My first fanfic. Basically stuff that happens after Final Jam on Camp rock. You need to read to find out the pairings.

Disclaimer: I don't own Camp Rock or any of its characters, but my plot is copyrighted.

"Well, I guess this is good-bye you guys," Mitchie said to Caitlyn, Peggy, and Ella. "We'll keep in touch over the summer right?" "Puh-leeze, you won't be able to get rid of me!" Caitlyn said to her best friend before wrapping her in a tight hug. "I'll email you every day!" Ella said, joining the hug. Peggy wasn't paying attention; she was busy staring at Connect 3, the famous band who had helped lead their camp this summer. Caitlyn, Ella, and Mitchie had noticed this. Peggy wouldn't reveal why she was staring, though. "Peggy? Peggy? Are you there?" Ella said. "What?" Peggy said, snapping out of it. "Come on, Mitchie's leaving!" "Already?" Peggy was shocked. "Yeah, it's a long drive from here to where my hometown is," Mitchie replied. "I wish I could stay longer though. This is the best place on earth!" Mitchie's mom, Connie, honked the horn, signaling that she should hurry up the good-byes. She pulled the girls in for one last hug, and then jumped into her mom's truck, thinking she was forgetting something.

About 30 miles down the long dirt road from Camp Rock to the main highway, Mitchie started to drift to sleep. She thought about all the friends she had made at the camp. Especially one very handsome, long-haired boy with deep brown eyes and a melting smile and his brothers. He had at first been a jerk to Mitchie, but as time grew, the two grew very close. Mitchie had developed a special liking for him. His name was—

All of a sudden, Mitchie bolted awake. "Oh my gosh," she breathed. "I forgot to say good-bye to Shane!" She leaned forward into the front seat. "Mom! Can you please turn around? I forgot to say good-bye to some people!" "No way, sweetie! We're due home by 9:30, and its 7:00 and we still haven't even hit the highway!" Connie said. "But mom if we're going to be late we might as well be later!" Mitchie said, desperate. She was losing time, and Shane was probably growing madder and madder at her as time grew on from not saying good bye. "PLEASE mom! I'll never ask you for anything ever again!" Mitchie pleaded. "Yeah right," Connie said. "Just watch, next week you'll be asking for a new stereo or a new wardrobe to fit in with those camp kids." "No I won't mom, please! PLEASE MOMMY!!" Mitchie whined, on the verge of tears. "I said NO Mitchie, now please be quiet and put your seatbelt back on before the police pull us over." Mitchie did as her mother said and sat back; staring out the window, tear droplets falling steadily out of her big brown eyes. Connie looked back at her daughter through the mirror, and almost gave in, but then focused back on the road.

Back at the Camp, Connect 3 was boarding the bus to their hometown to start their tour. Nate and Jason were on the bus, settling in. But Shane was leaning on the bus outside, waiting for Mitchie. "Dude, come on!" Nate said to his brother. "No! I want to say good-bye to Mitchie and give her this letter!" Shane shouted, waving a white envelope in the air. Just then, Tess Tyler came over to say good-bye to the band for the last and about twelfth time that day. "Oh, Tess!" Shane said. "Have you seen Mitchie? I need to give her something!" Tess scowled, and then smirked. "She left about half an hour ago." She said this with pleasure, knowing how much Mitchie meant to Shane. "She …left?" Shane could barely speak. The whole world shut down around him. His mind wiped out, and his emotions were mixed up. "Shane! Come on let's GO!" Jason yelled. That last prodding from his brother to leave allowed Shane to pick 2 emotions—sadness and anger, both swelled up mighty high inside of him. As Shane stomped onto the bus through the main room, trying to hold back tears, his brothers crowded him with questions, but Shane answered none. He locked himself in his room and looked out the window, the thunder and lightning matching his mood. He curled into a ball on his bed, and cried.

Back at the camp, Tess was furious that Shane was more interested in Mitchie than her. "Could this day get any worse?" She moaned. All of a sudden, a heavy rain began to pelt down on her and ruin her brand-new hand sewn clothes. "AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" She screamed, and ran to the comfort of her black stretch limo.

Should I continue? Should I stop? R&R!!
