Okay. So after an obscene amount of prodding I have started the next section. Apparently people are not a fan of the open ending, however I'm not sure if you'll like this new section any more. We'll see.

Also, when I was kinda sorting out all the ideas for this first chapter I wrote a Marksy drabbly-oneshot thing. It's the same universe, it would actually be a companion piece to this chapter, but if you were interested it's on my LJ and I'll figure out how to link it some how … kedda-nouvelle./10610.html … if that doesn't show up I'll post the link on my profile, if you are going to read it I'd read it before you read this chapter. It's really rough and I was playing with 1st person for awhile, but it's fun.

Okay, on to the chapter.


Addison pressed her palms hard against her temples. Her head was throbbing and the internal tirade seemed determined to physically rip through her skull.

"Are you hungry?"

Addison scoffed under her breath and wiped the beginnings of a tear away from her eye.

"How about a drink then? A big one."

This time Addison chuckled and glanced at Derek as he sat beside her at the small kitchen table. His arm brushed against hers but he didn't look at her.

"I just don't know what to do," he admitted, "I don't even know what…"

Addison took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Are you going to try to get her back?"

Derek stared at his hands, "We have a daughter. I think I owe it to her to try."

"You owed it to her to stay faithful to her," Addison spat back threading her fingers through her hair.

"You're one to talk about being faithful."

"What I did with Mark is completely different then what you were doing with me."

"I was talking about Geoffrey. Your fiancée. The one you were going to marry."

"How was I suppose to stay faithful when the love of my life was seducing me into bed?"

"This, is not my––"

"Shut up," she cut him off her voice trembling, "I don't want to talk about it right now. Because if we talk we're going to yell and if I yell I'm going to cry, and I can't cry anymore today. So just… be quiet."

Derek sat silently at her side glancing back and forth between her profile and his hands. "I'm going to go get some liquor. Gin?"

She nodded and sheepishly turned her red and bleary eyes to look at him.

He nodded, gave her a small smile, and leaned in the peck her softly on her lips, "I'll be back in a few minutes." He stood and walked to the door, grabbing his keys on the way, "I really am hungry."


Addison stood dumbly in front of the stove. All she had been able to find to eat had been pancake mix –– unless, of course, she wanted to deal with trout, which she didn't. But every time she went to pour or mix or add an ingredient she would remember making pancakes on Saturday mornings with Geoffrey. Plain for her, banana for Geoff, blueberry for Daisy and chocolate chip for Ali who never ate with them but would reheat them when she dragged herself out of bed at noon. It took forever to make 4 different kinds, but it was fun.

She and Derek both liked plain with just maple syrup. For some reason that upset her.

She poured the batter on the skillet with a huff. She was going to end it. She was. She just couldn't today, it was his birthday. She tossed a spoon in the sink and ignored the nagging voice in her head that was telling her she was a liar and she wasn't planning on ending it with either of them.

She pulled the coffee maker closer and jabbed at the button before realizing it wasn't even plugged in. Swearing, she grabbed at the plug and jammed it in the socket, knocking over the box of pancake mix in the process. She closed her eyes in frustration as flour filled the air, and she gripped the counter to calm her nerves and her emotions.

Seconds later her eyes flew open as an unfamiliar scent and sounds filled her senses.

She jumped away from the stove. The box. The box had tipped over and caught fire on the burner!

She stared, shocked, at the flames, now spreading and reaching for the curtains above the sink.

Acting on instinct alone she grabbed the fire extinguisher from under the sink, knocking over a slew of cleaning products, which, with her current luck where probably all flammable. Squeezing the trigger she turned her head and closed her eyes against the onslaught of firefighting foam.

But nothing happened.

Addison panicked. The fire was now consuming the curtains and moving towards the cupboards. She turned the canister in her hands, her head trying to make sense of the words printed on it's side. Pull the pin –– there is a pin? She could see no pins. Frantically she examined the nozzle and found the pin, pulling it and pointing the extinguisher at the flames and pulling the trigger.

She took a step back and stared at the charred wall and cupboards, no longer on fire, just smoking and covered in wet foam. She took another step back, towards the door this time, then turned and stumbled out of the trailer and to the edge of the deck. She half sat half collapsed and folded her body down into her lap.

