Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

"Yami, is that you?" Yugi asked barely above a whisper.

"Yugi, thank god. Where are you? Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Yami said.

"Yami calm down, I'm fine." Yugi said.

"Alright, where are you? I'm coming to pick you up." Yami said.

"But, Yami the finals…You have to…" Yugi began.

"Yugi, will you calm down. I have already spoken to Kaiba and the finals have been postponed. And they won't start until I've found you and know for certain that you're alright." Yami said very firmly.

"So, in other words you're not dueling until you know where I am." Yugi said with a sigh.

"Yes, so where are you?" Yami asked.

"I'm in the basement of the abandoned house on North Street. I kind of had to go someplace to hide for awhile." Yugi said.

"Alright, you can explain everything when I pick you up." Yami said as he grabbed his keys.

"How will I know its you? I don't want to come out until you're here." Yugi said.

"I will beep three times, one long and two short." Yami said as he closed his door and headed towards his car.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit." Yugi said.

"Okay bye Yugi." Yami said as he hung up his phone.

Yami pulled out of the underground parking garage at the Kaiba dome, which was reserved for special guests only, and out onto the main road. While he was driving towards North Street, he wondered what exactly had happened that had forced Yugi to rum away. He knew that it had to be really really bad for Yugi to be forced to resort to this, not to mention the fact that he seemed to be terrified of someone other than Yami finding him.

Yami turned onto North Street and parked in front of the abandoned house Yugi said he was hiding out in. He beeped his horn three times, one long and two short. Then he waited.

After a few minutes Yami spotted Yugi. Yugi ran straight for Yami's car. He tossed his bag into the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat. Yami started the engine and began to drive.

"Well, are you going to tell me what's going on or am I going to have to stop this car until you do." Yami asked.

"I'll tell you. Now, I got the money you sent me and I brought it with me so I could pay Ushio off without any problems but…"


Yugi was walking down the hallway in Domino High. He was on his way to history when he was two people that he would much rather avoid, Yami Bakura and Marik Ishtar. Yugi knew that it would be best to just get out of there as quickly as possible, however, something they said stopped him in his tracks.

"So I heard from Ushio that little runt Yugi is a gold mine, threaten him and give him the old ultimatum of pain or cash and he'll pay anything you ask." Bakura said with a dreamlike look in his eye.

"Yeah, I heard that but you know that ain't Moto's money he's been giving Ushio." Marik said.

"True, its that annoying Yami Atemu's money…hey that give me an idea." Bakura said with a sneer.

"Oh, do tell." Marik said with an insane grin on his face.

"This plan is to make both of them squirm. We kidnap Moto, grab him out of his room tonight and hold him hostage, send Yami a ransom and demand that he pay big." Bakura said.

"Aww, but that's no fun." Marik whined.

"Oh, I haven't mentioned the best part. Once Yami shows up, and trust me he will considering Moto'll be dead if he doesn't, right after he gives you the cash, I nail him from behind, knocking him out cold. Then we can torture the both of them, having them begging for mercy, and being the merciful individual's that we are, we'll oblige and kill them both." Bakura finished.

"Ooo, I like that idea. That sounds like a ton of fun." Marik said.

"And the best part is that Mr. Hotshot Yami Atemu can't do a thing to stop us because he's at a tournament, so by the time he knows anything about this it'll be too late." Bakura said.

"Yup, like taking candy from a baby." Marik said with a huge smile on his face.

It was at that point that Yugi couldn't handle anymore and he bolted to his next class.

-End Flashback-

"And, well I guess I didn't want to take the chance that they would actually go through with it, so I went into hiding until I was able to get a hold of you." Yugi said.

Yami was silent for a few minutes, Yugi knew it was because Yami was beyond furious and that if he did open his mouth he would be cursing Bakura and Marik in about ten different languages.

Once they had made it back to the Kaiba dome and Yami parked his car he said, "Well, I'm glad that you got out of there. Marik and Bakura are more than capable of carrying out their threat." Yami said as he got out of the car. Yugi got out after him.

"So, Yami what are we going to do now, I mean I can't very well go home now can I?" Yugi said.

"Don't worry about it Yugi, once I kick Kaiba's butt, I'll ask him about what we should do, seeing as how he knows a lot more about security than I could ever hope to learn." Yami said.

A/N: Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile, I've been busy with school stating back up, as well as I wrote about 150 pages of another story that just popped into my head and had to work all summer. I hope this update works, and I promise I'll try and get the next chapter up soon.