise.'

Madam Frederick looked at Dorado, 'Professor Zabini,' she corrected.

'Ah, ya,' Dorado responded, giving her a cheeky smile that Teddy felt was quite out of character for his friend.

'How are things going?' Blaise inquired.

'Not so well, that is, my friend Teddy' he waved a hand in Teddy's direction, 'wanted to ask you a question about Charms. Can you speak with him for a moment?'

'Sure,' Blaise said, smiling at Madame Frederick before moving toward Teddy.

Teddy stood staring at the approaching Blaise Zabini with raising anxiety. He had no idea what to ask about Charms! He was ready to kill Dorado. He noticed his mate had stayed at the counter and was speaking softly to Madam Frederick.

'Nax said that you have a question about Charms, Teddy?' said Blaise affably as he stood before he and Joven.

'Uh – yeah. I – um – well, I was wondering if you could show me the Detrance spell. I couldn't get it right in class.'

Blaise frowned, 'I thought Dorado said a Charms question, the Detrance spell is a defensive spell against a dark creature.'

Teddy flushed, 'er – yeah, I- um-'

Blaise smiled, 'well I know it, but I am not an expert at it. Why don't you ask Professor Passat? I am sure he wouldn't mind helping you with it – he is quite the expert at defensive spell work.'

'Yeah, you are right, I just – um – well-' Teddy sputtered.

'He doesn't want to ask Professor Passat because he wants to be able to impress him next time we go over the spell in class,' Joven lied smoothly, his innocent face swathed in sincerity.

Teddy looked quickly at his friend and then back to Blaise, 'yeah, that's why,' he concurred.

Blaise laughed, 'why's that?'

Teddy's face went blank, 'why's what?'

'Why do you wish to impress him? I am sure he is impressed with you, Teddy, I've heard that you are a natural born conjurer.'

Teddy flushed again, 'yeah…'

Joven piped up again, 'but Teddy did the Detrance spell really bad in class, he was the worst in fact – really, really terrible.'

Teddy's lips formed a thin line; Joven was getting lost in his own exuberance and making him sound like an inept fool. 'Well I wasn't all that bad, I just couldn't do it perfectly.'

Joven shook his head, 'don't listen to him, he was really awful, it was embarrassing. He really needs your help.'

Teddy balled his hands into fists at his sides.

'Well Professor Passat doesn't expect you all to learn everything immediately; these things take time. But I'll be happy to work with you on the spell a bit, maybe tomorrow at lunch time?' Blaise offered.

This was not going to Teddy's liking at all; he didn't want to work on the Detrance spell, but he didn't see a way out of it. He decided to throttle Joven first chance he got and that made him feel bit better. 'Sure, tomorrow at lunch would be great.'

Blaise's charming smile appeared, 'all right, we'll meet on the front steps of the castle at noon. Will that be a good time?'

'Sure, thanks,' Teddy said, trying to think of something else to say to stall Blaise.

Blaise nodded pleasantly and then turned back toward the counter.

'Professor Zabini,' Joven called before he had a chance to start walking away.

Blaise turned back, an inquiring look on his face.

'Do you think I could come too?'

Blaise smiled again, 'sure; Joven is it?'

Teddy nodded, 'good because Joven here was even worse at the spell than I was. He was really horrible at it; he humiliated every Gryffindor ancestor that ever lived with his spell work!'

Joven frowned, but Blaise laughed.

'You two are good friends?' the older Slytherin asked jokingly.

Teddy and Joven nodded.

'The way you speak about one another's spell work, one would get the opposite idea.'

Joven flushed, 'well – the thing is, we are both bad at it, very, very bad. You see, back when I was in the Americas-'

Joven cut himself off when Dorado came bounding up to join them.

'Well never mind; it is a stupid story,' Joven finished quickly, 'we'll see you tomorrow.'

Blaise laughed, 'all right, tomorrow then.' He looked at Dorado, 'how is your Detrance spell, Nax?'

'Huh?' Dorado looked at him in confusion.

