Disclaimer: All settings, characters and ideas you recognize belong to the great J

Disclaimer: All settings, characters and ideas you recognize belong to the great J.K.Rowling, her various publishers and a lot of other companies. I am merely writing this as a tribute to the great JKR. The idea main plot idea of this story belongs to bugeyedmonster2 and his "miniature lily" challenge.

Although my native language is German and not English I tried to make it as legible as possible. I hope you enjoy my first fan fiction and please review.


Kathryn was lying on her bed at numbers four private drive, doing what had become her favorite past time: Contemplating Snape. After the first week of the Holidays she had finally concluded that nothing was at it seemed. Snape had murdered Albus Dumbledore, but she doubted that it was in cold blood. For here everything reeked of a secret plan. If that was indeed the true, Kathryn could not help but admire the ruse. It was s scheme worthy of a true Slytherin, and worthy of course the manipulative Headmaster. Severus Snape was loyal to the order, Kathryn was sure.


Severus entered Dumbledore's office, not Dumbledore's office any longer he corrected himself. He was now the headmaster of Hogwarts and it would be his duty to keep the children as safe a possible. He would have to be extremely careful. If one of his two deputies so much a suspected where his true loyalties were ... Severus sighed. When he was a young teacher he had always dreamed about becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts Now that his dreams had been fulfilled he would gladly give anything to change his situation. But Dumbledore needed him and Kathryn needed him. He had to survive.


The silver light of the Patronus illuminated the path before him. The forest of Dean around him was bitch black. Soon he had reached a small clearing. The Patronus circled him once and flickered out of existence. Suddenly she heard a notice behind her. Before she could spin around Kathryn was crapped from behind. She could not move, her captivator was simply too strong. Kathryn could feel his breath on her skin. She shivered. When her captivator whispered her name her heart leaped with joy. Eventually Severus had come to help her. Do you trust me he asked? Always she replayed.


Severus smiled. His Kathryn had escaped the Dark Lord once again. Voldemort had been furious and now ever Death Eater along with a few hundred Snatchers and Ministry employees where searching for her and her friends. Severus knew exactly where Kathryn was, but he was not going to reveal this to anyone, not even the portrait of Albus Dumbledore. Severus did not know how the war would end, but for the first time he wanted to live trough it. Ever since the night in the forest of Dean he hoped that one day he could share his life with Kathryn.


Kathryn sat at the rocky shares of a small island; he looked at the stormy sky, where her raven Patronus drew lazy circles. Kathryn had not been surprised when she realized that her Patronus had changed after meeting Severus in the forest of Dean. Her friends had tried to question her about the new form of her Patronus, but she had refused to answer.

Kathryn did not now how the war would end, but when she closed her eyes she dreamed about a live with a certain dark haired wizard. She summoned her Patronus. Tell Severus that all is well.


The deadly poison was slowly creeping through his veins. He would die here completely alone at the floor of the shrieking shack. He had disappointed them both. Kathryn and Lily. He had not managed to keep her save. He had never really told her what he felt for her, that he loved her. A welcomed darkness started to surround him. Death was coming for him, but he was not ready to go yet. He felt a warm living hand stroking his chin. When he looked up he saw bright green eyes. I love you he said, and welcomed death embrace.


She had thought of him, when Voldemorts killing curse hit home. She had hoped that she would meet him here, wherever here was. She and Severus were sitting at bench at Kings Cross Station. They had not said a word, for words were not necessary here. She kissed him. It was a kiss that spoke of love and longing. He held her thigh, like he never wanted to let go, but she had to return. Voldemort was still alive and it was her duty to kill him. He kissed her for a last time. He would wait for her. Always.