A/N I'm sorry my PC wasn't working for a few weeks and I wasn't able to update. Anyway this is my last chapter. I'll try to make it good. Thanks to lemondropseverus, DXRULES103, Boleyngirl13, Darkvampirewitch, Orchidae, Szi, piratechick1230 and BoleynofAragon21 for reviewing.
Chapter 9:
"How is Lord Suffolk" Elizabeth asked the moment her counselor, Lord Cecil, entered her room.
"He is fine, I presume your Majesty. He is not dead that is certain."
"He is not dead? This is all your information?" Elizabeth was livid.
"Yes Majesty. Forgive me but I was looking for a way to avoid poverty. I had no time to spend on a former Casanova who thinks a little too much about himself."
"How dare you speak like that? How dare you disobey me? I'm your Queen. You have sworn to serve me."
"I am doing just that, your Majesty. But I'm surprised you defend a man who plotted against your mother and practically was responsible for her death."
"That was another lifetime, Lord Cecil. Now he deeply regrets his actions."
"Does he? Then why did he try to persuade Queen Mary to execute you with the argument that you were the whore's daughter. Or he failed to mention this little fact?"
"This is impossible, Lord Cecil. I'm certain Lord Suffolk would never do something like that. You shouldn't believe everything you hear, Lord Cecil."
"Neither should you Majesty. And beware. The most deadly poisons taste good."
"Enough lord Cecil. Let us not disagree. I will have my opinion and you shall have yours. Let us talk about the affairs of the state."
Elizabeth didn't show how much Lord Cecil words had affected her. Could she have been so much mistaken? Could Lord Suffolk who seemed so regretful and honest seek her death, like so many others? Could her instinct that had told her she had an honest man before her be so wrong? There was one way to answer the questions that tormented Elizabeth. She decided to visit Lord Suffolk.
The same evening she was sitting at his bedside. He seemed so weak; his voice was barely audible and he had trouble breathing. It was obvious he was dying. Elizabeth decided there was no point in fooling around. She decided to tell him what was on her mind.
"Lord Suffolk, I have heard some really upsetting rumors and I wish to know the truth. I promise no harm will find you or your family, no matter what the answer. I am just testing my instincts."
He nods too tired to speak.
"Did you ask Queen Mary to sentence me to death, because Ι was the whore's daughter?"
His answer simple, left no room for doubt. Elizabeth had been deceived. Her instincts were wrong.
"I see. Well, that concludes our conversation. I hope you burn in hell for every woman you have betrayed, including me and my mother. I cannot believe you had the nerve to take advantage of a girl's desire to know her mother, a mother you murdered. And I cannot believe I was so naïve to listen to you. What was the grand finale? You killing the illegitimate and heretical whore and be declared hero of the Catholic Church?"
"Majesty you are wrong. I never deceived you. Every word I ever spoke was true."
"You wanted me dead, Lord Suffolk. What more could you have done?"
"If this was the case, Majesty I had the chance to fulfill this task. Why wait till old age caught up with me?" He started coughing.
Elizabeth mind was racing. He had a point.
"Majesty, I supported Queen Mary through very difficult years. I had to support her in death. I knew she wouldn't kill you. She was fond of you when you were a baby and she had already killed your cousin, Queen Jane Grey. Her conscience wouldn't allow it. But though she wasn't going to kill you, she couldn't stand anyone supporting you. So I told her that you deserved to die, but that she shouldn't sin for your sake."
"I'm not sure I believe you."
"Don't. But every word I have told you is true. Henry loved your mother and he loved you. There is proof. If you let me finish…"
"Very well. I shall hear you out."
"Like I said Henry got upset every time Anne was mentioned. And he took great pleasure in seeing you, because you were sharp tongued and smart and fiery like Anne."
"I have heard this already, Lord Suffolk. There is no proof"
"When your father's days came to an end, he called me to his chambers and asked to sit down. He asked me why I had betrayed him. Why did I make him believe Anne was cheating on him? I had no reply. The only excuse I could come up with was that at the time I thought Jane and he were in love and it was the best for him. I reminded him Jane gave him a son. A son he screamed, a son too soft to rule, a weak child who is ill all the time, who cares more about poetry than poverty, a son so obedient that in case of war he would surrender without a fight, because he doesn't have the strength to win an argument, a son who will possibly die very soon of some disease. If only Elizabeth were a boy I would hand her my crown right now. She has the fire and brain that are necessary. She is the spitting image of her mother, Charles. Anne was the only woman who actually made me feel like a true man. For Katherine I was her husband's little brother, whom she was forced to marry. For the rest, I was the King- and they treated me either with fear or respect. But Anne was the only one who wasn't impressed with my title or intimidated by my power. I was her husband. That was all. Know this Charles; I have hated Anne as I haven't hated anyone in this world. But she was the only woman I was ever truly in love with. And you know the worst part Charles? The worst part is deep down I knew that Anne hadn't cheated on me. But I was so fed up with her fiery temper and her demeanor that I didn't care. I thought she had betrayed me anyway because she had promised a son and given me a daughter. Maybe it is true what they say; Love and hate are so alike that is extremely difficult to distinguish them. Promise Charles; take care of Elizabeth. She is the only one worth it. Mary is too obsessed with religion and Edward has too many health problems. Take care of her. That was the last time I saw Henry. He died the next day."
"You should have been a poet, Lord Suffolk." Scorned Elizabeth. "Really, how romantic! Now what? You expect me to cry? I want proof. Prove yourself to me."
"When your father died King Edward, your brother, informed me he had left a letter for me. Inside there was a note. Dear Charles, I trust you to give this to Elizabeth, when the time is right. When you feel, she will need me more than anything. I also have faith that you won't read it, although I simply tell her what you already know. If you shall die, please make sure this letter finds my daughter. And don't forget your promise. The letter is in my top drawer. I think it is the right time. And Majesty we have a lovely garden, where you can find some peace and quiet to read, if you wish of course.
Elizabeth nod and grabbed the letter. She sat under a tree and started reading. Her father was practically confirming Lord Suffolk's words and Elizabeth felt a surge of gratitude, for she hadn't been deceived. But the part that stayed in her mind and heart for as long as she lived was her father's final words to her.
So my sweet girl, now you that have read all this I beg for your forgiveness. I was the reason that you grew up without a mother. And despite my personal feeling that was and still is unacceptable. And if it helps I truly did love your mother very much. Maybe more that any human being should be allowed to love. Perhaps that is the reason I had her executed. Because nobody is permitted to have power over me. She made feel weak. She could manipulate me. God, I hated her for that. But as always Anne got the last word in the argument. She gave me you, a daughter so much like herself that I feel like I see her right next to me. A daughter so gifted that is worth a thousand sons. You Elizabeth Tudor are destined for greatness. Remember that. And know that your father loves and that he is very sorry he failed so miserably at fatherhood. Farewell my darling.
Elizabeth became a great Queen. When in doubt she remembers her father words and she finds there all the strength she needs.