
Rating: Teen

Disclaimer: Don't own any of it


A/N This is the last chapter of this story. I just dont know where its going, i've done all i can with it. No that does not mean that anyone gets it, its still my plot, though not my characters. So anyway, since no one was forth coming with ideas, this is it.

i REALLY wanted to not even write this cos i don't know what im doing to it but i decided i might as well finish up.


Rosalie didn't return. Then again, i don't think we gave her chance to.

As soon as Edward had done with his songs we packed. Not everything, just what we needed...and of course, Edward's CDs. We could never leave without them, heaven forbid.

Edward informed me that just incase anything had happened, Carlisle had set up a bank account for each seperate Cullen kid and Esme. There was over one million plus interest.

We bought a home in irland, in the country side where not many people lived, although you'd be surprised how much of irland is all county side, it was slightly more complecated finding a house near an enhabited forest but we managed.

Since Edward's a vampire guy, and i'm his wolf girl, I stay forever young as long as i'm around him. I don't age at all. And i don't plan on leaving him any time soon.

We still see his family, at least once a month if not more, well, his family minus Rose. I guess i do understand what she had against me, like what i had against Emily only slightly different.

In a way i wish she didn't hate me, i wish she didn't not see Edward just because of me. I can see that he misses her, even if he won't admit it. Thankfully Alice told me i wouldn't have to worry about that for long, that she may not entierly accept me but she would see Edward again.

Aparently her skills were enahnced, after being around me so long, she'd figured a way around the whole Wolf thing and she could happily see me now, though there were sometimes where i wished she couldn't. Some parts were meant to be entierly private.

But i'm hgappy in the long run, in the short run aswell. I have a job as a Writer. Fiction mostly, thinkgs based off of my life. I write under a guise known as Stephenie Meyer.

Only, in my stories, i keep Bella and Edward together because its what sells. Edward refused tor ead the books until i rewrote them as a differnet series to which i get my happy ending with him aswell.

I'm considering it.


And you never know, there may just be a sequel.