'Your mates have talked me in to helping them with it; you can join us tomorrow at noon to practice it if you like.'

'Oh – well, that's all right then. I did it perfectly.'

Blaise frowned, 'you did? That is great, Nax. It is a terrifically difficult spell. Why don't you show your friends how to do it?'

Joven spoke up quickly, 'he tried, but he is a really awful teacher. We could use your help.'

Dorado looked a little disgruntled, but he nodded.

'Okay. See you boys tomorrow then.'

The boys turned and hurried out of the recreation room and into the hallway.

'I ought to kill you, Nax!' Teddy declared immediately, his eyes narrowed at Dorado 'Teddy has a Charms question? What were you thinking! I couldn't even think of one!'

Dorado laughed, 'I figured you would come up with something, Boots, you do have some brain material.'

'Yeah well lucky for you he didn't seem too surprised when I blurted out a defense spell I needed help with instead! But you could have mentioned what you were going to say! I had to -'

But Joven cut him off, 'who cares about that; what'd you say to her, Nax?' he asked excitedly.

Dorado smiled mischievously, 'well, I couldn't think of what to say about Passat, so I told her all about Blaise – all the girls he makes up to. Girls hate that sort of thing; my brother told me.'

Joven laughed and Teddy joined him, quickly forgetting his ill humor.

'That should keep the road clear for Professor Passat,' Teddy said smiling.

Joven frowned, 'I just hope she doesn't tell Professor Zabini what you said – he'll murder you-'

The recreation room doors burst open rather forcefully in that moment, cutting Joven off. Blaise Zabini himself came storming out, looking irritated and quite unhappy.

The three friends stared at Blaise with wide eyes as he emerged, but then let out a deep breath of relief when he marched passed them without a word. He strode quickly down the hallway and rounded the corner out of sight.

'I guess that worked,' Joven muttered.

That evening, marked another full moon and Dorado became agitated remarking that all of their fun adventure's, had been thwarted by the guards and by Passat who'd had the bad grace not to be a werewolf. Teddy suggested that the guards would leave sooner or later and then they would be able to investigate again, but Dorado merely looked at him sourly, so the topic was dropped.

Dorado brightened somewhat when it was announced at dinner that the students were to gather on the front grass area to watch magical sky lights. The lights were to celebrate the opening of the new wing in honor of those who had died during the freedom war. The friends were excited about going outside during the evening and followed the other students who gathered in a large group to watch the exploding magical lights above them.

The moonlight swathed the grounds in light and Teddy immediately began hearing the soft familiar music that always accompanied the full moon. It sent a shiver down his spine and enveloped him in a bubble of comfort and happiness. However, it was soon drowned out by the sound of the explosions that began overhead and he momentarily forgot about the music as he watched. He pulled his cloak a little tighter about his frame against the wind and marveled at the variety of colors and sound.

It lasted about twenty minutes and then McGonagall made, what to Teddy was, a rather boring speech before telling them to return inside. Teddy noticed that Professor Passat had stood near Joven the whole time and he figured the professors too were concerned about their friend's safety.

The music became audible again once the loud explosions had stopped and Teddy lagged behind the other students on the grass listening. He caught sight of Professor Passat moving beside Joven, and the professor smiled at him knowingly. Teddy returned his smile, understanding that he too was hearing the music and feeling its contenting lull. He waited until he was the last on the grass before he began walking slowly back toward the castle.

Suddenly Teddy heard a soft voice, like a whisper on the wind, just over the timbre of the music filling his soul.

'Goodnight Teddy.'

Teddy looked around sharply, but he was alone now. He figured it must have been the whistle of the wind – but it had been so clear and there was something else. The voice had sounded familiar and it filled him with more warmth and joy than the music ever had. Try as he might, he couldn't put a face with the voice…but he knew that voice!

'Come on Boots!' Dorado called from just inside the castle doorway.

Teddy was certain what he'd heard must have been the lightly whipping wind playing tricks with his mind, but something made him turn around just before ascending the steps.

'Good night,' he whispered back into the wind before turning to enter the castle.