"Hey Derek!" I greeted and hugged my best friend.

Many couldn't believe the fact that the two of us were friends when I had first transferred in. Sure they thought that he would have gone out with me and eventually break it off, but we have history. I have known Derry ever since grade school and it has survived after I had moved in the beginning of middle school. I'm proud to say that I have managed to use his nickname 'Derry' without being seriously injured by his hockey stick.

"What's up Roxy?" I gave him another hug.

"Eh, I have English first period and I am going to die," I groaned dramatically and pretended to die in Derek's arms. He just laughed and pulled me to my feet. I could hear another familiar voice join in with Derek's laughter. Turning, I saw it was my favorite blond haired friend.

"Sammy!" I jumped and gave him a hug.

"Hey Lils," he smiled. Sometime I wonder why I ever broke things off with him; he was the picture perfect boyfriend. Plus his smile was to die for. He is a guy –as cliché as it sounds- that you would be proud to bring home to your parents. Sadly I had to break things off due to how awkward things got.

The bell pierced through the halls giving an annoying shrill and we started down the hall. All our classes were in the same direction; sadly we didn't have the same classes so it was like an hour and some of utter boredom.

On our way to class we just talked about random useless things before saying bye and walking into our classes. I was greeted with various "hello"s from people I barely knew let alone remember their names. It had only been less than two months and had already been dubbed the most popular girl. There have been various offers from the male form to go out, but I'm currently taken.

"Hey babe," I smiled and gave him a peck.

"Hey Frankie,"

"So he was all 'Dude! That was cold!' and I was all 'no duh, you are outside in just your boxers while it's snowing!'" Frank and I were walking hand in hand laughing as we walked to the caf for lunch.

"Roxy! Frank!" Derek called from the table and waved for us to sit.

I smiled and waved when we had reached their table. Frank had already taken a seat while I hugged and kissed the cheek of each guy at the table.

"So how is everyone coping?" I asked and felt Frank slither an arm around my waist.

"History is brutal, there is no way I can cram anymore information about the cold war into my head," Derek groaned and stuffed his mouth with a sandwich.

"It's a wonder you can remember anything with that small brain of yours," I smirked while I tried to hold back my laughter.

"Ha ha like you are any better. If I recall you were the one who forgot how to spell your own name a dozen or so times,"

"Now we are going into the past are we? Boys, who here would like to know the story about Dereka in a tutu when we were twelve?" I smirked at the interested stares the boys were giving me. The horrified look from a certain 'babe magnet' caused my smirk to grow larger.

"I would love to hear this one," the familiar sound of Casey voiced from behind me.

"Sassy!" I exclaimed and gave her and her boyfriend Max a hug.

"Hey Shimmer, aren't you supposed to be in rm. 97 now?" my eyes widened and I quickly grabbed my things.

During lunch and sometimes after school, I teach people ways to improve on their musical sound and ways to prefect their writing as perfect as possible. I don't do this because I want to, but I have to seeing as have a little trouble with the word authority. The principal has issued me with this 'job' so that I would stay out of trouble. I don't complain so much, this gives me art credits which helps me with my art career path.

Even with that taking up most of my time, I still find a way to get myself in very bad positions outside of school.

"I'll see you all later. See you guys in gym," I hugged everyone before running out to the music hall.

When I had entered the room I greeted everyone and put all my junk in a little corner. When everything was 'organized' did I set off and helped everyone with their final pieces.

I have this talent ever since I was young. Only one in a thousand people can do what I do. With any sound, I can name its note name. Doesn't matter what plays the note, I can name it and immediately play it on the piano without anything being written. With this little talent, it was simple to help my 'students' fix their sound.

After an hour and a half of listening to the same pieces over and over, I left the room and walked to my fourth period class, PE. Changing into the school issued gym uniform I walked out and did a few stretched. I am so happy that today wasn't a health class, I have this major headache and taking out my frustrations in sports is starting to sound real attractive right about now.

"Hey Baby," Frank gave me a kiss on the lips once I had stood up from my floor stretches.

"You two better separate before Carson catches you two," Derek whispered as he passed by.

Giving Frank one more peck I walked over to where Coach Carson was handing out the hockey pucks. I groaned and placed my palm to my forehead, I forgot my stick once again. The school's sticks aren't in the best shape and I definitely did not want to use a duck tape stick.

Out of nowhere Derek passed me a familiar stick. I gave him a thankful smile and hugged him and asked him why he brought it.

"Thought you would forget," he smirked and slapped the puck into the net.

I shook my head at his display of his skill. Major show off he is. He was in his little 'zone' as he likes to call it, doing mini plays he comes up with on the spot. I rolled my eyes at his smirk he flashed me and shook my head when I saw him give a wink to Wendy Robins.

"Dude, hate to break it to you, but you are way out of your league. Wendy only dates college guys. Can't wait to see you get shut down Derry," I patted his shoulder, gave him a sickly sweet smile, and stole the pick scoring my team another point.

"Roxy, you doubt my suave, babe magnet abilities. I am appalled!' I rolled my eyes; he has such a big ego. It isn't a shocker seeing how he was when we were little, but you would think someone would change after a few years.

"Whatever Derry. Anyways, video games at your place tonight?" I passed Sam the puck and ran closer to the net only to be blocked by Derek.

"Yeah, just have to make sure Casey is 'occupied' with Max and we are free to do as we please," Sam passed the puck in my direction but was stolen by Derek.

"Hit the showers!" Carson blew his whistle before walking off to chat with Ms. Atwood, the visual arts teacher.

"What 'cha think those two are talking about?" Ralph nudged and nodded towards the gym office.

"Gross dude, mental images man!" I pushed him slightly while the guys laughed at my disgusted face.

"Well those two have been around the school together a lot, walking into empty classrooms, giggling, flirting, maybe a little more," Derek was putting salt on the wound.

"Sam, they're being mean to me! Making me feel all nauseous," I whined and buried my head into his chest.

"Awe, little short one. It's not your fault. The just like to pick on people smaller then they are," he patted my head just to add to the act.

I stopped walking and crossed my arms and pouted. Inside I was smirking, they can't resist but to give in. Now for icing on the cake, the cute little kid voice.

"Why do you have to be so mean to me?" For effect I added some sniffling.

"You know babe, you should really take those drama classes, you would be perfect for their new play," Frank suggested.

"You know its 'Romeo and Juliet' right? You know there is a kiss that if I make the lead that I have to do with another guy right?"

"Yeah, but you would be perfect," he gave me a kiss before he retreated into the boys change room.

That wasn't a really bad idea. This could possibly work out for me. I need another art credit. Gah! No more thinking about my future.

I shook my head and told the guys that I would meet them in the parking lot after school. I'm peer teaching a beginners freshman class for music. Just another thing my parents got me into. It was either this or boot camp, if I was the one to choose it would have been boot camp if it wasn't for Derek's amazing skills.