It had been a month since her trip to New Orleans

It had been a month since her trip to New Orleans. A month without a word from him. And a month of punishment from Logan. And she still had another week left. As it was, she was currently busy scrubbing Logan's truck. For the fifth time that day.

Kitty was watching her and keeping her company. She had offered to help, but Logan had over heard and forbidden anyone to help her.

Rogue had long since forgiven Kitty, though Kitty still felt horrible about what had happened. In Rogue's opinion, the whole thing had been rather funny. She had come back from New Orleans to find Bobby with a black eye. When she had asked around, the story made her laugh like hell. Apparently, at the time of Bobby's little kiss, (which, Rogue found out, was a surprise to Kitty) Kitty and Piotr were already dating. When Piotr found out what Bobby had done, he had proceeded to give Bobby a black eye.

Unfortunately, Rogue hadn't been able to savor this information, as she had been on hard lock-down since they had gotten back. Logan had laid into her like nobody's business. She didn't think she had ever been in that much trouble. If she ever got to do anything again, she'd be lucky.

"So are you ever gonna tell us what you did to make Logan so pissed?" Kitty asked.

Rogue sighed, but didn't answer. Hell if anyone else besides her and Logan would ever know about what happened that night.

Speaking of Logan, he waltzed up behind her to appraise her work. "Not so easy, is it, kid? Maybe you should have been in at curfew instead of out runnin' around with some guy."

Kitty gasped and Rogue groaned. Now she would never hear the end of it. Logan knew it, too, which was why he was walking away. She had half a mind to throw her soapy sponge at his head.

"You stayed out past curfew with some strange guy?!" Kitty cried.

Rogue cringed. No escaping it now. "Yeah. But he was a cocky swamp rat and I would be content never to see him again."

Kitty just stared at her. She had never thought Rogue would be the kind to do something like that.

Suddenly Jubilee came running outside. "There's a new guy here! And guys, I'm telling you, he's a looker!"

"Hold on, Jubilee. I'm talking to Rogue about the guy she stayed out all night with." Kitty said.

Rogue wanted to die right there.

"You did what?!" Jubilee asked, going to stand next to Kitty.

"Here we go…" Rogue muttered.

"Well, come on! Spill! You have to tell us what went on!" Jubilee pressed.

Rogue put her sponge down. "It was nothing really. We talked, had a drink, and he took me back. That was it. I mean, he was a jerk. And we only kissed once." Rogue's hands flew to her mouth. She hadn't meant to tell them that much.

"What?" Cried Kitty and Jubilee together. "You kissed him? But how?" Was Kitty's question. Jubilee's was, "Was it good?"

Rogue's cheeks blazed. She put her soapy rag down and went inside through the garage, slamming the door behind her. It would be a while before she could face those two.

That damn man! The problems he had caused had followed her here. But at least he wasn't here, she told herself. Even though the truth was she actually wished he had been here. She tried to tell herself that she didn't really miss him. Talking to him, being with him in general.

She growled at herself in frustration. It was one night! She'd never see him again, and it was just better that way. She was on her way up the stairs when the doorbell rang. She ignored it and continued her ascent.

"Rogue, could you get that?" Storm asked, coming out of the kitchen, her hands laden with boxes.

"Yeah." Rogue sighed, shuffling down the stair to the door. She opened the door. "Welcome to the Xavier School." She said with less than enough enthusiasm. Then she looked up and gasped.

"Have you missed me, Chere?"

A/N: Now you know you guys don't want to kill me because of this very short last chapter…..

So listen, I do have a reason that you shouldn't kill me….If you don't, I'll be writing a significantly longer sequel-like story to Xmen 3, still Rogue/Gambit centered. Let me be clear: it is NOT a sequel to this story. This story was just supposed to be a oneshot thing. However, after seeing all the support from reviews, I have decided to write a new fic, starting with Gambit and Rogue meeting again. (I just love that part!) It will be up soon, probably today, and If you like it, review. Thanks to everybody, and perhaps see you soon!