I'm sorry people but I just couldn't let the story I Go Back by Vcorrigan end in that way

I'm sorry people but I just couldn't let the story I Go Back by Vcorrigan end in that way. I will admit that, yeah, I did cry for 5 hours so hard I ended up being sick multiple times, and thanking God that my parents actually sleep at 3 in the morning, while I was reading the fic, and for accepting the excuse of why "my eyes were all red and puffy", and why "I looked as if I'd seen someone die." (When they said this I stifled a sob, which I said was a hiccup.). I have ashamedly been moping and mourning the ending, so this is my 'closure' if you will.


Christophe had been dating Gregory for a month.

At first, he thought that he had left his attachment to Kyle behind, and started afresh with Gregory.

He was sadly mistaken.

Every living moment, he thought of the red-head he unknowingly sacrificed. Some nights thinking he could hear his heavenly voice, drifting across the mountains, singing their song:

"And baby, look where we are…"

He still felt all the places Kyle's hands had been on him, a faint tingle of where their lips had touched, so long ago now.

He really did try to be happy with Gregory, he did. The first few nights, the blonde had taken him out to dinner, but then it all went downhill. Turned out that Gregory had mistaken physical attraction for love. After trying to forcefully get Christophe into bed at gunpoint, he found himself still horny as hell, and handcuffed to his Tropical Fish tank.

After that, the Frenchman had ran to the graveyard (This is at 3 in the morning) and collapsed on his knees next to his loved one's memorial. Tears pouring from his eyes, matching the heavy rain.

"Why must you take everyzing of any value from me? ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD 'GOD'! GIVE HIM BACK! I FUCKING…sob…loved him…"

His fingers pulled at his mess of brown hair, knees digging into the earth.

Then it happened.

It wasn't supposed to.

But it happened.
