Discaimer: I own nothing, except the talking and plotline. Everything else belongs to the woman J.K. Rowling.


James had a problem. Of every girl he had dated they had had a lip gloss flavor. Susan was vanilla, Emma was strawberry, and Alice was raspberry... But he was dying to find out what a certain Lily Evans' flavor was. Just one thing. She hated his guts. He was hoping that she would change her mind...and soon.

"What's the matter, Prongsie?" Sirius asked. "Indeed, You're staring into space." Remus said. "I'm wondering what flavor Lily's lip gloss is." James said, rather absently. Sirius looked at him for ten seconds, than burst out laughing. " I'm serious, Padfoot." James said, annoyed. "No, I am." said Sirius. James ignored him, staring off into space again. Remus, looking concerned, said " You're going to have to think of a way to get it from her, then, because she's not going to give you a kiss." James looked dejected, then a wicked gleam came into his eye. "Unless,... I force her to kiss me!" he declared. "How are you going to do that, Prongs?" said Sirius. "Yes, how?" said Remus. James looked around. The common room was empty, as it was close to midnight. "Okay, here's how the plan is going to go..."

Lily Evans was late. And not in the shower-for-only-five-minutes way. It was detention-for-two-weeks way. She was running in the halls, too, and that was not a good example as Head Girl. Suddenly James Potter came running from around the corner. Normally Lily would have been suspicious, but she was in a frenzy to get get to Transfiguration. Suddenly, Potter tackled her down, saying, "My eyes! I can't see! Hot pepper sauce! Ow!" Lily, of course, was no match for the Quidditch Chaser, and tumbled down to the ground. "Get off of me, Potter!" she said, rather angrily. " Potter smiled, and said, "Nope." Lily sighed heavily. "What do you want this time? My underwear drawer?"He looked thoughtful for a minute or two, then said "No, though that is a good bargain, I want a kiss." Lily looked surprised for a minute but then smiled. James would have seen the gleam in her eye if he hadn't been ecstatic by her answer. "Sure, why not?" she said. James leaned in towards her expecting the feel, and hopefully, flavor of her lips. Instead he heard a muttered."Levicorpus," followed by a blinding flash of light. He then saw an upside down Evans glaring at him.

"Don't you ever do that again, Potter!" she shouted. Because of your tackling me, I will have a two week detention, not to mention a word with the Professor!" Then she smirked and, as she was walking in, said over her shoulder, " But at least I have the satisfaction of seeing the blood rush to your face."She walked into the classroom. He cursed himself inwardly. Of course she would attack him if he used that tactic. He fumbled around for his wand, and as soon as he found it, tried to remember the counter-spell.Then he said, "Liberacorpus." and promptly landed on his bum. As soon as he got up, he also walked in the classroom. He found the disappointed face of Evans, the disproving one of Professor McGonagall, and the smiles of his friends. Professor said, "Evans, Potter five points from Gryffindor, each, and detention with me." Evans groaned, and James smiled. Another chance, finally. Suddenly two notes landed on his lap. He read the first one. It read:

If you try anything funny, Potter, you're dead.

Lily Evans

James looked in her direction. She was glaring at her work, probably trying to pretend it was him. Then he read the second one. It read:

Plan B?


P.S. Evans really looks mad.

He wrote another note. and aimed at Sirius. It hit his head then landed on his desk. Sirius picked it up, after rubbing his head, and read it. He looked back at James and grinned. James grinned back. Then he paid attention to what he was supposed to do.

Lily Evans groaned. Her first detention! Why hadn't her alarm charm woken her? She glared at her work trying to pretend it was Potter, and he was blowing up. She felt some one's eyes on her. She looked up, expecting her boyfriend to be looking at her, but no one was even glancing in her general direction. She looked at Potter, and he was aiming to throw a note at Sirius Black. Lily wondered what was in it. Professor looked up, and seeing everyone was done, announced "Class dismissed."

The Gryffindors and Slytherins poured out of the room, anxious to go to Charms as fast as they could. Lily saw a paper drop. She picked it up, trying to dodge the students. She was about to throw it away, but thenit opened. A note! Lily read it, expecting a love note, but instead it read:

Yeah, next plan.

P.S. She does.

That explained nothing! She threw it away, hurrying over to Charms.


Well? This is something that came in my mind when I thought about lip gloss and Lily Evans. If you want more, there is a blue box saying go. Click on it.

Review if you have an idea about what Plan B should be, and what should happen in detention. Also what the flavor her lip gloss should be. I leave everything to you!