Anthology of Interest

Anthology of Interest

Scenario One: Sour Notes (Bender x Fry)

The title is a bit of a misnomer, I apologize. These are various pairings I've wanted to try writing, a different one every chapter. Unless, of course, you really want me to try another pairing again. In other words, leave a review and suggest a pairing for me! I have several ideas, but as of right now, I'm open to any and all suggestions. Except yuri, I can't write it. Anyway, the majority of these will be very short and to the point. This is mainly a writing exercise for me, after all.

Rambling aside, here's your first drabble.


Despite being able to function perfectly fine at any time of the day, Bender preferred late at night. Fry seemed to prefer this time as well, for Bender always heard the holophoner's off-key chords coming from his closet. Try as he might, he could never get the sound out of his head. Bender wasn't musically inclined at all, but even he recognized how terrible Fry was with the instrument.

"Meatbag, you suck." He'd say, and Fry would only shrug.

"I'm practicing. I'll get better." Bender didn't believe him. Fry probably didn't believe it himself. But he'd do anything for Leela.

It was strange, Bender thought. Sure Fry was an idiot, but why didn't Leela give him a chance? Humans were so strange. Organic creatures in general, actually. Robots were much easier. The courtship process was done without trying to impress the other (usually). And they didn't have to worry about other organic things, such as accidental child-bearing. The concept was absurd to Bender.

Yet for all their differences, he felt something whenever Fry played an off-key note, whenever he formed an image with the holophoner. It wasn't for him. It never would be. Leela didn't understand how lucky she had it.

"Bender, will you come to see me play? At my concert?"

"…Yeah, sure, meatbag." Maybe false hope was a stupid thing for a robot to have.