And she started to laugh. Hysterically. And she couldn't stop.


Addison laughed harder, her stomach tight and sore from the exertion. She heard Derek walk past her and into the trailer. By the time he re-emerged several minutes later she was sobbing.

Hysterically. And she couldn't stop.


"I didn't mean to," she sobbed, "I knocked over the… and… then the curtains," she buried her face in her hands and tried to bury her entire body in her lap and disappear, "I didn't mean to burn down the trailer."

She sobbed as he untangled her hand and pulled her to her feet. They stood a few feet apart, she refused to look at him. He gripped the tips of her fingers and tried to lead her to the car. It took several tries before she obeyed. In fact she wasn't aware of what he was doing, or that she was complying. They were several miles away from the trailer before she realized that she was no longer sitting on the deck. And they passed the Slice of Seattle pizza parlor 4 times before she realized that he was circling the block so she could calm herself.

"I'm okay," she said finally. She flipped open the vanity mirror and took in her appearance. Red eyes, pale, messy hair. She smoothed down her hair and sank back in her seat defeated.

Derek circled the block 2 more times then pulled into the parking lot of a hotel with way to much glass for it to appeal to Addison. "Is this okay?"

"It's fine."

He was silent a moment, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm not okay, Derek"

"You were… "

"Completely out of control? Thanks. I'm aware," she pushed her door open and slid from the car, standing in front she waited for Derek, refusing eye contact as they walked into the hotel lobby.

He stood slightly in front of her as he requested and paid for a room, he could feel her eyes boring into the back of his neck. He handed her the key without looking at her, "1313," he said dully, not even wanting to see the irony. He handed her the key, "I'll go get our bags."

12 minutes after leaving Addison in the hotel lobby he reached their room to find the keycard balanced carefully on the lock and Addison no where in sight.


"Are you serious?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"It's midnight."

"You have been trying to get me to move out for 2 years."

Alex stared down at his feet, "More like 3."

"So, I'm moving out."


Cristina turned to stare at Alex, "What are we even fighting about?"

Alex dropped his head back against the wall and stuffed his hands further into the pockets of his jeans, "Meredith is our friend and I'm the jerk whining cause now I have to pay the full rent."

"Ask Callie to move in."

"I don't think that's going to work out."

"Why not? I thought you liked her."

"I do. But…" Alex trailed off and sat on the edge of Cristina's bed, "I think she'll probably dump me when she finds out I knew about Addison and Derek."

Cristina stopped packing and stared at Alex. "You knew."

Alex nodded but had the good sense to keep his eyes lowered. "Addison told me. She needed my help," he looked up at Cristina, his eyes begging her not to kill him, "I only kept it a secret because I didn't want Meredith to get hurt."

Cristina's jaw hung slack for a moment, "You didn't want her to get hurt? What the hell kind of logic is that?"

"Listen!" Alex stood and took a step closer to Cristina, "When I found out that Addison had slept with him it was only once and Meredith was not in a position to know about it. We were about to bust her for abusing her painkillers and Addison came to me cause she felt guilty because, well, the night of the accident… "

Cristina started to slowly connect the pieces, "We couldn't find Derek because he was screwing Addison?"

Alex nodded. "She said it wasn't going to happen again."

"We'll she lied," Cristina sat down on the bed as Alex paced back and forth, "So this has been going on for–– "

"I didn't know!" Alex exclaimed, "The next time I knew anything about it was only cause she needed a favor and they ended it a week later. On their own. I didn't think I should say anything because Meredith was pregnant. That's why Addison left him."

"Addison left him––"

"It was mutual," Alex quickly corrected, "I guess."

"And this latest one? When––"

"I don't know. Awhile," Alex stared at a spot directly over Cristina's head, "Since August, I think."

"It's February."

"I know."

"August was when Derek had the heart thing..."

"I know."

"From playing racquetball..."

"Addison called me from the hotel after the ambulance took Derek. I called Mark so he could tell Meredith."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Alex glanced at his watch. 12:27. What the hell.

"I'm on Meredith's team. I'm on her side. All the way. But Addison's my friend," he gave Cristina one last imploring glance and headed for the door.

"Alex," Addison stepped over the threshold and wrapped her arms around his neck burying her face in his chest. "I'm so stupid."

