This is the product of my creation od Bishie Ragnarok on mel-the-shadow-lover., go check it out, he's pretty cool looking if I do say so myself This has lots of drama and eventualy Chrona x Rags X3 but nothing serious for a chapter or two


Maka couldn't stop shaking, it had been hours and the shudders still wrapped her form.

How could this had happened? After she had tried so hard to protect Chrona from the horrid world that seemed determined to have its way with her and throw her away. After all that work to find her she had failed, failed so miserably, she wondered if she would survive this pain.

A familiar hand rested itself on her shoulder in reassurance. She knew what her partner would say, it wasn't her fault, she wasn't the one who had turned the poor child into that monster of a weapon. She couldn't stand the memory, her usual pale blue, sad eyes were such a lifeless, blood thirsty gray, but she had been crying, black tears of blood. The pain of fighting her friends must have been terrible… and it was no less then her own.

"You had no other choice Maka… stop beating yourself up. I'm sure she's going to be fine."

How could she be fine? Reason wouldn't work, Chrona had been too twisted into

Arachne's perfect weapon, madness had taken all sense she had. The battle had come down to life or death, all her power had gone into their last attack, Demon hunter. Before she passed out on the field she saw her friend's body in the shadows… torn into two pieces. How could anyone be fine after that?

The creak of the door was the only thing that could break her thoughts. Wiping away her tears she looked up to see Professor Stein lighting a cigarette in the hallway, he seemed drained off all energy. Silence lingered in the school hallways until she felt like she would choke on it.


He let out a sigh, the smoke of his cigarette winding in the shape of a skull before fading into the air. "Chrona… physically she'll recover…"

Maka felt as if twin ton weights had been lifted from her shoulders, and yet still she fell limp into the arms of her partner. Soul held her tight as soft tears of relief flowed down her cheeks. The boy-scythe spoke when she could not.

"What do you mean 'physically'? Is all this going to affect her brain?"

He shook his head, "Mentally she should be as stable, as stable as she was before anywat… but…"

"B-but what?" Maka sniffed as she looked up. "Is there a problem?"

Strangely, or perhaps not that strange, the Professor laughed to himself. "I don't know if you'd call it a problem but if it is it's a highly unique one."

Before the boy could even question the riddles he was speaking in Maka flew from his grasp to her feet. She entered the medical office, unwilling to wait for the explanation. Two beds lay in the small room, one empty and mussed, the other holding a thing figure. It was Chrona, she seemed in one piece and by all appearances breathing, but there was someone else, perched in a chair over her. He looked over his shoulder for a moment, sharp, silver eyes sending unspoken signal that she was not to go near the sleeping girl from under loose strands of midnight black hair.

Despite her concern Maka froze in her tracts. She had never seen this boy before in her life and yet… there was something hauntingly familiar about him. He was dressed entirely in black, a zipped up shirt and pair of pants that fit tightly around his rather sculpted body, which was made all the more threatening by the white scar in the shape of an X on his face and the spiked bands around his limbs. He paid her little concern before turning back to Chrona, watching her silently as she slept.

"Ah, I see he's awake already." Stein flicked his cigarette in the near by trashcan and buried his hands in his pockets. "It seems, when Chrona and Ragnarok were forced together as one being with one soul and mind, they became terribly unstable, even more then usual. I believe it was your attack, Maka, that ended the battle, yes? It seems in such a state a weapon and master were…"

"Wait…" Soul walked in, head cocked to the side, "Are you telling me that guy is Ragnarok?"

"Well it seems one of you three actually isn't an idiot." The black clad figure looked over his shoulder at them, a taunting smirk showing off his pointed teeth, his voice was deeper then it had been, though it still annoying. "I thought the she-pig would never get it, here I thought she was smart."

