Authors Note: It is not going to be all in Bella's POV, I am planning on having the next in Edwards, and i might alternate between those two or even do other characters as well. Please leave reviews, i will only post up to 3 or 4 chapters if i dont get any reviews--i appreciate constructive criticism!I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. I wish i did though

Our Summer

Bella's POV:

"I keep bleeding I keep keep bleeding love…YOU CUT ME OPEN AND I KEEP BLEEDING LOVE" sang Alice's high pitched musical voice at the top of her lungs.

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony—how could such a small person have such a loud voice. It would forever be a mystery to me.

"Ahh, Aren't you girls so excited! I mean I am about jump out of my seat I am so excited" Alice's bubbly voice said once the song ended.

"Yes Alice, we are extremely excited" both me and Rose said at the same time—we broke into a fit of laughter at the sarcastic tones we both held in our voices at the time we said it.

"Hmph" was all Alice replied as she crossed her arms at our attitudes.

"Aww, Alice you know we were just kidding".

"Yeah, we truly are excited for this" said Rose.

"Will you ever find a way to forgive us" I said in the saddest voice as I tried to soften her up with my puppy dog eyes and my lower lip jutting out. Rose just laughed at my expression while Alice just stared at me with her eyes scrunched together in annoyance until she finally gave up.

"BEL-LA…come on you know I can't stay mad at you when you look at me like that" she said in complete exasperation.

"I know, I only take it out in dire circumstances…like when my friend Alice gets mad at me or when a police officer pulls me over for speeding and I don't want a ticket" I said as I gave them a sheepish smile.

"Oh my god Bella…you don't actually do that do you?" Rose asked between fits of giggles.

"I will do just about anything to keep myself from getting a ticket…but I have only had to pull out that face once or twice. I am not a speed demon like you two." I laughed.

"Fine you have us there Bella, and Rose don't act like you are not guilty of trying to get out a receiving a ticket…you just don't have to put on a face. All you have to do is stick out your chest and the officers forget what they even pulled you over for" Alice said matter of factly.

"Shut up! That is not true at all…" Alice and I just stared at her, Rose didn't usually have blonde moments, but this was definitely one of them.

Our little staring contest went on for another few minutes until Rose finally threw her arms up in the air and said "Fine! I guess I sometimes use my looks to my advantage when I get pulled over".

"SOMETIMES" Alice and I shouted.

"I will toss both of you out of this car right now and leave you on the highway if you don't leave me alone, I swear to god" she said with a death glare directed at each of us.

"Okay, okay we are sorry Rose we wont say that again I said" while trying to keep in my laughter.

"Well then, now that we are all sorry for making fun of each other, let's talk about how this traffic is killing me and I just want to get to the beach!" Alice screamed.

"Calm down, we are only a half hour away Alice," I said trying to appease her.

"I am trying, I really am" Rose and I just stared at her with doubtful eyes "oh shut it you two, I really am. We graduated college this year! We have this beach house for the entire summer before we enter the "real world", don't you want to have fun!"

"Of course we do Alice, but it is hot, we are all tired from packing, and not to mention sitting in this traffic is really boring" replied Rose in a flat voice.

"Then let's play a car game!" Alice said, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Ugh, Alice, not another car game, please. Last time we ended up singing 'Baby got Back' to one of our old high school teachers. Then Renee ended up inviting him over for dinner the next weekend! I don't think you understand how embarrassing that was." I was going to resort to begging if she didn't lay up on the car games.

The both broke out in hysterics at the memory.

"Alice do you remember how red Bella got when Mr. Banner rolled down the window" Rose managed to get out while at the same time gasping for breathe.

"Of course! She looked like a tomato for hours…I thought she was going to stay that color forever!" Alice burst out in another fit of giggles.

I just sat back in my chair scowling out the window until their laughing finally died down. I decided I would give them ten minutes until I forgave them for laughing at me. I was trying to hide the smile that kept tugging at me lips. The memory was completely embarrassing—but I have to admit it was funny. I would just rather not live through another one of those moments. If it happened again I probably would end up staying that tomato color forever.

Their laughing finally died down but their faces were still streaming with tears.

"Are you guys done yet?" I said with a sour tone to my voice, as I stared at them with one eye brow raised.

Alice wiped away the tears on her face and took two deep breaths before answering. "Breathe, okay, I am good…you good Rose?"

"Just give me one more minute" Rose joked.

"Shut up!" I said as I slapped her arm.

"Sorry, sorry I'm good I am done laughing" she said as she once again laughed.

She put on a serious face and said "Really".

"Okay, I believe you guys".

"Of course you do…you know you couldn't stay mad at us forever" Alice said as she reached behind her seat to grab me around the neck in a hug. I hugged her back and kissed her spiky black hair. "Obviously I couldn't, I love you guys too much to stay mad at you."

"Hey! I heard that sarcastic tone missy." Alice pointed her finger at me and shook it at me like I was her child who she was about to punish.

I just laughed and put her finger down. "Sorry, I will try and refrain from the sarcasm today."

"How about you try that for the rest of the trip?" Rose suggested with a smirk on her face.

Alice's laugh rang throughout the car. "Don't speak of the impossible Rose; we both know sarcasm is the only language Bella speaks".

"Haha you two, very funny".

"You know it's true though," Alice said.

I sighed, "I know".

"Finally!" Rose shouted all of a sudden almost making me jump out of her BMW convertible.

"Finally what, Rose?" I asked genuinely confused by her out burst.

"We are finally moving, no more traffic!" yelled Rosalie again.

Alice squealed in delight and clapped her hands "Yay! This is going to be the best summer ever!"

Just as Rose revved her engine and began speeding away, in the corner of my eye through my long mahogany hair, I saw a beautiful boy with striking emerald green eyes starring at me with a smile on his face—I caught one final glimpse of the boy and his shiny silver Volvo before he was to far behind to see.

I lifted my hands up and yelled "WOO!" then broke down laughing, I didn't usually do that but I felt it was necessary for the excitement of the moment. This truly was going to be the best summer—it was going to be our summer.