She's just a doctor

Shows a young adult woman running down the hall to an ambulance.

Who wasn't looking for anything

Shows her laughing with her friends.

But she's accused of something in the hospital that went wrong,

Shows her with a confused look on her face.

And could face losing her job..


He was just a lawyer

Shows him standing up to object.

Who didn't need anything else in his world

Shows him smiling and talking with his friends.

But a big case could change his mind

Shows him sighing and resting his hands in his head.

Especially about one thing..


When both their paths cross

Is it just an average meeting ?

Shows them accidentaly walking into each other.

Or something to continue and help them both..

Shows him shaking her hand, ''I'm Troy Bolton, your new lawyer''.

Shows her smiling up at him.

But you shouldn't fall for your clients..

Even if it is out of your own will..

Shows them leaning in.

Shows them flicking through papers, and one falls. They both lean down and bump heads.

But in the end,

You're just there to defend her..

''She didn't do anything wrong!'' Troy exclaimed to the judge.

''Wouldn't you know..'' the opposite muttered sarcastically with a smirk.

''Very well, Ms. Montez, you are..'' The Judge said

Shows her crying.

''I'm sorry..''

''It wasn't your fault..''

''Yes, it was. I'm supposed to defend you and protect you.''

But will everything be okay in the end ?

''Judge Marshall, you might want to know why Bolton gets personal when we have a go at Montez..''

Shows him a picture of them kissing.

''This is against rules!''

It might not all be for a 'Happy Ever After'

''Mr. Bolton, her or your job..''

''I'm quiting..''

''What, why ?''

'' 'Cause i'd rather be with you then with people who can't have respect for the woman i love.''

''...You love me ?''

''Yeah, i love you.''

Defendant Love

Starring -

Troy Bolton - Shows him yelling.

Gabriella Montez - Shows her smiling at the little child in her arms.

Sharpay Evans - Shows her laughing then it turns into a smirk.

Chad Danforth - Shows him talking with his mouth full.

Judge Lee Marshall - Shows him yelling and pointing at someone before sighing.

Dan Willbourgh - Shows him grinning.