Chapter 27

A/N- Yeah, um apparently the site forgot to send me messages about comments and other things and without the reminder my thoughts went to other places, with over 7 months distance, I apologize to my readers and quite frankly wouldn't be suprised if I lost a lot of you. I hope to make it up to you guys.

Fang just gaped at the empty chest, a mixture of fear and anger swelling in his gut. His hands clenched and unclenched again and again as he bared his teeth angrily at the chest. His hands sparked with small blue arks of electricity. He slowly pulled out a small red disk. He turned it over in his hands for a second before growling angrily and smashing it to pieces in his hands, the electricity exploding around him.

"They send him as an impostor, hurting my friends posing as me" he said twitching all over. "They sent him to destroy my city, killing her in the process" he growled again as his wrists began to glow a dull blue light. "But the worst is this, stealing his armor, do they really have no such respect for the dead?" he roared as a huge blast of electricity blasted from his hands and slammed into the wall. Skyler jumped with a mixture of suprise and slight anger.

"Hey, the walls aren't designed to take those kinds of blasts" he said before Fang shot a glare at him, to which his faced snapped to one of immeasurable fear. He quickly grabbed a flashlight and quickly swiped the light across Fang's face and grabbed his wrists.

"We don't have a whole lot of time" Fang said his voice changing tone at a quick fluid pace. Skyler quickly Felt his wrists, then his heart, and quickly checked his right bicep out of sight of the rest.

"The pulse, the slug's activity, even the mark is coming back" he said as he snapped near each ear, each ear twitching a millisecond before the actual noise, "even the hypersonic response. This can't be good, no not good at all" he said as he quickly ran out only to come back in carrying an assortment of red and blue tinted tubes. Fang quickly took off his shirt, obvious pain and stiffness in his movements. Jack slowly stepped toward Fang and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What's happening" he asked his best friend as he covered up the sight from the rest of the people. Fang sighed heavily and looked up at his best friend and gave him a weak pained grin.

"We no longer have a choice, we have to attack the Inc. now" he started to get up but was soon pushed down by both Skyler and Jack. Both gave him a stern look, though Jack looked scarier with the scars over his eyes.

"You are in no shape to get up right now" Skyler said sternly as the rest finally began to crowd around the spectacle. They all saw Skyler slipping in needle upon needle deep into his chest. Creepy thing was, his chest was moving as if snakes were crawling under his skin, writhing and wriggling fluidly. Most of them gasped while Sly simply just looked on with interest. He quickly signaled Skyler to stop.

"You all need your rest, we attack Inc. tomorrow" as they began to protest he put up his hand, "we have no time to discuss this. I also can't discuss why this is happening, but I can assure you, I will tell you everything and answer all of your questions as soon as this is over" Fang said while breathing heavily. They all looked at each other, then back at him, then slowly filed out of the room.

"Sly!" Fang called out to the raccoon "please stay for a second, we need to talk" he said as Sly closed the door on everyone.

"So how are we even supposed to be close to ready for this?" Blue said as she quickly changed into her pajamas and slid into her bed, Skyler obviously expecting the extra girls. Providing extra beds, even night clothes for them.

"I don't think we're even going to stand a chance against the Inc. if we're only going in with such an insignificant force. I would have thought Fang and Jacque would have at least had a large attack force, but just us, it seems impossible" Black said with fear and anxiety dripping in her voice.

"Why are we even fighting this fight? Fang has told us absolutely nothing about these leaders. For all we know, he could simply be a terrorist looking for help" Tange commented as she too got ready for bed. Carmelita just silently got ready for bed, seeing Sly stay after the rest, worrying her. They all turned to Sissy as she too slid into her bed. She simply closed her eyes and put her arms behind her head.

"Fang has a plan, though a hasty one, he still has one. I know none of you trust him like I do, heck none of you trust him period, but you just gotta have faith in Fang. He's doing this not just for the good of us, or the good of the world, this is for all of existence" she said cryptically as she slipped off to sleep. The girls could only look at each other and go to sleep themselves.

"So we are really going to attack Inc. tomorrow? With such little resources at our disposal? I mean, we don't even have the suit anymore." Overbite said as he nervously paced about the room.

"It's all we can apparently do" Big sighed as he too felt nervousness creep up on him, "Fang says their planning something, something rather important."

"I know that, but the least he could do is tell us what is happening. I mean did you see that" Overbite threw up his arms, "what the hell was that? It looked like he was infested with snakes! And what's worse is that he's not even being decent enough to tell us what is up!" he raved. Big paused as if to think of what to think of next.

