A/N: -hides- Sorry I'm late? Heh. I'm going to say now that writing is not my top priority, but even so, if I take forever to update, I will not abandon this story.

QueenofQuill (and everyone else): Sasuke is Wolf and Naruto is Falcon. I'm sorry for any confusion, and I will explain the story behind how they are assigned their animals in a later chapter^^

Thanks to my wonderful reviewers. There were too many of y'all to list this time, which makes me very happy!

The location of the characters will decide the native language. So if they were in Europe, per say, it would be English, while in Konoha it would be Japanese.

"Blah" Native language. 'Thinking'

"Blah" Foreign language/letters. 'Thinking'

"Blah" Demon/magical creature thoughts/words.

"Helping" the D.A.

Fawkes stood on his perch in the Headmaster's office, waiting for his human to come up after dinner. He was bored waiting all by himself, after all. Suddenly, the window to left sprang open and a… snake? That thing was a snake, wasn't it? Oh my. No snakes had legs and wings. Fawkes trilled anxiously. There hadn't been wyverns in Hogwarts for many centuries.

"Quite, FireWing," the beast hissed. "I am just making a quick delivery."

Fawkes chirped and watched as the reptile regurgitated a scroll with runes painted along the side.

"Tell your human that the shinobi here will need to open it for him," was the last thing Fawkes heard as the wyvern gripped the window with its claws and flew away.

Sasuke and Naruto were wandering the halls during lunch the next day when a distressed Professor McGonagall rushed up to them.

"The Headmaster requires your presence. Now," she added when it looked like the two wouldn't be rushing off anytime soon.

"Right away, Minerva," Naruto smirked at her. "We live to please, after all." With a mocking bow, he and Sasuke jumped over the edge of the staircase, scaring some poor first years half to death. Sasuke chuckled under his breath. "I never get tired of doing that. They're worse than Academy students after the first Jounin example. Remember when they had Anko and Gai during the same one? I think half the incoming students quit."

Naruto scoffed. "I don't blame them. If those two were the ones who said, 'Hey, watch us! We are who you'll be in a decade or so,' then I would have been scared silly."

Nodding, Sasuke replied, "But then again, Anko was the second exam proctor. I'm still not positive the higher-ups weren't trying to show all the other villages that we have some insane, sadistic Jounin too, and that they should be afraid."

The two ANBU landed in front of the gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office.

Sasuke glared at it. "Open."

With a shudder, it did. They went up and found Dumbledore examining one of Sasuke's summoning scrolls.

"Good day, my dear boys!" the old man greeted jovially. "You wouldn't happen to know what this is, would you?"

Naruto peered closer at it and whistled. "Dang, Sasuke. Your summons sure get around, don't they?"

"This one can fly, you dunce," he ignored the glare shot at him with practiced ease. "Besides, I wouldn't have trusted something of this importance to the hawks, no matter how well trained they are."

"Don't let them hear you say that. Some are really vicious."

Dumbledore look at them, bemused. "As fascinating as this is, would you mind telling me what exactly this is?"

Naruto pointed accusingly at Sasuke and stepped back a pace.

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke said, "It's your present. You remember; the one Naruto was all tongue-tied about a few days ago. We hadn't expected my summons to travel quite as fast as he did. We'll need to open it for you, however. Safety precaution. I'm sure you understand."

Dumbledore nodded sagely and gestured him forward. Sasuke removed a glove and picked up the scroll. When the Headmaster saw that he had bitten hard enough to draw blood, he stood up.

"You are not using Blood Magic, are you? That is highly dark, and most rituals are illegal."

Sasuke gave him a blank look. "I'm terribly sorry, Headmaster, but we don't have the same pesky ethics that you 'Light' wizards do. Every single jutsu that we have can be used for death and destruction, and summoning with blood is just another tool that we use. Do not forget that if the students in this school were shinobi, more than one-third of them would already be dead or crippled. We come from different worlds."

Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle. "You're right, and I apologize. I can't help but see you like some of the seventh years, even though I know you are different. Will you accept this old man's apology?"

