
So much has happened, yet not so much at all. I have returned to the world with sanity. For the first time in 700 years, I am truly feel alive, truly am myself, and of the Blood. Though I am still a broken witch, I am still Tersa the Weaver.

The tainted Blood have all been destroyed and so has Dorothea and…Hekatah. They and their deeds will forever haunt the memories of those left of the Blood; forever staining us all. With time we will heal, with eternity we will close the wounds, but we will never forget.

But visions of the tainted Blood? Images of the Prince who broke me, of the women who tortured young males before my eyes, of Dorothea and Hekatah? They weren't who I was expecting to see…for whatever reason they appeared, I do not know. What could this…sign mean? Danger perhaps? Death? But for who?

A child, a witch. A child bathed in golden light yet a force of darkness surrounds her. If Witch has already arrived, then who is this child and what of her destiny. The purpose of this being? Maybe even something more…

Chapter One


Daemon Sadi paced around the room anxiously from one side of the room to the other side. His beautiful face was covered with worry. His gold eyes were lost in thought. Black hair shadowed half of his face and his golden brown skin, though it was lighter than most Hayllians since he was a half- Dhemlan. His physical features were typical of being part of two of Terreille's long-lived races.

"Will you stop pacing around boyo? You are making my head spin." The Warlord Prince Saetan SaDiablo, the High Lord of Hell said as his eyes watched his son, the only one of his children who could have been an exact mirror image of him in strength, and temper. Although his son had been a silky, court-trained lair who could seduced anything that was breathing and make sure you will never find a grave that he dug unless he wanted you to as the Sadist, right now any kind of an announcement from Jaenelle's, Daemon's wife's, coven about the birth of his child would have his back up the wall whether it be good news or bad.

"How can the two of you be so damn calm?" Daemon growled as he walked another round.

His half-brother Lucivar Yaslana smirked his usual lazy, arrogant smile as he held up a bottle of brandy. "Well Bastard, this does numb the worry. Calm down. Jaenelle will be perfectly fine. She's been through much worse, and I'd be damned if something happened to her while she's giving birth."

"Prick, let me ask you this! How in the Hell can you be drinking while your sister is giving birth to your nephew or niece? Weren't you worried when Marian was giving birth to Daemonar and then later to Luthvian?" By sister he had meant adopted sister since Saetan had assumed Janelle's guardianship when she was fourteen. Now Jaenelle was 26 and so his guardianship ended six years ago but she still referred to Saetan as 'Papa'.

"That's the point. I've been through this twice. The trick is to stay calm. You aren't being any more helpful in making the birth faster by being the worried male."

Daemon just snorted in a feral sort of way and continued pacing. It wasn't just the fact that it had been thirteen hours since Jaenelle started being in labor, it was the idea of having a child. Was he even ready? He had more than 1700 years in order to make a reputation and what if his child had heard about some of the things he had done? How would his child feel about him then? And would others outside of their huge 'family', in other words outside of the court, family, and friends, accept his child, knowing that they were related directly from the Sadist, the High Lord of Hell, and most of all Witch?

The door to Jaenelle's bedroom swung open and out stepped Karla, Queen of the territory of Glacia. She was looked tired but was also grinning. To anyone who knew Karla, that grinning meant trouble. The three males almost wondered if it was safe to ask about Jaenelle's condition since Karla had a unique way of announcing things. "Well boyos, the worst is over." The three males in the room started to tense up. "Jaenelle has just given birth to a healthy baby girl. She's just resting although don't expect her to be peaceful when you go in." She warned as she made her way to tell the others in Jaenelle's First Circle.

Daemon gathered himself and walked into Jaenelle's bedroom. There, lying on the bed, was the Queen of Ebon Askavi, Witch. Long after the tainted Blood of Terreille had been destroyed, or at least forty percent of them and Jaenelle had recovered she had reclaimed her throne. Though many were skeptical about her being in a well enough condition to rule, she had managed get through the first few months quite well before her pregnancy. Daemon had remained her Consort, while as Saetan regained the position of Steward and Lucivar as Master of Guard.

In Jaenelle's arms was a small bundle. Her child. Their child. Jaenelle looked up at him and smiled as she shifted the baby onto the crook of her arm so he could see what their union had produced. The baby's hair was golden blond, which was obviously inherited from her mother. Her eyes were gold with no trace of Jaenelle's sapphire in them. Her skin was golden brown though it was much lighter than her father's but darker than her mother's. "Do you want to hold her?"

The question startled Daemon, even though he knew it was coming. Gently Jaenelle placed the bundle into his arms. After acknowledging that she was held by another, the baby fell asleep nestled to his chest. His baby girl was sleeping so peacefully in his arms; it was as if nothing could disturb her peaceful slumber. The door to the bedroom opened again and it was thought to be his father and brother but instead it was his mother, Tersa.

"Tersa, do you want to_" Daemon began to ask.

"_Hold her? Yes please." She finished as she opened her arms to accept the precious bundle.

The colouring of her grandchild had caught completely surprised. Could this child, my granddaughter, be the one? The one I saw in my dream? Is she the one who is supposed to fill this new destiny laid before the Blood? If she is then who or what is the darkness supposed to be around her?

"Well?" urged Jaenelle.

"Yes?" Tersa replied as she straightened her thoughts back to where she was. Lucivar and Saetan had entered the room and were now looking over her shoulder at the baby.

"We were wondering if you have any ideas on what to name her?" Daemon repeated.

"Well, old son, she does sort of look like you except in a more feminine way." Lucivar remarked.

Tersa concluded, "That's it. Her name shall be Demona."