Alex couldn't disagree.

Cristina stepped into the foyer and glared at Addison, her face flushed and furious. She flung her backpack over her shoulder and waved good bye to Alex with a flippant flick of her wrist.

Alex sighed and pulled away from Addison.

For the first time in a long time Addison wasn't crying. "I messed up," she said softly.

Again Alex couldn't disagree.

"Can I stay with you for awhile?"


Cristina awoke to her cell phone beeping wildly. She groaned and glanced at the other side of the bed. Meredith was gone.

She picked up the phone and pressed the 'ok' button to access her text message.

I'm fine. I went to work. -M

Cristina glanced at the clock. 3:39am. She groaned again and rolled out of bed. This was going to be a long day.


Alex violently attacked the alarm as it went off at 5:45.

"You going to work?" he asked the lump that was Addison. She had slept even less then him.

A hand slowly emerged from underneath the covers and located her purse, tugging it into the cavern of blankets with her. "Richard. It's Addison. I'm not coming in today and I'm turning off my phone." She turned her phone off and pushed everything back onto the floor before kicking off all the blankets.

Alex stared at her and pushed himself up onto his elbow. "Don't you think Richard is going to want a little more of an explanation?"

"He'll figure it out," she stated dully.

Alex nodded and stood up, stretching a bit. "Do you need anything."

"Wine. Red. And a straw. A bendy one." She rolled on to her side away from him, "I don't want to move to drink."


Derek paced back and forth in front of the first floor nurses station. From his current position he could see the front door, the main elevator and the main stairwell. He didn't particularly care who he ran into first, he just wanted it to be someone that could tell him that Addison and/or Meredith were okay.

He felt eyes on the back of his neck and he spun around abruptly.

"Meredith…" he breathed.

She glared at him evenly.

He took a step forward, "I'm sorry," he looked her straight in the eyes, "I'm so sorry. I don't know––"

"Are you working today or are you just here to…" Meredith trailed off.

"I'm working," Derek said uncertainly. He took a step forward and reached for her hand, "But Meredith––"

She didn't react at all, "What about Addison?"

"What about her?"

"Is she here? Are you meeting her in later in the on-call room?"

Derek hung his head, "It was never like that," he spoke softly, "You always came first."

Meredith stared hard at him, "Did you spend the night with her. Did you get tired of pretending to apologize to me and spend the night screwing her at your trailer?"

Derek's jaw clenched and he took a step towards her, "I spent the night at a hotel. I wasn't with her. I don't even know where she is."

Her gaze didn't waver, "I don't believe you."

"I stayed at Skyscape Towers. I have no idea where Addison spent the night," his voice became harder and more forceful with each word, "And that's the truth."

Meredith reached over the counter of the nurses station and picked up the phone. She stared at Derek her eyes furious. "Skyscape Towers?" she waited several long seconds, "Hello. Do you have a Derek Shepherd registered?" she raised and eyebrow as that was confirmed, "He is?" She looked away, "He is… Did he –– Did he check in alone? –– I understand," her voice lowered considerably, "but he's my boyfriend, and I recently found out that he's been cheating on me for 2 years with his ex-wife. So if you could just be the guy that breaks the rules… –– I'll hold –– A tall red head? Thanks."

Derek stared wide eyed as Meredith slammed down the phone.

"You want to try that again? Or did you check in with different tall REDHEAD?"

"I… She was there," Derek admitted in a rush, "But she didn't stay. We were never even in the room together. She went upstairs, I went to the bar. When I went upstairs she was gone, I don't know where she went."

"So, you didn't spend the night with her because she left?!"

"No!… I… Meredith!" he exclaimed, "She came to me! She was upset! We were both upset. She needed a place to stay, Meredith! What was I suppose to do?"

"Slam the door in her face! Don't check into a hotel with her!"

"I didn't…" Derek turned and stormed a few feet away before turning and coming back, "She was upset and I care about her. Okay? I checked into a hotel so that I would know that she'd be okay for the night. You have friends that wouldn't let me anywhere near you but she has no one. I was trying to make sure she was safe. Don't hate me for that. Hate me for everything else but don't hate me because I wanted her to be safe on a night were she could have easily gotten hurt. Do not hate me because I'm worried about her because I have no idea where she went. I've known her for 15 years, I'm allowed to care about her."

