Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.

It was a typical morning in the great hall. The students were chatting excitedly while eating breakfast. Discussing classes, last week's quidditch game, and of course this year's new Defense against the Dark Arts Professor, who was surprisingly competent, when something different happened.

Professor Dumbledore rose with a sigh. I'm getting to old for this he thought to himself. Raising his hands for silence, though it was largely unnecessary, as most of the students quieted down when he stood up, Dumbledore looked around and at all the students with a grave expression which matched the rest of the Professors faces seated at the head table. "Students I'm afraid I've got some important news for you all." He said seriously. Many students were alarmed at the lack of twinkle in his eyes. "It has come to our attention that six weeks ago at the start of term an unknown person poisoned the pumpkin juice with a potion." The Headmaster said wearily. "What?!" Someone exclaimed. "Poisoned?" Another startled voice asked. There was a loud cacophony of noise as all the students tried to ask questions at once.

Dumbledore sighed and again held up his hands for silence. When the hall quieted he continued. "Someone slipped a very potent pregnancy potion in the pumpkin juice that everyone drank. Now for those of you who didn't have sexual relations within the first week of term you have no reason to panic." Here he cleared his throat and pressed on even thought just about everybody was embarrassed. Even some of the teachers looked uncomfortable. Madame Sprout was pink cheeked and Professor McGonagall looked a little ruffled and Professor Snape was sneering more than usual.

"Those of you who did have sexual relations" and here he looked a little disapproving "should go see Madame Pomfrey immediately and I must add that this particular potion works on males as well." He said causing quite a few faces to pale considerably. "I assure you we are doing everything we can to catch the culprit. If any of you know anything please come to me or one of the Professors." He said.

There was a moment of stunned silence before the hall again broke out into noise. With the many students talking at once, with the occasional shout or wail, the noise was deafening. The Ravenclaw table was largely unconcerned. What with them being more academic they didn't 

have much time for dating and the ones who did knew better than to have sex without several means of protection. They instead were discussing how someone could have possibly tampered with the food supplies and no one noticed.

The Hufflepuff table also didn't have much to be concerned about. With them being mostly old fashioned they were more upset with the thought of someone doing such a thing to them all. The Gryffindors on the other hand were outraged and being a bit promiscuous were all understandably upset. They all were talking at once and going on about how could something like this happen. The Slytherin table was the most quiet. Not because they felt they had nothing to worry about on the contrary, they just didn't want to be overheard and were whispering furiously amongst themselves.

The teachers finally having enough with the noise sent the students away. Many of the students were in a state of shock that something like this could happen. A lot of them were thanking there lucky stars that they hadn't done anything and were therefore safe from any repercussions.

"Wow, who do you guys think could have done something like this?" Dean Thomas asked the group of seventh year Gryffindors which consisted of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Seamus, Neville, and Ginny who was a sixth year. After being dismissed from the great hall they had all gone back to the common room and it being a Saturday so there were no classes.

"You don't think it was you-know-who who did this, do you?" Ron asked when no one seemed to have an answer to Dean's question. "Really Ron, and just what would be the point getting the whole school pregnant? What would that do?" Hermione said exasperated by the ridiculousness of that suggestion. Ron went a little red then said "Well if he got everybody pregnant then no one would be left to fight against him and he could take over the school." He said grasping at straws. Harry had the oddest image of an army of pregnant school children fighting against death eaters for Hogwarts and had to suppress a snicker that he was sure would have come out slightly hysterical.

Hermione just gave him a quelling looking and promptly ignored him. They continued to throw ideas back and forth before Ginny suggested they go out and play some quidditch. They all got up but Harry said somewhat abashed "Um, actually I have to go see Madame Pomfrey." His face red. Ginny's mouth opened but no sound came out. Hermione's "Oh, Harry!" was drowned out by Ron's "What?!" "So do I." Seamus said giving a small smile of encouragement. Thought who he was trying to convince Harry or himself was the question. He was looking decidedly pale. Before Hermione could start lecturing and Ron could explode, judging by the red of his face, Neville quietly said "Me too." This frankly shocked everybody.

Harry didn't think it was possible for Ginny's mouth to fall open any more or Dean, Hermione, and Ron's eyes to get any wider. Using their friends shock to slip away Harry, Neville and Seamus headed towards the infirmary. The walk was silent. Harry was thinking I really don't need this right now. When I catch whoever did this. They are going to pay. Seamus thoughts were running along a similar vein. Oh crap, oh crap. I can't deal with this right now. What is he going to think? Will he stick with me through this? I mean we weren't even really dating. Oh crap. Neville was pretty much scared senseless. The only thing he could think was what is my Gran going to say.

So it was three scared and nervous boys who made their way to the infirmary to join the others all ready there to learn the news that could change the rest of their lives. Walking into the sterile, white room the atmosphere was oppressive. Several students were crying in corners or were pale with shock. Madame Pomfrey was escorting students on to beds, running her wand over them, and then pushing them in to corners with the other kids who'd already been checked.

A lucky few were ushered out of the infirmary and had looks of relief on their faces. "Is there any chance this whole thing is a nightmare?" Harry asked Seamus and Neville. "Nope" They said at the same time with unhappy looks on their faces. The medi-witch chose this moment to bustle over. Only the fact that she was a professional kept the look of shock off her face when she saw the three boys. Seamus Finnigan I expected to see. The stories I've heard about that 

boy well… it isn't a surprise to see him here, but Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom! What are the children up to these days! The nurse thought to herself as she showed the boys to beds.

She ran her wand over each of them then cast a spell on their stomachs. Their stomachs glowed white for a minute then went back to normal. "Well congratulations boys, you're all pregnant. Now go stand over there, I'll be with you all in a minute." She said then pointed to the corner were all the other kids were waiting. They got up and waited in the corner with all the other pregnant kids.

Most were Gryffindors and Slytherins with a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. All were sixth and seventh years. Everyone stood quietly, too lost in their thoughts to even think of talking, let alone fight. Finally when no more students came in Madame Pomfrey sat them all down and gave them all a long talk about what to expect throughout their pregnancies. She then sent them off with pamphlets and book lists that she recommended then let them leave. As they left they all went their separate ways to think and talk to their significant others, or in some people's cases, the person they had been sleeping with at the time. Things at Hogwarts had just changed drastically and somewhere, someone was laughing madly.

A/N Well I'm starting a new story and feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll try to update once a week. Reviews will keep me encouraged. Oh and just for future refrence the fifth book happened but Sirius didn't die and I'm ignoring the sixth book completely. Thanks for reading.
