Disclaimer: I do not own any character in this story, well I made up some characters not in the twilight series.

I never made twilight and don't claim to own anything, just using the Pack and La Push people for my far out story!

Chapter 1

The summer came and went quickly. I didn't take long to settle down into Forks.

Like Seattle the weather wasn't pleasant. I was used to that much, and the fact I had a car. I was also hired at the Newton's sporting goods store. I was grateful for my three days a week shift. I didn't really need to work. I know I had inherited money from my father. I wasn't going to receive until I turned eighteen. That would be in a yeah and four months.

Making friends at Forks high wasn't so bad. I had my little group I sat with, and most of them seemed real nice.

I mean that and the girls wondered why Charlie would let me date a guy, who looked older, much older than me.

Dodging a bullet. I was lucky that I wasn't pregnant from my first time with Jacob.

Now me and Jacob, not really trusted to be alone together. So he wasn't aloud in the house while Charlie was at work.

I spent most my time down at La Push. I loved spending time with Emily, she seemed to be glowing from my recently finding out she was expecting a little buddle of joy.

"So what you want a boy, or a girl?" I asked Emily while she was mixing up a batch of eggs. The pack was out on the normal morning run. Me Emily and Kim sitting down in the small kitchen. Kim was doing her English homework. My books were on the table ignored like always.

When the pack went running. Emily made sure we kept up to date with our homework. I loved spending time at Emily and Sam's; they didn't seem to be so streaked on how close me and Jacob was. I then knew that Emily also gave me 'the talk' also, but didn't seem so extreme of it.

"Well, I know Sam wants a little boy." She smiled rubbing her bump her face lighting up brighter. "But then I want a girl. I know it's a boy though." Her voice light mixing gentler with the eggs.

"Well you never know. I mean it could be a girl." My voice light still avoiding my work book. Kim writing quickly peeking up with a bright smile. Her brown eyes seemed to sparkle. I turned to look at my math problems. I screw my face up before banging my head on the table.

"You know, that isn't going to get them solved quicker!" Emily laughed starting to cook the eggs, and Kim laughed too in amusement.

"I hate math. Death to math." I slammed the book quickly turning to the door. It wasn't just me who had the sixth sense of when the pack was returning.

The door open quickly as Sam was first to enter the house. Then followed by Quil, Jared, Paul, Embry, Seth, Embry and finally my Jacob.

Jacob behind me quickly, and he kissed my cheek softly. Sam rubbing his hand over Emily's bump while she cooked whispering into her ear. Jared sitting beside Kim looking over her English paper.

"Can I copy your notes?" Jared scanning her work. Kim closing her book sharp on his hand with a giggle.

"No, you do your own homework." Her voice playful, but then she opened the book again releasing his hand. He kissed her forehead with a playful smile.

"Oh please, I've been busy." He started to give her puppy dog eyes, and Kim kept her face straight.

"Nope, you need to do your own homework." She repeated then laughing at his sulking noises.

Jacob placing a hand to my face gaining my attention. "So how's the math coming along?" he asked with a big grin. I blew a raspberry in his face then licked the end of his nose.

"That bad then?" he wiped his nose in my hair that was pulling into a messy bun. My eyes bright blue catching his dark brown. He gave me a bigger smile.

"I'm doomed. I was destine to fail math." I pouted lightly and then folded my arms tight across my chest. Jacob hugging my back lightly then kissed my cheek again.

"You just need help." He spoke softly, and I smiled again.

"Jake, your worse with math than I am." I turned to watch his face. "Plus you're more of a blonde than me." I added with a cheeky grin. Jacob now poking his tongue out at me.

"Fine I think I won't take you Cliff diving next weekend." He smirked darkly. I then raised an eyebrow.

"Ok then, I'll go with Paul." I then look smug, and Paul suddenly aware of someone saying his name.

"I didn't do it." He jumped, and everyone turned to stare at him. I burst into laughter.

Paul still looking confused. "Ok I'm lost!" he spoke quickly. Quil and Sam rolling there eyes, and Embry was completely away from us.

"Well I know Embry is the mathematical genius of us." Seth smiled to me, and I turned to face Embry. His dark eyes avoided to look at me.

"I'm not that good." He spoke quickly, and then stared above my head to Jacob.

I didn't understand, out of all the pack only Embry and Leah didn't get along with me.

Well Leah was just right out bitch to everyone. Embry used to like me, until when I first see him. I mean after knowing they were all werewolves. Embry just didn't want to look at me, or talk to me.

Jacob glancing to Embry with a glazed look in his eyes.

"I just think, you can help Louise." Jacob's voice rose slightly with a hint of authority. I stared from Jacob to Embry. I just didn't understand why they seem to be glaring.

"Fine, Monday after school." He spoke quickly but avoided to watch my face fall looking to my school books.

After watching The Pack eat more than any human could possible eat. Jacob and I did our normal walk along first beach. The wind blowing his hair everywhere, and I laughed running about the sand. I always enjoyed my alone time with Jacob. He always seemed to be more relaxed around me. I loved the fact being with Jacob made me feel like the only girl in the room.

"Jake, why is Embry mean towards me?" I asked slowly sitting in the sand close to Jacob. He stared towards the sea the waves crashing lightly, and his eyes blank for a second.

"I don't know Lou, just his been distant a lot lately." He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. His chest bare but I could feel the warmth of his skin keeping my toasty. I found it hard not to control my heart beat or breathing around him. Jacob was perfect. A little part of me always wondering why me. I just thought maybe if he didn't imprint on me, he wouldn't love me thing much. I pushed them thoughts away. I knew it didn't matter. He was with me.

"You know. You push your curfew each time you're here." Jake's voice lightly, and his fingertips played with my hair. Taking it out the messy bun so the strands would float around my face.

"I think you're worth it." I lightly pushed him on his back kissing him strongly. My hands exploring down his chest. His hands holding lightly on my butt pulling me to lye on top him. His hands then moved to the nap of my neck keeping the kiss strong. I smiled lightly pulling away.

"But then I don't want to be grounded." I lightly rolled off him, and he pulled me back.

"Please, five more minutes?" his voice a murmur kissing down my neck holding me tightly on him.

"Ok, five minutes." I answered rolling around so he on top me. Kissing deeper pulling my legs around his hips enjoying the kiss.

Pulling into my spot of the drive. I could see the lights on. Charlie went fishing on weekends, so normally ate out. I made meals when I wasn't down La Push. I was aloud to La Push. I just made sure dinner was made first.

Charlie was in front the telly when I crept into the house.

"Lou, what time you call this?" He turned to face me when I just made the stairs.

"Nine fifty." I answered slowly, and then hoped he would be too mad. I was home twenty minutes late.

"I hope your math work is done." He asked quickly, but I cringe hoping he didn't see my face.

"Erm Embry is helping me tomorrow." I finally replied trying to rush up the stairs.

"I hope so. Goodnight Louise." Charlie's voice drifted behind me. I then got to my room closing the door quickly. I had changed the decoration. It was now purple and black, I moved the bed under the window. The computer desk closer to the door. I like changing the room about. It was now my bedroom. I went to a newly placed vanity table. Looking into the mirror my eyes shiny bright. My face seems pink like it always was after time with Jacob.

It was the flash that brought my head to the table surface.

I curled my hands around my head. I felt the tears brushing into my hands over my eyes.

It was the third time the vision brushed over my eyes.

I pushed it away, and pushed it deep down. It wasn't going to happen. I wasn't in denial. Who was I kidding, danger was coming. I didn't want to face it.