Hurt flashed across her face replacing the anger that had been masking it, "Do not defend her to me."

Derek realized his mistake immediate, "No, Meredith. Not… that's not what I meant… "

"I trusted you," she said in a low tone, "You said you were just friends with her and I trusted you," she looked him straight in the eye, "I never thought that you would do this to me. Not with her."

Derek stared at the floor at his feet, "I'm sorry." He glanced up at her, his eyes pleading.

She shook her head and turned on her heel, marching away.

He followed her, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him, "Meredith––"

"You slept with Addison!" she exploded ignoring the obvious stares of people around them, "Addison! She's the only woman that I have ever felt threatened by. And you KNEW that. You knew she's the only one that has ever come between us. She is the only one that I can never live up to because I'm not your PRECIOUS Addy. I'm just the woman that you screwed until you could figure out a way to go back to your WIFE."

"I didn't go back to her. I was just––"

"You've been sleeping with her for 2 years. That's not a mistake. That's not an accident. You were WITH HER."


Derek and Meredith turned at the sound of a calm voice speaking from near by.

"Meredith," Richard took a step forward and placed a fatherly hand on Meredith's shoulder, "Go up to my office. Lay down. I'll send someone up to take you home."

"I don't––"

"You need a day," Richard told her firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Meredith shot one last glare at Derek and turned on her heel, slamming open the door to the secondary stairwell.

Richard turned his gaze to Derek, "This is a hospital."

Derek's jaw twitched, "I have to work," he replied stubbornly turning away.

"I don't want to see you talking to her unless she talks to you first," Richard ordered.

Derek gabbed the elevator button forcefully. He stepped into the elevator and glowered as Alex stepped in after him.

"She's at my place," Alex told him as he pressed the button for the second floor and the doors closed. "You said you didn't know where she was and you were worried. She's okay. She's in bed with a bottle of wine."

"It's 7:30 in the morning."

"She hasn't opened it yet," Alex informed him shortly as the doors opened again, "And she doesn't want to see you."


Sydney checked in at the nurses station of the maternity ward and laughed out loud as she walked down the hall listening to the messages on her voice mail. She pushed open the door at the end of the hall and walked into the dimly lit room.

"12 messages Joanie? 12?"

Joanie opened one eye to glare at her then when back to breathing calmly through her contraction. "They won't call Addison."

"That's because Addison's not here today."

"Get. Her. Here."


"That's what they keep saying."

"Where's Rob?"

"Trying to find someone what will call Addison."

"Hey," Sydney called to the nurse who was hovering nearby, "Do me a favor? Can you go get us some more ice-chips? But not the ones from the Maternity machine. Can you go to the one on the 4th floor in the east wing. They're better." She smiled sweetly as the nurse rolled her eyes and left.

"Are they really better?"

Sydney shrugged, "I don't even know if there's even an ice machine up there. It's the psych ward. She won't really do it." She pulled the chair closer, "Now. I'm going to tell you something, and don't yell at Sydney. Just remember, it's not Sydney's fault."

Joanie nodded suspiciously.

"Derek and Addison kinda got caught with their pants down yesterday and both were pretty publicly dumped, and so now no one knows where Addison is 'cause she's hiding. There is no way she is setting foot in this hospital today."

"No one knows where she is?" Joanie's breathing began to get a little more laboured.

"She called in and said that she wasn't coming in and now her phone is off. No one can reach her and no one knows where she is."

"No one," Joanie asked again, now gasping for air, "Not even Derek?"

"No," Sydney's eyes grew wide and she stood by the bed her hands waving frantically, "What are you doing? What's going on?"

"I –– need –– Addison ––"

"I can't… I don't know…"

"Addison–– find her –– call –– Derek ––"

"I… I can't call Derek. I… don't… okay! Okay!" Sydney pleaded for her to calm down, as she reached for her phone, "I'm calling, it's ringing! Breath! Breath! –– Derek? It's Sydney! Can you come down to 2349? –– NO! Now! Now! It's an emergency! STAT! STAT!"

Joanie took a deep breath and cross her hands demurely over her stomach. "Thank you."

Sydney stared at Joanie in disbelief, "Well played."

