Excerpt from Crown Royals: The History of the O.Z. And Its Monarchs as co-written by Prince Ambrose Gale, III, Scholar Historian of the O.Z. and Duchess Emily Cain, Mage of the Northern Island during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Liliannia Gale:

…as is now well documented, the period leading up to Her Majesty, Queen Lavender's daughters' joint wedding was one of substantial political strife. In the months prior the wedding itself, more than half of the Council chose to remove themselves from office under rather mysterious circumstances. This left the realm in a tenuous position, as a great many of the O.Z.'s citizens were still quite worried that war would again break out: this time between the Royal Family and those nobles who were now in disfavor.

In a brilliant move, Princess Dorothigale proposed that the occupants of each of the O.Z.'s four regions elect a representative to replace the now-empty council seats. Though this unorthodox proposal likely further alienated the few nobles still serving on the council, it managed to completely win the support of the entirety of the country's other citizens. Not since years before the Witch's reign had the populace of the O.Z. been so truly represented as a whole.

In addition to the common class, invitations were sent to each of the Non-Human races for them to choose a representative, as well. The Readers, Munchkins, Fae, and Speaking Animals all answered with alacrity, drawn by the peace between all races that both Princess Dorothigale and the rest of the family sought so hard to assure.

Sadly, it was those invitations that did spark the angered nobles into a revolt. Much to their dismay, however, those same nobles discovered that the commoners they would normally have conscripted for their regional militias were already volunteering for the Ozian army. The planned rebellion was, for the most part, a rout.

Once all the furor died down, the news of both Princesses' betrothals was released to the public at large. Adviser, and eventual Consort to Queen Azkadellia, Ambrose the I responded to the following public celebration, calling it "The best darned shindig this side of the Deadly Desert!" His opinion was apparently seconded by most of the populous.

Of the wedding itself, not much can be said here that most do not already know. With not one, but two Princesses being wed to a pair of heroes of the realm, it was, of course, the wedding of our age. Glamorous, exciting; the guest list included everyone from the Royal families of the O.Z.'s neighboring countries, to the Matriarch of the once deadly Papay runners.

The Heir Apparent was radiant in a simple gown of sky blue silk, the picture of elegance and shy love as she walked down the aisle to her betrothed. And the younger Princess? It is said she all but skipped her way down, her joy utterly infectious. Her handsome former Tin Man was actually caught with a tear in his eye, something his Guardsman son was said to tease him horribly for. Each couple exchanged their vows, and then the quartet left immediately for an undisclosed location to enjoy their planned honeymoon.

(Said undisclosed location had, of course, been a security nightmare, but no one wanted to argue that point with two of the strongest magic users in the history of the O.Z., a genius known for his skill in hand to hand combat, and Guard Commander Cain who was known to be intimidating on even his best days.)

After their return, Queen Lavender, in a move that was said to startle her daughters, stepped down from the throne, and Queen Azkadellia and her consort Ambrose I were crowned in as much pomp and circumstance as one would expect. Azkadellia's reign went on to be one of the utmost peace and prosperity, aided in no small part by the wise and often innovative counsel of her sister, and their respective spouses.

As for her sister, the Princess Dorothigale, little was actually known to the public beyond her role as the Queen's adviser. She and her husband guarded their private lives fiercely. In the only interview she ever agreed to give, she said (in true "DG" style), "We came, we saw, we're living our Happily Ever After. Really, what more do you need to know?"

Well that's it for Down the Road my dears! I'm so sorry my updating on this fic was so sporadic; mostly, my muse was kidnapped, tied up, and thrown in Karl Urban's closet, making it pretty seriously hard for me to write for anyone else.

In any case, all of you who stuck with me, reviewing, watching, stalking, whatever: yall seriously made my day with your support, and I look forward to seeing all of you again someday either here in the Tin Man archive, or maybe for one of the other fandoms I write. *massive snuggle*