"I think it's for our collective goods that he hasn't told us anything yet" he commented gaining odd looks from Overbite. "I know that may sound odd, but remember when he first decided not to tell of us the plasmids? When he finally did, we all wanted them, and went behind his back. It was by a stroke of luck that he got to us before we died. I think this may be something similar" he replied cautiously.

"Well I say we march in and demand he tell us what…" Overbite was interrupted by a strange fuzz in his vision and a huge burst of static sound in his ear. It only lasted for a fraction of a second, but long enough to catch his attention. It appeared that Big had experienced the same thing as they both blinked oddly.

"Did you…" Overbite began to ask.

"See a brief fuzziness along with static? Yes I did" Big replied confused. Both began to get up but were stopped at the door as Jack slowly walked in. He had a pair of heavily darkened sunglasses over his eyes. Both quickly rushed over to him, at which he side stepped as they clumsily ran into the door. They rubbed their noses and soon were back up to pester Jack about what had happened.

"What'd Fang have to say?" Overbite curiously prodded Jack.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Big followed up instantly.

"What's wrong with Fang?" Overbite asked not worrying about his previous answer.

"Does he really expect to attack Inc. so soon?" Big continued the barrage of questions. They would have continued had Jack not held up a hand and tiredly sighed. He took off his sunglasses for a moment to rub the bridge of his nose. He quickly replaced them and began to change for bed.

"Fang has a plan, he'll tell us about it tomorrow, nothings wrong with Fang, and yes we attack Inc. tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I am very tired and would like to go to sleep" he tiredly exclaimed as he slipped into bed and fell fast asleep. The other two dogs simply looked at each other, sighed defeated, and too followed Jack's example. But both had noticed something about their dear friend, his scars were much smaller, almost gone.

With Fang and Skyler

Both had waited until Jack had completely left to continue where they left off. Skyler went back to sticking Fang with tube and syringes of varying colors. He was inserting more and more syringes until Fang finally spoke up.

"Do you think all this is worth it? We'll probably destabilize a properly placed government, destroy the economic standing of nations all over, even ruin a bunch of lives for some people" Fang said staring blankly at the floor. Skyler turned to his friend and thought for a small second. He then got up and gripped Fang assuredly on his shoulders.

"Fang, all of you, this isn't about this nation. It isn't even about this world. If what you assume is correct, this is about all of the existences. We cannot risk the well being of everything currently and possibly in existence, for one small little insignificant universe" Skyler said patting Fang on his shoulders. Fang managed a weak smile before sighing heavily.

"That may be true, doesn't make any of us feel any better" Fang said getting back to being stabbed by needles. Skyler chuckled evilly before grinning up at Fang.

"Look at the bright side, after al of this, you get to explain about all of this complicated science and existence stuff to all of them, including this Ms. Petro I've heard so much about" he chuckled to himself.

"Oh god don't remind me" Fang groaned loudly. Both began laughing heartily for a small while. But both began to somber up again.

"I've got a few questions" Skyler asked seriously.

"Shoot" Fang exclaimed as he crossed his legs, the needlework finally done.

"Besides Ms. Petro, who else did you bring here" Skyler asked sitting down himself.

"You have a good eye, I thought only I knew. Despite you may think, very few of my friends here are simply themselves. While yes, they are who they are here, but I have added personality traits from their other selves. I have done the same with myself, though since I am the one doing it, it's a tad unstable. Hence why my many different mood swings and power swings" Fang said leaning back in his chair. Skyler chewed on this for a moment before asking his next question.

"That small hiccup that happened when you fixed up Jack, what was that?" Skyler asked.

"That was a… glitch, if you will, in the system" Fang said as he pulled at his wrist, his skin slowly peeled back off of a metallic band surrounding his wrist. Like a watch, a small contraption on the top, as it whirred and buzzed. Suddenly it sparked slightly and went calm once again. "That's why we have so little time in which to attack Inc.. This thing is on its last leg, and I'm afraid what'll happen once it dies out. It may just die and need a new battery, it may cause a cataclysmic reaction in time and space and destroy everything in the universe it currently occupies" Fang said somberly.

"And if the latter happens?" Skyler asked curiously shifting uneasily in his chair.

"Then I take the leader, then take myself, and find a dimension completely void of any life of any kind, and I simply place myself and the leader in said dimension" Fang said simply.