Soul had to dig his feet into the ground to hold back the female technician. "Come over here and say that you-"

"Now now," Stein pet the girl on the head, leaving her to fume. "I'm sure he's just getting over the trauma of what's happened. He recovered quickly, most likely because he didn't have a solid body to take damage during the fight… however Chrona…"

"Chrona is still sleeping…" Ragnarok stated blankly as he stared at his sleeping partner, his arms resting on the back of the chair he had sat down on backwards. As the others walked over he growled lowly in the back of his throat. Maka and Soul hesitated but the Professor paid it no mind as he leaned over the sleeping girl.

"When's she waking up, Doc?" he huffed.

"I honestly don't know." He pressed a stethoscope to her chest, at which the low growl was joined by the sound of grinding teeth until he pulled away. "She was unstable for a while but she seems to be fine now… still I have no idea if she will wake up today or if she's gone into some coma and may never wake up. The only thing we can do is observe her." He glanced at the angry weapon watching his every move and gave him a smile, "Though I suppose you have that already taken care of. I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

The boy huffed, "I'm not answering any questions until Chrona wakes up."

The professor nodded, still smiling. "That's your choice. I'm in no hurry." Standing up he gave the children a wave. "I have to go report this to Shinigami-sama, I'll be back later."

Maka wasn't paying attention, she was too busy having a staring contest with Ragnarok. The seemingly older boy was glaring holes in her with each step she took towards the sleeping technician but she would not step down. Without a word she knelt down, watching the slow rise and fall of her shallow chest. She was alive and well, but would she ever wake up… tears welled in her eyes, the poor child didn't deserve to go through all this.

"W… what if she never opens her eyes…" again she felt the reassuring hand of her partner's, wrapping around her own. He smiled at her and she returned it, even through the tears. Chrona needed reassurance too, she needed to know the people who cared about her were there. She reached down to take hold of the motionless hand that rested on top of the sheets.

"Hey!" Ragnarok's voice broke the silence of the room, making the other occupants jump. "Don't touch her…"

"What do you care!" she challenged back, even through he didn't seem to be paying any attention.

"Ugly girl…" Soul held Maka back by her arm. "Has Chrona always been this small?"

"I see this situation has done nothing to improve your personality." She huffed before wrenching away from her partner. "But yes, does that make a difference?"

He just hummed to himself and continued to stare at the sleeping form. There was something shining in his silver eyes that she couldn't place but oddly it made her feel more at ease. Soul's voice was low when he whispered to her. "I think we should leave them be for a while."

"What? Why? So he can hurt her?"

Glancing back to the black clad man for a moment he only seemed to strengthen his will. "Its alright, he's her partner, they'll be fine."

"Fine… but I had better know the moment she wakes up."

"She'll wake up when I want her to." He stated blankly, as if it were a simple fact.

Though she didn't like it, Maka nodded, watching the black weapon like a hawk as they walked to the door, leaving the partners in silence.

Ragnarok huffed at the image before him, he didn't remember her looking this frail and helpless before… "You stupid little bitch, you almost got yourself killed this time…" he reached out a hand, it hovered over her face in hesitance for a moment before he brushed some of the loose, lavender strands from her face. It was quiet in the room for a moment until he pinched her nose shut. "Where the hell do you think that would have left me, idiot.?"

Chrona's sleep was interrupted when she violently gasped for air, shooting up from the bed and coughing, franticly inhaling. It took her a moment of steady breathing and blinking before she entered the world of the conscious. Her pale blue eyes looked around the white room for a moment before she focused in on the figure beside her. Again the room was painfully silent as the pair stared at each other, he watched a hundred thoughts pass through her mind but when she finally spoke…

"… We're apart now…?"

A smile tugged at the back of his lips, she didn't even ask who he was, she already knew, or how this had happened, it didn't matter…

"Seems so…" was all he responded with.

She stared at him, he watched as tears formed along the rims of her eyes and bring her legs to her chest, where she crumble into sobs. All he did was watch, faintly he wished he were the kind of man who could offer comfort but it was pointless.

The sun looked in on their situation as it set and felt no urge to laugh.