Naruto jumped forward, "It's no biggie, Dumbledore. We understand that we're quite a bit different, and most civilians feel like you do." He nudged Sasuke, who proceeded to open the scroll.

Sasuke threw it on he ground, and with a burst of chakra and a cloud of smoke, two men were soon lying there.

Albus was struck speechless. He was positive both men on the ground were Death Eaters, and he was pretty sure at least one of them was dead. He looked up at the two ANBU. "Would you care to explain?"

They both straightened their backs at a posture of attention, and Naruto spoke, "We abducted these two Death Eaters as they were walking and impersonated them at their next meeting. After assuring that their master would be most displeased with their performance, we proceeded to obtain information from them. Unfortunately, Rookwood killed Pierce before we were able to learn much. We were able to convince Rookwood to tell as a little more with minimal effort on our parts."

Albus sighed. He would have to equip them with Veritaserum before things got out of hand and word reached the Prophet.

With a nod, Sasuke picked up where Naruto had left off. "I have a written copy of the information they gave us. There was some spell preventing Rookwood from telling me the location that Voldemort is currently at, but I was able to get an approximate count of the number of Death Eaters he has at his command, among other things." He placed another scroll on Dumbledore's desk. "If that is all you need, we will take our leave."

At Albus's nod, they both exchanged a quick glance before leaping through the open window. Albus just shook his head. Shinobi will be shinobi.

Naruto and Sasuke strolled through the grounds, looking for someone to torture—that is, talk to. They soon spied an opportunity in the form of the resident celebrity, Harry Potter. They exchanged evil smirks and changed their path. As they neared, they overheard the girl tag-along, whose name Naruto still hadn't bothered to learn, talking about their "secret" club out in the open again.

"Just use the galleons for tonight, Harry," she whispered. "Whoever can show up will."

Just as Potter was about to answer, Naruto snuck over and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump. Really, this was to one whom the wizarding world set their hopes on? They were sure in trouble.

"I couldn't help overhearing your conversation… again," he drawled. "Didn't we lecture you on this the last time we met?"

The girl looked down, ashamed, and muttered something that Naruto probably wasn't meant to hear. He just chuckled. "Just a word of warning so that nothing… untoward inconveniences you." He laughed even more when he heard them audibly gulp. He shook his head and made to turn away when the girl spoke up again, "Please, sir. We were wondering—That is, I was wondering, if you would come talk to the students tonight. It would probably be very inspiring."

Naruto mentally groaned. This girl would have gotten along great with Sakura. Naruto looked at Sasuke. He nodded curtly, and Naruto saw his Sharingan spinning wildly through the holes in the mask. An evil grin formed on his face. "While I am not very eloquent, I believe Sasuke has some words of wisdom that will benefit your little… study group. We will meet you in the Come-and-Go room tonight."

With those final words they left.

Ron gaped at Hermione. "Are you mental? They'll probably kill us all and leave our bodies hanging from the rafters!"

She sniffed at him, "You're being foolish, Ron. You have no way to prove they're the assassins you think they are."

"You don't understand! There are stories about people like them; people who appear only during times of war or great need and disappear as soon as peace is restored. It's a legend—"

"Exactly. A legend," Hermione interrupted. "Nothing more. Show me the facts before making more ridiculous allegations."

Ron grunted, but he was cautious about bringing up his next point, that of course she hadn't heard about it, it was a Pureblood thing. He decided to keep his mouth shut. Proof would come.

Naruto was almost bouncing in his steps as he walked alongside Sasuke. "Oooh, those little civilians are gonna get it!" he chortled. "What speech are you going to give them? The incoming ANBU one or the Chunin one?"

"I'm thinking a new speech is in order. I have a good plan for it now. I'll tweak it a bit, and then it should be perfect."

"Wonderful! In the mean time, I think darling Severus missed us." An unholy light entered both their eyes as the slipped into the shadows.

Severus Snape was not a happy man. The Dark Lord was livid at the lack of progress concerning the missing Death Eaters, one of which was his only spy in the Unspeakables. He transferred his anger to his minions, and it left Severus in a bad mood. To top it off, those cursed shinobi had returned. They brought nothing but trouble and seemed to enjoy getting under his skin nearly as much as Umbridge's.

