So I thought I should give an update in case no one has checked my profile.

First off, I have made a new account, it is heyfriday. And that will be the home of the rewrite as soon as the site allows me to get it up. Which should be today. :)

Second, I just had another weird experience since writing this story. I never mentioned them before but I guess I will share with you now. It is almost like...after I write something about this Max, something similar happens with the real Max. Like when I said he wanted to join the Army, well then I find out he may go join the Israel Army next year. Small things like that. The weirdest one was yesterday. I slept over at the real "Garriners" and when I woke up in the morning, Max was the only one home and as soon as I came downstairs he asked if I wanted to go get some slurpees. I actually just froze for a second. It was really strange. So yeah. :D haha

Anyway, I'll try and get the first chapter of the rewrite up today. :D Look for it! I hope no one has left me yet...

Love you guys,
