; To Do It All Over Again ;

; Magic;

Chapter 1: Sakura's Death


Summary: When Sakura dies, Naruto uses a forbidden jutsu to revive her, but this jutsu doesn't require chakra to be used. One week after the usage of the jutsu, the user dies. No way out. What's an Uzumaki to do?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

A/N: This story won't be long and drawn out. It'll be, at the most, 10 or 11 chapters. There might be a sequel. I already know how I'll be ending it, so there might be.

"Blah, blah, blah" - Talking

'Blah, blah, blah' – Thinking (To self)

"Blah, Blah, blah" – Jinchuuriki talking to demon/Flashback Talking

"Blah, blah, blah" – Demon talking to Jinchuuriki

'Blah, blah, blah' – Demon thinking (To self)

-X- means scene change. The dots are just there to make the page look pretty. :P

This story just came to me randomly. I thought it was… unique, so I decided to write it up. Don't blame me if it sucks. / But it'll get better, I think. Most chapters in this short story will be, like the story, pretty damn short. Don't complain. I warned you.


Naruto was flung half way across the field. His 13-year-old body could only take so much.

Kyuubi's chakra did a good number on his body and that alone was painful enough.

But if you're stuck with the after effects of Kyuubi's chakra entering your body and a somewhat threatening gash on your shoulder and pretty deep scratches all over your body, some probably infected, then you're pretty much screwed.

He could see the messy haired Iwa-Nin approaching him rapidly, sword at the ready.

He vaguely noticed Sakura and Kakashi's head turn in shock as the man shot off towards Naruto.

Naruto could only welcome the thought of death, as it was comforting.

But as fate always did, as he closed his eyes to await his oncoming demise, he felt nothing but the splash of some thick liquidy substance hitting his face. It was just enough to make his eyes snap open wide.

He was welcomed with the sight of Sakura, a one-edged sword sticking out her back.

He was in shock, seeing the girl he would sacrifice his own life for, although he loved the girl he wasn't in love with her no matter how much his mask said so, had sacrificed hers for his worthless existence.

Naruto was in pure shock.

Naruto could only note in dismay and sadness that she wasn't breathing. Of course, breathing with a sword stuck straight through your stomach was no easy feat either.

Pulling her off the sword carefully and slowly, he watched the now-dead ninja fell to the ground, courtesy of a stray kunai.

Lucky him.

Kakashi hadn't noticed Sakura's death. Split seconds before the tragedy occurred, another horde of Iwa Nins had attacked Kakashi, blocking the Sharingan-user's vision of Sakura and himself.

Not that it mattered.

He laid the pink-haired girl on the ground, noting in vast amazement that all the Iwa Nin lie dead around him and Kakashi was silently, but sadly, gapping down at Sakura's body.

Naruto felt silently for a pulse.

He waited….

And waited….

And waited….

Nothing ever came.


Sakura was dead.

All Naruto could do was gape silently.

"I'm so sorry, kit."

"Ne, Kyuubi-onee-sama…. Is there… Is there any way to bring her back…?" Naruto's question brought Kyuubi into a thoughtful silence. If there was a way to bring her back, Kyuubi would know. She was, after all, the 'almighty Kyuubi'. She was thousands of years old and had been around to witness the birth of chakra! There was no one in hell she couldn't know!

"Well, to put it bluntly kit, yes, I do." Kyuubi's words brought hope to the young blonde, "But not without a price." Naruto's heart fell. Crap. That sounded bad.

"What is it, nee-sama?"

"Your death. She'll be revived, but you will die. You'll switch spots and take her place on the path to death and she'll be healed, good as new."

Naruto visibly flinched, causing Kakashi to look up, knowing Naruto was talking to his inner, literally, demon. "Will you die?"

"No. I'll take your body as my own. So, I'll cast the jutsu and-"

"Idiot! You'll do no such thing!" Naruto mentally yelled and he could instantly see the female, human form of Kyuubi. Her face was contorted into worry and he could see her fair skin was now sheet white.

"You'll have one week to live if you do this kit."

"Wow. One week? I thought I was gonna die instantly!"


"What?! It's nice for me! It gives me time to run to my clan's burial ground and see my mother on the way in!"

When Naruto brought his hands up into a certain seal, as Kyuubi instructed, Kakashi's eyes widened. "Naruto," The sensei demanded, "What did Kyuubi just tell you?"


"Stop lying, Uzumaki."

"Never, Kakashi-sensei."

And so began the switch of Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura.


A/N: Not really a chapter, per se, but a prologue. Still, I'm gonna call it a chapter. I might flashback later to tell you exactly what happened, but I might not. Just depends.

Any questions so far?