He stalked into his classroom, wishing that he had the next period off. Second year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were nearly as bad as their counterparts. They both lacked spine, but the Hufflepuffs alone would be reduced to a quivering mess of tears by the end.

The bell rang, and with the arrival of the students came Severus's headache.

He flicked his wand at the board and growled, "Instructions are here. Try not to blow something up today."

Sitting down at his desk, he grabbed the fifth years' essays and pulled out his red ink with a vicious sneer. He never noticed the heavy feeling of doom that seemed to encompass the dungeons.

"Hurry up, Naruto," Sasuke mumbled. "You don't have all day."

"Well, if someone would just stop nagging like a Genin kunoichi, I would be done already!"

Sasuke snorted. Trust Naruto to be slow and patient with only one thing: his seals. If he didn't hurry, they'd get caught. Or rather, Naruto would. Sasuke would be high-tailing it out of there as soon as the first footsteps were heard.

Meanwhile, Naruto was still taking his time on the intricate patterns that were almost all around the door frame. It had been his idea, after all, to choose Snape as their next victim. After watching a few civilian cartoons while waiting for the Death Eater meeting, he had a perfectly acceptable prank for the surly potions master. Especially after hearing that he was called a "great greasy bat" by quite a few of the students…

Finally, Naruto stood up with a huge grin on his face. "Finished! And in less time than you thought, worrywart."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, not bothering to respond. He only grabbed Naruto by the back of his ANBU uniform and Flickered to the beams above.

Now they just had to wait for Snape to leave the classroom for lunch.

Ah, lunch. In Naruto's opinion, it was the best time of the day. Mainly because of the wonderful ramen the house elves prepared, but today there was even more to add to the excitement. He glanced to his right. Sasuke looked just as bored and apathetic as ever, but that was to the untrained eye. Naruto could see the way his fingers twitched every couple of minutes, and he had to refrain from cackling with glee. It wouldn't do to give away their part so soon.

Just as the anticipation became unbearable, the doors to the Great Hall slammed open, and in strode Snape. Huh. He didn't look too happy. Just because there was a little bit of color on his normally all black robes wasn't that big of a deal, really. And if it was yellow, so what? I mean, the bat shape wasn't all that offending… Right?

Hermione could not believe her eyes. Who in their right minds would put The Professor Snape in tights of all things? Not to mention the fact that any student with the tiniest inkling of Muggle background could make the connection. Some had already lost it, and not even Snape's patented "I will cut you up and use you for potions ingredients" glare could quell the laughter.

Suddenly, the Weasley twins stood up with wicked smiles on their faces. Hermione resisted the urge to cover her eyes. She glanced at the cylinders holding the house points, wondering if there would be any left at the end of lunch. She looked back at the twins just as they opened their mouths.

"Na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na, Batman!"

Amidst the applause from the students, the two pranksters look a bow.

Even she could resist the urge to giggle at that point, never mind that Snape's glare went up to "I will hand you over to the Dark Lord with a smile" in intensity. His face twisted unpleasantly as he snarled out, "100 points from Gryffindor and detention with Filch for two weeks for insulting a professor." With that he turned on his heel and marched up to Dumbledore, trying to ignore the snickers that followed him caused by the Bat Signal on the back of his robes.

Hermione just sighed again. She just had a feeling that someone was going to die today.

Naruto had to grip the chair to keep from bouncing up and down. He must not give them away. It was imperative that he didn't. Must… Not… Laugh.

But then McGonagall had to go and ruin it, saying, "Merlin, Severus. It's not Halloween." A few students fell off the benches, and Dumbledore's cough sounded suspicious. But he would not give in! He was ANBU! They ate emotions for breakfast!

Naruto looked at Sasuke again, who was just as calm looking as before. Bastard. He turned his attention back to the irate professor.

"I want those two out of this castle!" he snarled at Dumbledore.

"But Sevvy," Naruto cried dramatically, "I thought we really had a connection!"

