A/N: This is the epilogue! Have fun with it!

I watched the van go down the way from the window in Edward's bedroom. He held on to me and wouldn't let go. I didn't want him to. My almost death experience makes me appreciate moments like this. Let me rephrase that, I makes me appreciate them even more than I had before.

"I you ever scare me like that again…" Edward whispered in my ear. I had been crying most of the night. I had gotten no sleep. I was tiered yet, I still watched the van.

"I promise," I whispered, "never to leave you by the means of death. I promise never to leave you by choice either." He held me. That is all I need or I will ever need.

I stared down the road and my eyes followed the van. I couldn't forgive her now, but I would. I would learn to forgive and forget. I would learn to live and let live. It's kind of ironic isn't. Live and let live when I would be dead in a few months. For now, I would hate her.

I watched the van drive down the way. I watched a childhood friend go away. She was a good friend; the kind you could tell secrets to and then laugh at them, the kind you cried with then had a pillow fight, and the kind you would call she would start talking a different language that only the two of you knew. She was also the type of friend who would try to kill you.

The year is 2059. Being a vampire has made me extremely addicted to shopping, like Alice and Rosalie. Edward and I had just had our 50th anniversary. We were living in a small town just north of London. Alice, Rosalie and I had taken a weekend for shopping in London. I passed someone who I never thought I would.

She had blond hair and cold, killer eyes. It was Buffy. As you may not know, a slayer gets reincarnated every 30 years. This was Buffy, reincarnated. She starred at me from across the mall.

I was sent to kill the largest vampire coven in England. I looked into the eyes of this vampire. They were golden a familiar. I don't know how, but I knew her. We were once good friends, but I didn't know how. I couldn't kill her. I walked away and didn't look back. For a different reason, I felt like I made the mistake of not doing this in the past.

A/N: We (Abby and I) hope you liked it! It's Abby's first and with your reviews, definitely not her last! We've enjoyed reading your comments! Check back for new stories, both Abby's and mine! Keep reading!