Joanie nodded. "I'm going to need to rest a minute if I'm going to do that again for Derek."


He wasn't sure how he got here, but he was standing in the hallway of Alex Karev's apartment, just outside his bedroom actually, waiting for permission to enter. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to get it.

Slowly he pushed open the door. "Addison?"

"Go away," she didn't move from her position face down and sprawled across the bed.

Derek stood awkwardly in the doorway for a moment then squared his shoulders and stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. "Get up."


"I'm not asking. I'm telling you. Get up."


"Joanie is in labour. You have to."



"No. I'm in no state to be practicing medicine. Someone else can do it."

"Are you drunk?" There were 2 bottles on the bedside table, but both were full and unopened.

"No," her voice was monotone, "Do you want to know why?"

Derek didn't reply.

"It's threefold. If I open that bottle I will: A, never stop drinking, B, damage my liver even more then I already have binge drinking after Mark and our messy messy divorce, and C, I think it would be better to wait until the excruciating pain starts. Right now I'm pretty numb all on my own."

"She's your friend. She's counting on you."

"I was counting on you and you were planing on marrying her. You were talking about having another baby."

"Meredith was talking."

"And you were what? Nodding so you didn't have to agree out loud?"

"Damn it Addison! Get the hell out of bed!"


"Get out!"


"Get out or I'm going to drag you out!"


Derek grabbed her wrist and tugged. He dragged her sideways half off the bed then stopped. She sagged half off the mattress and completely limp so she was dead weight, "Addison," he grunted, dropping her wrist and grabbing her around the waist and lifting her off the mattress.

"Derek! Let me GO!" she squirmed in his arms, twisting and turning and fighting.

"No! You have to," he groaned as her elbow sank into his ribs, "Birth babies."

"I don't want to," she fought him, "I'm not going!"

"Why not?!" He held her tighter.

"Everyone will be talking about it!" She screamed, kicking and slapping until he lost his grip on her and they landed in a heap beside the bed. She was still for a moment, "I don't want to go," she whispered, "Everyone will be staring at me."

"I'm sorry."

She sighed and turned towards him. She curled her body into his side and wrapped an arm around his neck and snaked the other his waist. "I'm tired of people talking about me and staring at me. I am an adulterous whore and now they all know it."

"At least people like you," he reassured her, "You're kind and sweet. No one likes me. They all think I'm a jackass and a liar."

"You are. You lied to me," she murmured, her voice muffled by his shirt, "But I lied too, so can we not talk about it for awhile?"

Derek rubbed small circles on her back for a moment, then touched her knee where her borrowed pajama pants had ridden up, "You didn't have that yesterday," he turned her leg and examined the bruises surrounding her kneecap.

She pulled away and pushed her pants back into place, "It's nothing."

Derek tugged at the other leg and found similar bruises on her other knee. He looked up at her face for a moment, studying her as she looked away evasively, then tugged her to her feet. "What…" he grabbed her arm and pushed her sleeve up, "Who did this?" he demanded, roughly examining her other arm.

"It's nothing," she jerked away, "Leave it alone."

"Where else are they," he demanded angrily following her to Alex's dresser where she started searching for sweats, "Who did this to you?"

"Get OUT!" she yelled, turning on him, "Now! Get out!"

"Did you screw Alex last night?"

"No! I screwed Geoffrey last night!"

They glared at each other, chests heaving.

"Geoffrey did this to you?" Derek's voice was vemonness.

"He wanted me back!"

"He wanted–– Addison! He hurt you!" he stepped closer, touched her cheek gently and lowered his voice, "Addison? Did he…"

"No," she pulled away, "He loves me."

"He loves…" Derek's head was starting to throb, "I'm going to kill him."

"No," her head snapped back to him, "I wanted him to."

"You wanted…"

"He did a hell of a lot more to get me back then you did. You left me. You walked in on me and Mark and you just left! You didn't love me at all! Geoff loves me. Geoff tried to make me his again. I wish you had done that. I wish you had just thrown me down and made me yours again. I wanted to be yours, I needed you to make me yours again and you just LEFT!"