His sneer grew even more unpleasant, and he said, "Leave. This. Castle."

In true connection with their self-dubbed ANBU Telepathy, Sasuke tilted his head to the side and said evenly, "Make us."

The Hall fell silent in shock.

Naruto could tell Sasuke was smirking under his mask while Snape's mouth opened and closed a few times, no sound coming out.

"You… dare?" he whispered.

Before Naruto or Sasuke could respond, Dumbledore spoke up. "I'm sure it's not half as bad as it seems at first glance, Severus—"

"Not bad? No matter what spell I use, my clothes stay the same! No glamours or transfigurations work!" A bit of desperation leaked into his voice at the end.

"Oh dear," Dumbledore mumbled. However, his twinkling eyes revealed his true emotions. "I'm sure we can find a way to fix this."

Snape just glared, not convinced. "I still want them two," he pointed at Naruto and Sasuke, "out of here."

"But…but… why?" Naruto gasped innocently, gripping his hands at his heart in pain.

"Don't act innocent! I know you are behind this!"

Sasuke snorted. "How can you be so sure? Do you have any proof whatsoever?"

Snape just glowered.

Naruto grinned, "While being accused of crimes we did not commit is interesting and a great way to pass the time, we have some people and things to… relocate. I'm sure your wardrobe problem will be solved soon, Sevvy."

"Not to mention this is a great lesson in practicing constant vigilance," Sasuke ignored the way several students and a few teachers flinched, "and actually paying attention to your surroundings." That was accompanied by a rather purposeful glance at Potter and his two lackeys.

Snape started to protest, no doubt having some other non-convincing argument to get them kicked out, but he was too late. The two shinobi simply stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

"How do they do that?" Weasley complained.

Harry looked around at the group gathered in the room of requirement. He hoped those two… people… wouldn't be late. The other students were already beginning to mutter amongst themselves.

Suddenly, a voice barked out, "CONSTANT VIGILENCE!" and several students jumped. One highly susceptible Hufflepuff even fainted.

"Hiya Potter!" the one with the falcon mask called with wave. "We heard the most amusing story of your last Defense professor."

Resisting the temptation to bang his head against the wall, Harry just nodded with a pained expression on his face and said, "I bet you did."

Wolf nodded sagely. "It seems that that will be the first point in my little lecture. Constant vigilance will keep you alive. Provided you don't try and seal— or ward, I suppose, for you wizards— anything too extravagant and end up blowing yourselves up. But those are just details," he waved a hand in a flippant manner. "There are many other important rules of survival and war I can tell you, even though that most of them don't fit into both categories."

Most students were already edging toward the door, but Falcon appeared before them. "Don't leave yet! Many people would kill to have this honor."

Harry wondered just how true that was.

"Anyways," Wolf continued, "one helpful piece of information that does help you survive and is helpful in warfare is the wonderful saying, 'You're no use to me dead.'"

He looked around at all the gaping faces.

Falcon laughed. "Man, we were better than that when we were told that by our captain."

"Cut them some slack. They are sheltered civilians."

A few Gryffindors looked indignant, but they remained silent. Harry was just wondering why he allowed Hermione to invite them, before he remembered she just asked them out of the blue. It would probably be a good idea to get them to leave before they scarred some people for life.

"Err… Thanks you two, but I think that's all we'll need to know," Harry said nervously.

Falcon cocked his head to the side, "Are you sure? We have a whole list of helpful and not-too-harmful tips to give you."

Even Hermione spoke up now, "I'm sure they're… inspirational, but I agree with Harry. Thank you for coming." She made a move as if to usher them to door, but then thought better of it.

"Suit yourself," Wolf shrugged. He and Falcon headed towards the door.

Students craned their necks to see what kind of unknown transportation they would use this time. Unfortunately for them, they both just calmly opened the door and walked away. A few sighs of disappointment mixed with relief were heard.

Harry just stood there. He blamed Hermione for everything right now. He truly did.

A/N: I apologize once again for the unreasonably long wait, but I hope the chapter was worth it! Leave a review^^