1Disclaimer Hey sorry I haven't been putting one of these on my other chapters but I'm sure you guys already know that I'm not the fab Stephenie Meyer and so I do't own any of her books or characters.

A/n ok sorry for the long wait I've had a little bit o writer's block and once I finally got the chapter written I found out that my cousin has cancer so I was a little sad. (Don't worry tho it is only in his leg and is curable). Enough of my babbling.

Chapter 5

When we stepped out the back door of the Cullen house the wedding march started. As we walked I looked up from my feet and saw the perfect golden eyes and the crooked smile that I loved of my soon to be husband. He looked amazing in his tux and was standing in front of our 'priest' Jasper who I suspected was behind the amazing calm I'm feeling rite now.

When we got to the end of the aisle Edward took both of my hands so that we were now facing each other in front o Jasper.

I was paying too much attention to Edward to notice that Jasper was talking until Edward said "I do" looking at Jasper for only a second before his eyes were back to looking at me.

"Do you Isabella Marie Swan take Edward Anthony Mason Cullen to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health?"

"I do" I said still calm and suspicious that Jasper was behind that.

Jasper then turned to Edward. "You may kiss the bride"

As soon as he said that Edwards lips were on mine. As usual though he pulled away all too soon for my liking.

"We will finish that later" he whispered into my ear before I had time to pout. I started to blush but then he grabbed my left hand and we started to walk towards the house were Alice had decided to have the reception.

A/N Hey what did you think? I tried my best to make it a little longer. Jake will be in the next chapter because I've had three different votes for the same thing. Now here is the question for this chapter lemons or no. if I make it lemons I change the rating to m If I don't then I will just skip over bella's human experience but it will be mentioned.

Always loving my fans.
