The real final chapter. Look out for the next story: To Kill a Snake (direct continuation) or The Marvelous Misadventures of Sasuke (spin off), whatever comes first. Thanks for reading, and hopefully this ending isn't a (major) disappointment.


... Thanks for the support Itachi.


There are two more storys in the main series ya' know.

Itachi: ...Well thanks for ruining my fun. But I will do the Sasuke fic, and it will be done right!



Ch. 17: The End is a New Beginning

The next day a funeral was held as the Hokage passed on after the battle for him to defend the village. Storms brewed overhead as Naruto stood at the side of a building as the funeral took place a few blocks away. Despite it being held for the open public, Naruto wouldn't get too close.

'It would fell strange being around all those people anyways, now that they know who I am.'

Looking for a place to go to get out of the rain that started to pour down, Naruto came across the two ex-sound ninja from the other day. He remembered them hobbling out of the forest with Sasuke and running off to hide as they still had the headbands that told of a now dead allegiance to Orochimaru. As for the moment, no one knew or cared that they were hiding in plain sight.

"So," Naruto started as he sat down next to them looking at Kin, "it looks like you found out the truth the hard way."

She barely nodded.

"I guess it might be too soon to ask what you are going to do now."

"It's not like we can stay here." She muttered, "And the sound village made a lot of enemies, if any of the other villages knew…."

"Well I know what I want to do." Butted in Zaku, "And that's to go to Orochimaru and kick his ass for playing us like chumps. And to think I saw him like family."

Naruto smirked. "Maybe we can help each other out here. I have my own vendetta against him, but let's wait before making anything final. A lot has happened; might as well think things through."

"Sounds as good as anything else. We have nowhere to go, no friends, no family, and no future. Might as well join up the kid that almost killed us before our own master; at least then I know to trust you less."

"Sure, but you never know. Today's enemy might be tomorrow's friend."

"As like today's friend could be tomorrow's backstabber. We can't trust you, but there's not much of a choice."

"Fair enough. Now excuse me…." Naruto finished getting up. With a slight nod to them, he headed off to the main gates after receiving a note from Itachi to meet him there. All the while his thoughts returned to the Hokage.

The Hokage laid in Naruto's arms as blood oozed out and a few ninjas called out for medics. The man had a thousand yard stare but still talked as if nothing happened for the moment.

"Naruto, I knew that you had returned. I can't say that I'm not surprised though. After what happened so long ago, I'm shocked you even remember me." And with a few coughs, more blood came out of his mouth.

Naruto himself was on the verge of tears seeing the old man like this. "Please, calm down. You need your strength for the medics."

He smiled and coughed a few more times. "I can't calm down. After what happened and you truly back… At least I don't have as much regret as I had when you left. I should of known, maybe I could have prevented it from happening…. Listen, I need to tell you something. Despite what everyone has said (cough), you were never a monster. Instead, you were meant to be a hero like your father."

"My father? What do you mean?"

"He was the 4th, and he gave his life to save this village and you while in turn the demon that attacked had to be sealed away…Inside you. And for everything else that happened…I'm sorry. I can't do anything now but I hope…you forgive…me…."

And just like that, he died just as the medics arrived.

'A hero. What a joke. If I was, then I wouldn't have been treated like filth, I would have had as much respect as my supposed father, and none of this would of happened.'

'You can't change the past, including events you couldn't control to begin with. However, I must know. When you said you would "take revenge" against that snake, will you actually do it or am I going to be disappointed again?'

'I had trouble with attacking the village because some people I knew here were my friends. Orochimaru however is a coward who cut my last true tie here, and all my mercy is used up. If I see him, I will use everything in my power to kill him and anyone else who gets in my way.'

'We'll see.'

Naruto finally walked outside of the town to see Itachi waiting with a slight grin. "Hey."


"What, no Nii-san?"

"…No. Not after what happened back at the Akatsuki, but I guess you knew I was here and you never stopped me so I guess that counts for something."

Itachi's grin disappeared. "I guess it was because that you heard Pien's plan. I wanted to do it at first, but I grew soft. You became a real brother."

"Wow, you have gotten soft. So what are you going to do now that you're here?"

"I'm planning to take Sasuke along to go see the world, hopefully get a family bond back, learn what I was missing."

"What about-."

"I'm done with the Akatsuki. In fact, I just sent in my notice yesterday. What about you, care to come along?"

"No, I would just be a third wheel between a real family. Besides, I got some things to take care of myself."

"Well I'm sure it won't matter. Anyways, here comes Sasuke."

"I just can't believe you got managed to reach out to him. When I first met him, all he said was destroying you and avenging his clan."

"Well the truth had much more shock and seemed impossible, which could only make it true. So, I guess this is goodbye. Hopefully we meet again Naruto."

Naruto nodded, giving a little smile. Soon Sasuke walked up confused and tired, but didn't give out his infamous glares. "Let's get this over with."

"You see that's one of the things were going to have to work on; the immense joy that constantly irradiates from your shining persona. Now come on, times-a-wasting."

And as the two walked and argued, Naruto smiled. Maybe this is the turning point of his life, but things still had to be done and judgement must be made. One thing was certain however, as today he hopes the past will fade away, and old grievances will die, that this marks the dawn of a new beginning.