Hey everyone. After much thought I have decided to write this little side piece. This is how Adam and Tlyer became father and son.

This story takes place toward the end of Power Rangers Zeo.

This is AU.

By now you should also know what I own and what i don't.

I know that this chapter is very dark and a little discusting but this is the worst as its going to get.

The lights were out but anyone walking by the run down apartment could smell the tell-tale odor associated with drugs.

The young adults who lived there had long since passed out. Their addiction to Meth had been satisfied and their need for sex had been sated.

The young man had been the first to fall asleep. But the young woman lay in his arms wide awake. She knew they had made a mistake. He had deliberately been opposed to using any kind of protection and had said that it was her job, her responsibility to protect herself.

But she hadn't. She had been too drugged up to go acquire the pills. Stolen or bought. She had left herself vulnerable to disease and only God knew what else.

But as she looked at the man she shared her bed with. She smiled. He loved her. He had said that all night. Surely if anything happened he would be there for her. He had told her how much he loved her.

Her eye lids drooped as her body finally gave into the sleep it craved.

Many weeks passed and the drug use continued as well as the unprotected sex. But she was happy. They were happy.

Then, one morning it happened. She fell sick with the flu. She had thrown up many times until there was nothing left in her stomach. She felt so sick.

Then the light bulb went on. Oh hell no. She took the little money her boyfriend had given her and bought the test.

She waited scared to death on the side of the tub. The minutes seemed to drag on forever. Then when she was sure the test was ready she peered at the little window.

Oh hell no.

The test was positive and she was pregnant. She didn't dare tell her boyfriend. Even though she was sure he loved her. She didn't want to worry him. She was sure he would worry.

So she didn't tell him.

The months went by. But she couldn't hide her growing belly and before long he found out. Then the impossible happened. He beat her up. He threw her out.

"Come back when that 'thing' is gone!" he told her.

She wept bitterly that night. She spent the time at her friends houses when she could and went from shelter to shelter.

Then it happened. She had fallen asleep in the back seat of an abandoned car. But it happened. Her stomach contracted. She knew what was happening.

The baby was coming. And God how it hurt. More pain than she had ever experienced in her life. But she kept at it. Kept pushing then with one more scream the baby was out.

She collapsed and rested for a few minutes. Then it hit her. The baby was out. She was free! Surely her boyfriend would take her back now!

But what to do with the baby. It was way to quiet. Maybe it was dead. She leaned forward. It was alive. She could see his chest moving. She looked at it.

But then she was thrown against the seat as pushed out the afterbirth.

"Ewww! Gross!

She smiled. She was finally free…but what to do now.

She took off the jacket she wore and wrapped the baby up the bloody mass that it was and walked into the streets.

She walked for a about a mile and saw that there was only one building with the lights on. She could see from the dragon design and the yin-yang symbols that it was a place for marital arts.

She warily walked up to the front steps and left the baby on the front steps.

She was about to ring the door bell when she saw movement. In her fear of discovery she ran away into the night.

She ran for a long while and she soon found herself at her old apartment. She knocked on the door. But nothing happened. Instead she heard two people in the midst of sex. All of that moaning and screaming and what she knew was the banging of a head board against a wall punctured her delusions.

And broke her heart. She walked away a broken woman.

He lied to me. He never loved me. I was just a fix. A whore. God I am so stupid. She thought nothing of crossing a street.

Then…she suddenly heard a screech of brakes. Then she looked up in time to see a pair of headlights. And then she knew no more. By the time the paramedics got to the scene of the accident, she was already dead.

She was a nobody. A sad statistic. Just one more gutter rat. She died alone and unwanted. And broken…

Back at the dojo.

"Holy Crap." Adam stared down at the bundle he had almost stepped on. The moving bundle.

"What the hell." he muttered to himself. He pulled back the dirty jacket and almost wretched.

"Oh. My. God."

Adam bent down closer to inspect what he now knew was a little baby.

"Guys, get over here. Bring something sharp. And hurry!"

"Jason and Tommy hurried over. "What's wrong?" asked the man in red.

Adam ignored the question. His mind seemed to spring into action.

He barely registered their collective gasps. He had been through enough health classes to know what he was looking at. And now, he knew what he needed to do. Without a second thought he gathered the little human and brought it into the warm dojo.

He took the knife Tommy had given him and began to cut. "That's the umbilical cord. I need to cut it. This little guy's just shivering. Tommy, I need to get this baby warmed up. Who ever left this little guy on our doorstep didn't even bother to clean it up."

Jason took the initiative and hurried to the locker room and Tommy knowing what else was needed rushed to find a few thick towels. As soon as the cord was cut, Adam rushed to the locker room where Jason had run a sink full of warm water. He stood to the side and handed his fellow ranger a wash cloth.

Adam barely registered the others watching him as he worked. He gently sponged the dried blood away. The whole time the baby's eyes were open. And he seemed to gaze into the older mans eyes. Adam was talking to him now.

"It's okay little guy. You're gonna be just fine. I'll get you warmed up. Then we'll take you to the hospital."

Jason shot and amused glance at the red ranger as they listened to their green ranger pal coo to the little baby.

But that didn't last long.

"Okay, guys. That's about the best I can do. Tommy you got the towels?"

"Yeah man." Tommy said as he handed them over.

"There we go. Little guy." Adam said softly as he gently wrapped the baby in a towel making sure that the head was covered.

"We need to get to the ER. Can one of you give me a lift?"

"Jason, you can go ahead. I'll clean up here."

"You sure bro?"

"Yeah. That baby is more important. I'll call the hospital and let them know you're coming."

Not another word was spoken as Adam and Jason rushed out the door.

Tommy walked to the front desk and picked up the phone and called Angel Grove Memorial Hospital.

There's the first chapter. I hope that i didn't gross you guys out. I didn't really bother to give the young girl in the story a name.

Let me know what you think! And please, no flames!