I'll Always Be There... Disclaimer: I own nothing but my plot and character Alliance (or Alli for short) who is now the character I use all the time and everywhere!! Squaresoft owns everything else including the planet.

Like normal " "- speech, {thought} - thought, [ ] -input from me!


I'll Always Be There






Heavy rain pelted down all around. The small city of Timber was as silent as a solitary flame, flickering in the night. The clouds gently floated across the night sky.

At the north end of town, a small family of 3 were driving home from a weekend in the country.

"I'm so glad to be home!" The 10 year old daughter exclaimed as the cities lights grew closer. She put her book down that she was glued to and mentally embraced the sight of the city she had grown to love so much.

"Me too, Alliance" replied her half asleep mother. "Then at least your Dad can stop grumbling about driving everywhere!" The family enjoyed a laugh.

From out of nowhere a rabbit appeared on the road. Not wanting to kill it, the father swerved hard. The road was far too slippery for the car to handle and it caused it to zoom straight down the banks at the road's edge.

"Are you guys OK?" Alli asked wearily.

"I'm fine. So is your father" her mother replied with a sigh of relief that her daughter and husband were ok.

"We're so lucky!" Alli said at home later that night. "I'll get it!" She called as she raced into the kitchen to answer the phone. "It's for you Dad! It's your boss!"

As Alli's father hung up the phone, he turned to look at his daughter.

"I'm really sorry Honey" he said to her. "Your mother and I have to fly overseas tomorrow"

"That's ok" Alli said unhappily.


"I'll bring you back some new books okay Sweetie! Tell Brad to call us when he gets home! Love you!" Her Mother called as her parents got into the taxi and drove away.

"A fatal explosion has left 80 dead and 19 injured. Police believe that it was the result of a terrorist action. Witnesses say a young man acting suspiciously entered the terminal and opened fire screaming words that weren't audible. Police are asking that any questions or information be directed to your local Police Station or call Crime Stoppers on-" Alli flicked of the TV in shock. She ran to the phone and dialed the number of Balamb Police Station.

"Uummm.. My name's Alli. I think maybe my parents were at the Airport tonight-" Alli spoke slowly and the officer cut her off.

"Ok honey. What's their names?"

"Kain and Celeste Fielding" she replied.

"Alli?" The female officer asked her softly. "Is there anyone else home with you?"

"No, My brother's out with friends. I'm by myself. Why?"

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid that they have passed away..." She let it hang in the air like the fog on a winters morning. The officer's words stabbed at Alli heart.

"T-t-they're... Dead" she asked blinking back the tears.

"Is there someone I can call to look after you? Alli? ALLI??" She let the hand piece fall to the ground as her body collapsed against the wall. A wave of tears shook her body. The pain was like no other she had ever felt.

The door burst open moments later with her brother in it's frame. His face was tearstained with fresh tears still falling.

"Brad..." She whispered as he ran to her. They held each other tightly, not daring to let go.


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