"You haven't had any time to separate the rest of the… well, you's. Should you do that it would mean…" Skyler interjected.

"The end of all the Fang's currently existing in me during this current moment. I am aware of this and have conversed it with the rest of them. We are all in agreement" Fang said calmly.

"And what of the others whom you have manifested multiple beings?" Skyler asked curiously.

"In theory, as soon as the immense force ripping them from their dimension is gone, it should simply blast them back into their own realities" Fang replied.

"That's a heavy risk you're putting on theory" Skyler added.

"Since when do you care about risks of others" Fang laughed.

"True, just don't want to see this me ripped to shreds" he winked. Both chuckled and soon made their way to their respective room.

"Well, night old friend, tomorrow we save existence" Fang said as he quietly entered the room with the rest of his friends. Skyler simply stood outside his room for a second seeming to contemplate something.

Undisclosed Location,

"They're about to attack" and old raspy voice commented out of the blue, startling the three other gentlemen sitting around him. They all looked up from their work and eyed him suspiciously.

"Who?" They replied in unison. The old man simply just sat in the shadows as he sighed thoughtfully. He seemed deep in thought as the African man asked again.

"Who's about to attack" he asked shifting uncomfortably in his seat. The old man shifted as well before knowingly standing up and walking to the door of their office.

"Fang and his entourage" the old man said as he left the door, "I shall be preparing for their arrival. Don't wait up for me!" he called as he got further and further down the hall. They all looked at him strangely and got up quickly to follow him down the hall.

"What do you mean he's attacking?" the British man asked as he walked along side the elder man. He simply kept walking down the corridor thinking to himself. All of the other men simply followed behind confused. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the hall turned to face the other men.

"Mr. Sanders" he said pointing to the Chameleon following in his tracks, "I wish for you to be our first line of defense. Rather than squash this little uproar, we're going to give them a little hope first" the old man chuckled.

"Twould be a pleasure sir" the Frenchman bowed politely and went off to prepare.

"Mr. Balewa, if you could please set up behind Sanders just in case he doesn't make the cut?" the elder asked once the chameleon was out of earshot. The Dingo replied with a nod and went to set up just as Sanders had. The elder simply waited for him to finish before addressing the third man.

"I don't expect either to fail, but if they should I wish for you to be prepared, you don't need to be stationed, but at least have yourself ready for a fight should one be necessary Mr. Jackson" the old man sighed looking towards the bulldog tiredly.

"Will do" the British man said clicking his heels, saluting, and then running to his respective room. The old man rubbed his temple before continuing his walk down the hallway. He flicked on the lights of a small room as the ambient green glow of the tubes in front of him. He stared at the two creatures in front of him as he looked at the small screens in front of him.

"Almost time girls, almost time" he said patting the thick glass as he pressed a few buttons on the console. He felt a small twinge of dizziness before going to the wall and clumsily fumbling at his pants pocket. He took deep gasps before finally removing the cap to his shot and slammed the needle into his thigh. He inhaled deeply before finally exhaling softly.

"Almost my time as well" he chuckled lightly feeling the weight of age on his frail body. He painfully pulled himself together and went back to work on his subjects. He took note of the immense amount of progress of the two women.

"Why, I remember when I picked you and the little one up, why only the father was the closest thing to living. So, I simply took the liberty of taking you from him, wasn't a very good thing to be near in your condition" he chuckled darkly. "But don't worry my dear, he's coming to get you now" he began cackling evilly adding his final touches to the wolves in the tubes, "and he's going to be here very soon."

Evil laughter filled the night air as the old man went through his evil agenda with Fang all the more unknowing.

A/N: Ok, for one I don't think I can apologize enough for how long it has taken me to upload this chapter. I may have lost a lot of my readers and hope that you guys can hop right back on with this update. Again, I'm sorry for taking so long. Now that we have that done, let's talk business. For one, yes I removed my Naruto story. I just ran out of ideas and the manga is still updating to a point where all my original ideas were made invalid. Another note is that I shall soon be starting up some new stories and actually have too many ideas, thus, if numbers allow, I would like for at least a few readers to vote on my next stories. If any ideas are posted before I finish, I'll write a sample to see if it's plausible. If no ideas come before, I'll write a few samples after. Now if some of you are going "say what now?" to the happenings of this chapter, believe me it'll all be revealed later. And I know some of you will be angry with me, but if you could possibly write a comment or send a message just letting me know you're still there or like what you read, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks for reading, I hope to get the next few chapters up a little quicker than this one ^^.