Derek's eyes flashed with anger. "Get dressed. I'm driving you to the hospital. You are delivering our friends baby whether you like it or not." He turned away from her and sat on the edge of the bed. He watched her in the mirror above the dresser as she slipped the pants off her legs, his eyes frantically checking for bruises on her thighs, and sighing with relief when he saw none. She tugged the oversized t-shirt over her head and Derek sucked in a deep breath through gritted teeth. He believed her when she said it was consensual, but he couldn't believe that she would have wanted something like this. She had a mark on her collar bone where she had been bitten to hard and small bruises on her breasts where she had been handled to roughly. "Addison…"

Addison glanced up to see him watching her in the mirror.

"Come here," he stood her in front of the mirror and stepped back so she could look at herself, "I could never love you like that. I could never do that to you. No matter how angry I was, or how much I loved you and wanted you to be mine again, I could never love you like that."

"No. You just hurt me on the inside instead."

Derek hung his head, "I'll wait for you in the car."


"It's a boy," Addison stepped out of the room and smiled at Sydney who was stretched out across 4 empty chairs, "Sebastian."

Sydney raised her arms in triumph, "Derek owes me 50. Apparently being with you does not mean he can predict the gender of the unborn."

"He always guesses 'girl'," Addison sat down by Sydney's feet, "Why is this hall deserted?"

"I've been cheering people to the point of insanity. They're avoiding me." She grinned, "I stashed your jacket and purse in the stairwell. You shouldn't run into anyone on the way out."

Addison smiled gratefully, "You're a good friend."

"Well, I want you in a good mood when we work out my birth plan," she patted her stomach then rested her hands behind her head, "However, Derek is in the stairwell guarding your stuff so… "

Addison groaned, "We had a fight."

"What kind of fight?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what we are anymore. Everything is all screwed up. I mean before everything was screwed up but at least I knew where everyone stood."

"I think you can stand where ever you want to stand."

"I don't know where I want to stand," Addison sighed, "I don't trust him, I don't trust me, and I'm not even sure I want to trust him. They were talking about getting married and… I was standing right there, he was begging for her forgiveness."

"Well," Sydney sat up, "I overhead a fight this morning, actually the entire staff on the first two floors overheard this fight, and he told Meredith that he cares about you and he was worried because he didn't know where you were last night."

"He did?" Addison asked meekly.

"He did. He yelled it. Very loudly. But, I also heard that your trip to Africa was a coverup so you could give birth to his love child."

Addison chuckled and stood, "I should go."

"Remind Derek about my 50," Sydney smiled, also standing and crossing to Joanie's room.

Addison took a deep breath and entered the stairwell. Derek was sitting on the steps facing her. He looked up but didn't stand as she entered.

"I'm sorry," Addison spoke softly. She crossed her arms and leaned against the railing.

"Me too."

"I don't know what I'm going to do," she admitted, "I don't know what I want and I don't know who I want it with."

"You've been my best friend for 15 years. I don't want to loose you," Derek stared down at his palms.

"You don't treat me like your best friend," she smirked, "You don't treat Mark like you treat me."

Derek didn't smile, "Mark wasn't the love of my life."

"Neither was I."

He sighed, "So what do we do now?"

They turned as the door swung open. A young doctor stepped through, raised her eyebrows in surprise and backed out again.

"We're talking!" Addison called after her, "For the love of God! We are 6 feet away from each other! We're just talking!" She sighed in defeat and turned back to Derek, "We can't be seen together anymore. You can have the elevator, I'll take the stairs. If you see me in the cafeteria –– eat from the vending machine. I'll sleep in the on-call rooms on 2nd and 4th you can have 1st and 3rd. Be out of the locker room 20 minutes before rounds so I can get my coat, but otherwise I'll stash my purse in the maternity ward so I can avoid it as much as possible."

"This is how it's going to be?"

"For now," she stepped away, "We've done it before."

He nodded, watching her intently as she took a few steps down the stairs.

At the last minute before she was out of sight she turned back and looked up at him. "I'm sorry I burnt down your house."

He nodded.

She sighed and straightened her purse over her shoulder, "I think I'm ready to start drinking now.


So, there is the first chapter.

Next chapter skips ahead 3 months so you can expect to see some changes on the relationship fronts. Oh, and an original character that we haven't seen for awhile.


So best review gets an Addison action figure dressed as a sexy firemen, and the second best review gets an Addison action figure in pj's and with her very own wine bottles and bendy straw!